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colgate - FINALLY!!! i get my first daygame lay!!! after 3 years!!!

hi yes i am the noob making noob posts on this forum for noobs because i am still a noob@!!!!

so some (new) wings from the gaijin group dragged my internet-addicted housebound ass to the street and we did some approach.

i am forever grateful to them. because i can and have browsed the internet for 21 hours straight, no food, no sleep. and they pulled me out of this mental illness inducing behavior.

useless to dwell on that but anyway,

i am coming to terms with the importance of persistence here in japan. japanese girls give you the "shit-test" up front: they will act like total antisocial autists and freeze you out to see if that gets you "down" and you meekly scurry away, or if you just plow through it and don't care about it.

as i have belabored in my previous posts, the dudes in the gaijin group are POSITIVE ASS MFERS. like holy shit??? even the brown dudes (and yes, there are brown dudes gaming in japan) aren't blackpilling about their looks.

frankly i put more effort into style than most of the other dudes i've gamed with here, but they get results. my point is that if you haven't figured out that you're in some autosex archetype category, you gotta just do what you can for looks and energymaxx instead lol.

with these two points in mind, i went to game with a new wing from the gaijin group. bro gifted me a box of hyper numbing condoms 😂. anyway in this area i decided to approach exclusively twosets so me and my wing could try to bounce the chicks to a bar or something. and WOW like every chick happened to be some kind of receptive??? like only got blown out *once* out of maybe 10 or fewer approaches. i think like 8 of the interactions were quite long, with my wing joining in (or the other way around when he opened), usually 5-15 minutes.

it could be the area, it could be that i was approaching twosets. but the main thing i did differently was literally just disregarding the girls' initial reaction to my opener (which was usually purposely looking away from me and shutting out my entire existence), and continuing to talk. i made it a point to AT LEAST tell them what tf i was doing walking around talking to them. "yeah me and my friend were looking around to get a drink around here, you're really my type" and then suddenly my wing shows up and we keep vibing.

even my wing was shocked at how "receptive" the girls were, in not totally blowing me out. but in reality, i think it was just because i just didn't give a single fuck about their antisocial initial reactions of disinterest because i knew it was a facade for the smiles to come within 30 seconds of just continuing.

most of the approaches went something like the above. but once we were getting the sets to listen to us, DANG was my wing vibing hard as hell. mfer is tapping into a perpetual motion machine or some shit for positive social energy energy, because he just loved talking and taking on the interactions. reminded me of minnesota mike tbh.

THIS!!!!! is what i need. just the JOY of socializing and connecting with human beings. this has been a recent issue, but i straight up feel burnt out after having a couple 5-10 minute conversations with girls that end up resulting in a rejection or contact exchange.

i'm like "ugh ok i put my energy into those girls now i gotta start over from zero with a new girl". instead of "wow she was a cool person! i can't wait to find out about all the other cool girls here! talking to chicks is awesome!!!"

my guess is i just have to build these "good vibes" up like a muscle. do a set of pushups here and there mid-sesh to boost my morale. maybe i am perceiving the guys killing it in the gaijin group as having some sort of "infinite positive energy", but maybe the reality is my jaw is dropping at dudes benching 2-3 plates while i'm still trying to graduate off of the empty barbell. it's not like they can bench a volkswagen beetle lol

so to sum up: the dudes stealing japanese chicks from me are
1 (80%). positive ass mfers with unlimited social batteries (ok mine is just weak af probably and i just need to stfu, be humble, and keep going out)

still, making progress. here's a set where we approached and the chick on the right called me a hot guy during the interaction 🥰🥰🥰
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now we will get married and have 6 kids and 2 dogs and 1 turtle 🥰🥰🥰
colgate said:
hi, i'm going to drop a single line of advice to myself for 2024, after reading mark manson's "the subtle art of not giving a f*ck"

you must take responsibility for everything that has happened to you, including and especially if it was not your fault

what if you took responsibility for everything that happened to you, even in your childhood?

i could have run away from home sooner, i could have doubled down on my dad to tell my mom to knock off her cult brainwashing and emasculating of me. could have kicked and screamed as a 7 year old and refused to allow myself to go down the path that i did.

i could have claimed agency of my life and gotten my dad to help me sign up for the baseball team. i could have gone to my PE teacher in elementary school and told her that i am always being picked last, that i am being beat by not only all the guys but all the girls too in the mile run, and that i am completely physically useless. and gotten some training that way.

this is what i would do if we implanted 27 year old me into 7 year old me. and my life would be totally different.

but that's not possible. what IS possible is to not be a little bitch to mother nature and allow my life to be scripted and hijacked by my environment and past.

neither ignorance nor inexperience give you a free pass from the consequences. including from when you were a child. mother nature doesn't give a fuck that you were 7 years old.

we can implant 27 year old me into 27 year old me, and change NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
met with a wing and the main leader of the gaijin approach group for some 1 on 2 paid coaching

wing = bengali guy
coach = gray-sensei

gray-sensei gave me a legit PACKET of info to read which is fucking awesome

i did approximately 20-30 approaches and got one contact. but many of them the girls were spotted out to me

here are the points of feedback i have
  • scripts are boring, come up with endless content to talk about by mentally "rolling a die" and crossing over the following topics:
    • 1. fashion
      2. food/restaurants
      3. music/entertainment
      4. travel
      5. relationships
      6. (fill in the blank)
  • just go up to the girl and fill her in on "previously on COLGATE..." like it's a tv show
  • do not pivot your body towards the chick and point & gesture all up in her space, just keep your body angle the exact same and turn your head only
    • this is something i was not even aware that i was doing! definitely noticed fewer blowoffs after implementing this
  • observe the girl's AURA (look at her face and body language) and MATCH IN on it with the same energy. then bring the energy up if she's low energy and down if she's high energy
  • GIVE THE GIRL TIME TO TUNE INTO YOUR RADIO STATION. just keep talking! especially if she's not leaving and just standing there
    • do not BLOW YOURSELF OUT of the set
  • have an agenda and ENFORCE IT
  • everything you say needs to be linked to an emotion

holy fuckin shit so much stuff to work on, it's overwhelming.

i did catch myself trying harder and persisting in sets longer. even kept trying to talk with girls who did the japanese style "ducking out of the approach" by slowing down, walking behind you, and then walking slightly farther away and parallel.

the MOST ANNOYING SET i had to do was when i went up to this girl who totally FROZE me out. like completely motionless, refusing to even acknowledge my existence...

this mfer gray-sensei made me go back in the set and continue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh my god it was the worst thing of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hated it!!!!!

but i did it. i just went in and started vocalizing what i thought the girl's inner monologue was. i finally bounced when she called someone on her phone (and this was the first time i heard her voice).

gray-sensei told me that this TINY JAPANESE CHICK had insanely strong frame and literally scared me out of the set.

he told me one time he just kept talking to this girl for 25 minutes straight, eventually just randomly telling the chick his entire life story.

gaming in japan involves extreme control of yourself and total rock-hard independence to the environment and the people.

regarding these points, i have to come back to each of them one at a time or something. it's insane.

towards the end of the sesh i was starting to lose steam. my social battery is still extremely low.


i will write more about this shapeshifting asshole later. currently he's sitting in his little fucking corner rent-free scheming and conniving for his next appearance when i decide to go talk to girls again. i should have written this kyil update earlier when he was fresh in my mind, prodding my brain with his little fork...

i do actually have a date next week with the one contact i got! she walked into a store but i just walked in too and started talking about the snacks in front of us with her. turns out she also speaks decent english and had been to where i used to live in america.

was some super barbie looking milf in a pink dress. i hope she CLAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! down on my cock like that cheerleader in nashville did! virgins are cool but i want HYPER SEXUAL SLUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
colgate said:
  • observe the girl's AURA (look at her face and body language) and MATCH IN on it with the same energy. then bring the energy up if she's low energy and down if she's high energy

Great. I tell guys in NYC this all the time. Women read energy.
"Bro got any reg that is down for a 4p?"
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the only chick i have is my gf....

is this going to happen?


i think this is going to happen.

"the bengali guy". dude actually started pickup in japan as a virgin in 2022 and from slamming the streets for around 2 years has almost 100 lays from mostly cold approach. this country is insane if you can crack it.

we started going out to approach when he dmed me asking for fashion advice. but seeing him tear up the streets of shinjuku while i was cowering in approach anxiety was one of the pushes i needed to get back into the freakin game.

i messaged my chick pitching this as a "double date".

at first she was hesitant because she thought she'd feel left out. but i said that i actually didn't really know the bengali guy really well and i've never met his chick. we could bounce if we think they're weird. then she had a period objection to the first date, so we pushed the meet to a week later.

"should i wear jirai-kei clothes?"


here's jirai-kei:
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yes, you should DEFINITELY wear jirai-kei clothes....

i went into this with absolutely zero expectations. maybe i could lose my gf over this. maybe it will just be a dud and weird. even the bengali guy was doubting anything would happen the few times we met up in between to wing each other.

the day of the double date arrived (today):

after buying some room scent, bed pads, and drinks, the dungeon had been prepared.
"i am looking forward to doing laundry tomorrow"
"that's the goal"

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i met up with my chick and walked and talked with her for about half an hour

"what if we do a TRIPLE date next time???"
"lol???? i've never even done a double date before...we need another guy and a girl..."
"huh?? no you need another chick, your friend needs another chick, and then we need another 3 people. duh???"

this is some high iq ass shit as usual from my gf. triple date isn't 3*2, it's 3^2 for her. lol??????????

the bengali guy and his chick rock up. she's 22, ~155cm, nutritionist. hell yea! we met them at another part of the station and headed over to torikizoku, a chicken and drinks chain restaurant.

we ordered chicken and drinks because it was a chicken and drinks restaurant. well i actually didn't order anything and just took one bite of my gf's fried chicken bites because i wasn't that hungry. lots of just general chat in the restaurant. my gf likes to randomly get excited and dive deep into random topics on her mind, and the bengali guy's chick is just a standard japanese girl so they got along well.

oh, it's not like we wanted this to happen or anything though. we totally didn't just start talking in english to ourselves so the girls would get super comfortable and vibe with each other. no, this was obviously totally spontaneous and unplanned! it's not like we would ever try to bring our chicks together and purposely have them vibe to try to start a 4p or something...

after these animals ordered everything on the god damn menu, i said "ok let's go". bengali guy and i split the bill and we walked out of the chicken and drinks restaurant.

the girls were paired up and continuing their girl talk and i was walking next to the bengali guy. i just led everyone towards my place. "let's have more drinks at mine!" my gf mumbled some comments about how we just met these people but i'm inviting them over so soon.

everyone came into my house, and i had blocked off my fucking office chair so everyone would sit on the bed. i have been burned by the chick promptly sitting on the office chair and myself relegated to the bed one too many times (more on that later...)

we fumbled around trying to find something good to watch on youtube and netflix. we went between youtube videos, japanese drama, korean drama. i guess it was good to start with something light like that and have everyone chill.

bengali guy had his chick's legs over his. i was struggling to find a good body position with my chick and kept telling them to move over. my chick kept switching between sitting on her knees, intently watching the movie, to occasionally sitting back but i somehow couldn't figure out how to comfortably sit with her (???) was really weird

eventually bengali guy started making out with his chick periodically. i was still struggling to find a position where i could even actually really escalate with my chick.

an elevator scene shows up in the korean drama

"yeah look at that ESCALATOR", pipes the bengali guy...

bro that's an elevator...

...er, hold on

i grab my chick's legs and put them over mine. i try to start making out with her but i get the cheek.

yeah uhhh...the last time i met up with my chick she refused to go beyond making out in a park hideout at night...this is going to take a bit...

my chick is like sitting on her knees intently reading the japanese subtitles of the korean drama. i use that as an excuse to change the movie to something else.

the bengali guy had one trick up his sleeve though. he knew of a japanese movie with nudity where there is some chick who goes around fucking random guys in some village or something. he switches it to that.

indeed, one of the first scenes is this chick is fucking a random dude in a shack while the guy who owns the shack walks in and pretends it's just normal and nothing out of the ordinary is happening...

he goes outside and chills by a little campfire he made. the two love bunnies walk out of the shack and the third dude hands them coffee.

good morning???

"hey have you ever kissed a girl?", asks the bengali guy to his chick loudly

i ask the same to my girl.

"what kind of question is that???"
"it's the trending jirai-kei question, all the jirai-kei girls are buzzing with it"
"omg!!! no it's not!!! jirai-kei girls are asking..."

the girl in the movie starts teasing and flirting with this restaurant owner. saying that his wife won't know.

"cooking is kind of like an art right? i wonder if sex can be considered an art too...~"

he SLAMS her onto the floor and RIPS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! her blouse. those perky titties bo-boing out again. my brain processes the fluid dynamics differential equations in front of my eyes.

...why am i still FUMBLING with the fucking SITTING POSITION with my chick while these two mfers on my left are almost restraining themselves from going full animal mode?????

some ice has to be broken, bengali guy is chipping away with his pickaxe, but i'm standing around complaining that it's too cold and this sucks and i want to go home...

i get up and rearrange some things sitting next to my bed and then tell the bengali guy and his chick to move over some more. the fact that this dude just plopped on my bed taking up the most space when he entered my room is the reason why he is fucking KILLING it in japan. i have so much to learn...

still not right...also my hands smell kinda weird and i know i can turn on my chick by getting her to suck my fingers. i get up to wash my hands real fast and mouthwash real quick.

i come back and sit behind my girl so she's in between my legs. this an awful position to try to make out, but i can at least start fondling her and trying to undress her.

bengali guy and his chick are making out again. articles of clothing are slowly coming off. meanwhile i am trying to feel up my chick's titties and unbutton her but she objects like 3 times to playing with her boobies under her blouse. damn!

shit is this even going to happen lol.......

the chick on the screen has her blouse ripped open for the maybe fourth time, titties for all to see. this time she SLAMS a bottle over this dude's head and makes him swallow a wedding ring. holy FUCK!!!

finally cupid shows up with his fuckin stupid arrows and all, drawing his bow at me and my chick

"hey, is it ok if me and my girl makeout?"

the words come out of his mouth, point blank. in that fuckin smooth bengali accent

THIS was the straw that broke the camel's back. in an instant the ice melted and my girl had no objections to making out with me and mildly escalating. at the corner of my eye these two were already having pretend sex with their clothes on. her undershirt tank top was coming off.

i unbuttoned one of my chick's blouse buttons. she gave a half-hearted verbal objection which i don't remember but the button stayed undone. i roll back a bit and go back to this sitting up and making out position.

"yo dude, come suck her titties"

i turn over and see the japanese chick shirtless, cute little perky tits stickin out


wait fr???

i just go over for a bit and start slobbering over these puppies. get to the nipple and suck it a bit. then i return to my chick and promptly make out with her again.

"hey do you guys want to makeout?"

i translate the question to my gf so she can confirm it. i had no idea how she'd respond to it. i'm already this far lol.

"if...it's ok with her i don't want to do anything she doesn't want to"

wait...the objection was if THE JAPANESE CHICK had a problem???


clearly no.

we move the chicks to the middle of the bed. they look each other deeply in the eyes before finally making lip contact.

sit and watch our own lesbian makeout show while clapping. holy SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am literally in a PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is literally japanese adult video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

two asian chicks making out on my bed!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at some point during a break, i start ogling the japanese chick.

"yo let's switch", i suggest

my chick meekly says "you guys have to kiss first!!!!! we made out a lot for you guys!!!!!"

the bengali guy and i look at each other...

b: "lol what should we do"
me: "dude let's just touch lips for like 0.00001 seconds"

i know girls love this shit, especially in japan. and this is only gonna turn them on more.

i give the bengali guy a peck on the cheek. couldn't resist guys...

ok NOW it's REALLY fuckin on. i'm looking at the japanese chick right in front of me. she had gotten her shirt back on at some point i don't remember. i was completely fuckin nude, my chick still had most of her clothes on.

i stared at the japanese chick in the eyes, brushed my nose against hers, gave her a few pecks. then the makeout started.

meanwhile the bengali guy was fumbling a bit with my girl. she was putting up hella resistance and her tonality was extremely low. i held her hand and said "yo it's cool, go for it". this eased up things a little bit and i think that finally got her blouse off, but she was still on the fence. she kept complaining he was being too rough. i had to really mellow out with my girl and i know she doesn't like it rough.

i undid the japanese girl's bra while we were making out, and then had her raise her hands up to take off her tank top. i fetched a condom and put it on.

"yo get my chick here", said the bengali guy, posture erect, cock erect.

he got an andy-style view of my gf and his japanese girl sucking his cock for a few seconds.
damn, how is this real lmfao

i took back his chick and moved her to the corner of my bed on her back. i fumbled trying to stick my cock inside of her a few times but eventually got it in. she was moving her pelvis on my dick while i was fucking her. god i LOVE when chicks show they're into it. she was looking at me with little puppy dog eyes and biting her lip while feeling up my chest. i whispered to her in japanese "your voice is turning me on so much". started going for her neck to give her a good ass fuckin hickey while she continued to moan.

bengali guy was still subject to my complaining gf. she was just half-heartedly saying "omg too much strength" "omg stop". i told my chick it's ok and bengali guy to relax lol.

i ended up busting inside the condom in the japanese girl. on second thought i should have saved it instead but just being in this situation was already too fucking nuts lmao. i really couldn't hold it in, i weakly tried a few times.

i think the bengali dude at least penetrated my gf while i was fucking his girl but when i looked over my girl started to get cold to him. i said "let's switch" again to see if i could console my girl a bit to hopefully make things easier for him.

my girl immediately latched onto my arm

"did you come???"
"lol yeah"
"!!!....you are mine!!!"

meanwhile, bengali guy had his chick propped up doggy style and was already fucking her.

normally i don't have problems going for round 2, but this situation was really high tension for me. i propped my chick up too but i was already super soft. told my chick to start sucking my dick, which ALWAYS works...except this time lol. being in this situation was just pure sensory overload lmao

i went over to the japanese chick being fucked doggystyle and stuck my dick in her mouth. that actually got me slightly hard but i couldn't really keep it up. still, it was epic to be part of spitroasting a chick dang lol

at some point somebody brought up the time and it was already 11pm. us 4 sat on my bed, all nude (except my chick had her panties on)

my chick immediately went into the arms of the japanese chick.

"next time we should just have a date without these boys!"
"hahaha yeah!"
"yeah this is how girls start dating, they can't approach each other so guys set them up like this"

after my gf calmed down, the japanese chick started feeling up my body

"wow! i really like your body! you have so much muscle unlike my guy..."
"yeah i am just all fat lol"

the bengali guy isn't a huge fatty, he actually has really good proportions, but he does have a bit of a beer belly and just some amounts of fat where if there was muscle it'd look really fuckin good. dude has to hit the damn gym lol

he told me to show her the pics of me when i was on roids in america and we had more small talk about fitness stuff for some reason lol.

we started to get dressed, but the japanese girl couldn't keep her hands off of my body lmao. "i've never seen guys with this kind of muscle..." lol i'm not even jacked anymore.......i quit lifting recently to really focus on boxing.

finally, we headed to the station. my chick and the japanese girl were talking nonstop on the way. took a commemorative 4p group pic, and i saw the three off through the gates.

god i FUCKING LOVE JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this is what happens when ur in the right place at the right time! which is out on the streets approaching! and linking up with other wings doing the same!

girls love having sex just as much as guys, you just need to figure out how to make them feel safe. this was a layup because us guys already saw them regularly and we just nudged them to be comfortable doing sexual things with each other, and then each of us.

i am still very bad at this for cold approach!!! even dates!!!

finally i banged a japanese girl!

but not from cold approach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! daygame continues to elude me!!!!!!!!! i am getting a sample of different avenues to fuck chicks from...EXCEPT THE ONE I CARE THE MOST ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the bulldog is COOKIN!!!!!!!!!
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I was always in awe of you

It was one of the greatest honours of my life to have the opportunity to coach you and just get close to your Greatness

I will serve you and push you until the day I die


lol i think i need some relationship advice

i don't think my gf was a huge fan of being swapped during that 4p lol.

she was texting me normally afterwards, but when i pitched spending the night at her place later this week (as i usually have done several times since she moved out), she told me that she doesn't want to go on a date for a while.

that was 4-5 days ago. i also accidentally locked myself out of the main chat app we use to talk (some chinese shit) so i have no idea if she's sent anything else since then.

i don't regret or feel bad about the 4p experience, it was fun as hell and i think my gf had a lot of fun fooling with the other chick. would love if this opens her up to potentially threesomes and other 4ps in the future lol

she wasn't really enjoying being with the other dude though. also she didn't realize that we were probably literally going to have a foursome.

the bengali guy straight up told his chick that we were going to have a 4p, while i only told my girl it would be a double date. so that's on me for not being fully transparent. i wasn't sure if this was even going to go all the way myself though, but i just did what i normally try on dates.

so i'm open for some suggestions for how to proceed. i do actually want to hear what she has to say, but i'm not sure of the timing for this and how much of a "deal" i should make it.

i'm torn between just pretending like the whole thing is supposed to be normal and just doing what i normally do and randomly texting her next week etc. to meet up (for me, it is, but i'm not sure where she stands), or "making this a big deal" and proposing having a phone call with her so she can talk about it
but when i pitched spending the night at her place later this week (as i usually have done several times since she moved out), she told me that she doesn't want to go on a date for a while.
Maybe ask her why? If she answers something vague, you can then ask her if it has something to do with what happened with the other couple. That's how I would proceed. I don't think acting like nothing happened would be wise if she clearly starts avoiding you or "not feeling like going out".

But yeah, normally there should be a talk inside the couple before swinging (to discuss boundaries and all), not after doing it lol.

(BTW, you call this a foursome, I would call this swinging when two couples meet and swap partners. In my books, a true foursome would be more like 1 guy + 3 girls or 1 girl + 3 guys. But if we count swinging as foursomes, it means that I already had a bunch of them lol.)
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had an EXTREMELY nostalgic approach session today. i'm on a weekend street game bootcamp right now and i've been approaching like a mfer.

today we were all thrown in shinjuku, which is one of the hardest places to approach in japan. while yesterday i felt i was actually enjoying approaching chicks, today a lot of my inner hater deep dark bullshit was coming up and surfacing.

for one, probably 30ish approaches in, my vibe got really fucking turned off because i was beating myself up over not being able to have and enforce a solid agenda. i wanted some in depth explanation from the leaders, but after maybe a brief chat which i hardly remember the contents of, i was thrown into some uncomfortable two-sets with a wing i wasn't really synchronizing with. usually approaching with a buddy isn't too bad when you're already walking and talking, but this was just very spontaneous and i kept "deferring" the convo to the other wing, who was seriously not giving a shit and just talking about random shit. which is what you need to do in japan!

after having this happen to me 5 or 6 times and complaining, i started just getting the hang of it. also this pushed me to embed a new program. "be uncomfortable, be uncomfortable". anything that was uncomfortable, i just fucking did it. even the leaders said "we are trying to make you as uncomfortable as possible and put you in zany situations on purpose".

so i just kept going up and talking to chicks. i can't say i did EVERY approach i wanted to, but i definitely caught my brain rewiring itself midway and saying "no just be uncomfortable".

i had also set a rule for myself the previous day that i would refuse to leave interactions with girls who were being "lazy" when rejecting. e.g. just standing there playing on their phone or walking with me but not acknowledging my existence. my personal boundary line was they need to go off in a totally different direction or accelerate away. some girls would actually take out their earbuds or start to otherwise pay attention, but i usually wasn't interesting enough to get them to "stick around" and i'd soon lose them. BUT! this is a huge step!

with this rule in mind, i approached some anime looking chick standing and browsing tiktoks. i started talking, but she froze me out. i just kept fucking talking about total bullshit. random observations like "oh wow literally everyone is wearing black or white, it's like monochrome day. oh there's more white though did they all coordinate? anyway you look like the exception with this pink outfit. yo have you had natto? i used to hate it but now i'm starting to like it, you know in beef bowls".

i swear to god i had this one-sided psychopath "conversation" for 10 minutes. she didn't budge. i was like "i'm just gonna keep talking and standing here lol". finally at some point she got on the phone and walked off.

this was basically the peak of insanity from my end today.

admittedly, one-sided persistence does take a toll on the soul. i felt very negative vibes coming from me for the next half hour. even though i was approaching a decent amount, i was actually shocked at girls who *didn't* ignore me, because i had built a baseline expectation of "losing". this sort of fucked up my killer instinct of pursuing my agenda once i started vibing.

i reconvened with the leaders and stated this. i felt like a plasma ball internally of unrestrained energy, but also simultaneously low and negative. i was in the mood to run 3 miles. or even do a bunch of pushups.

one leader asked "what will doing a bunch of pushups do for you". i was like "dude idk, at least it'll maybe flush out some of the unsettled residual worry energy i have inside". "ok do them right now"

i dropped down in the public square and i think i did around 75 pushups in one go. this might be my personal record actually lmao.

afterwards, i immediately left the leaders without saying anything to continue approaching. i just felt like i mentally defecated and while i didn't immediately feel more "positive", i did feel more settled and contained while talking to girls. somewhat of a zen state.

after dinner, around 9pm we were going to have a section of coaching called "beast mode". where they get some other veterans to come in and monitor us approaching.

and if we're not talking to a chick, just walking around for longer than 15 seconds, we get SOCKED IN THE FUCKING STOMACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i joked with another wing that if we can pull now, we can skip beast mode lmao.

after two uncomfortable and awkward two sets with another wing, the leaders spotted me a chick and i went for it.

i felt my approach was sheepish from my somewhat ehhh mood. and she confidently retorted in perfect english "i'm going to meet my friends!" and walked off. this took a dent on my ego and morale.

i think normally i would have let this get to me and ruminated about it for days and let it consume me at every level, digging through my childhood woes and even adult woes. but instead, i just said "be uncomfortable" and i just kept talking to more chicks.

"hey that sign says 'blue sky' bank. but it's night right now."
"yeah see, shouldn't it say night bank now"
"i'm korean"

she said that in japanese. i told her to read the sign and she was reading the characters one at a time, and couldn't even read the kanji. i discerned that speaking in dumbass english was actually going to be better than japanese (by the way, there are some koreans that speak japanese, even one of my approaches earlier in the day was like that)

she was a tourist who was in tokyo for 4 days. first time in her life outside of korea and she came by herself. great signs!!!

i said we should go get some drinks. we headed off to a convenience store and i got her a beer while i got a kiwi chuhai because i like fruity drinks. on the other hand, she does not like fruity drinks so that's why she got the beer.

i got us to the hotel district and said we should sit down inside and continue drinking. after being puzzled and confused, and after some attempts of being like "let's go" and moving inside, she gave a more firm "no, i don't go hotel". i said alright and changed strategies.

in japan, net cafes and karaoke rooms are infamous for being covert sex locations. luckily i had that fresh in my mind thanks to botching the plan last night from not being cognizant of pull locations.

we walked around and i said "let's go enjoy karaoke". she instantly agreed and we headed over to a karaoke place.

now i can't fucking sing, nor do i know any songs. but i was like FUCK IT! TAKE THE PLUNGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after some tedious registration process for the karaoke place, we got a room.

she sang a japanese song, and then i surprisingly held it together singing polyrhythm by perfume. that was the only song i could actually do lmfao, i epically failed not only another japanese song, but also i was shocked at how awful i was at even just keeping up with western music in english lmao. i gotta keep a few more songs in mind for next time. but i was just maintaining that this is also just for me to get used to what i can do in a karaoke room.

but i owned it. with western music she didn't know at all, i could literally just bullshit "rap" half the lyrics if i didnt know the melody and i acted like that was the song.

while we were in there, i kept messing with the karaoke touch interface. i also started messing with the CHICK!!!!!!!!!! i was touching her lightly, eventually putting my arm over her, in her shirt, etc. i tried to go for making out 2 or 3 times but was unsuccessful. but she didn't object to physical touch. and even rested on my arm herself for a bit.

in between all this i was trying to decide between messing with the karaoke "games" and more music, until i found a comedy skit i could put on. i was hoping they would have some movies or something. i'm gonna get a more detailed karaoke escalation stack from my wings.

i have heard japanese girls (and probably koreans too?) will somehow be ok with sexual touching and groping, but KISSING is somehow different. apparently some bang without even kissing. so i didn't react to it nor try to make out much more after the 3rd attempt.

i got kind of close to her bra but i didn't go for it hard enough. god i am so rusty! but i think i could have pushed it harder here. i also moved her hand on my thigh, and eventually near my dick but she moved her hand away then.

she actually called me a hentai (pervert) at some point! i was like yes, i am a hentai! what about you? noooo that's baddddd.

the BIGGEST MISTAKE i made actually was NOT LOADING HER UP WITH DRINKS! i even got the unlimited drink special and it just didn't cross my mind to actually order the drinks! i don't personally care to drink much but i know some girls want to be more loose and inebriated to get out of their heads. this was something i realized literally AFTER the entire interaction, after talking with a wing.
anyway, at some point she actually said she wanted to leave the karaoke place and head back. usually this is not a great sign and i didn't want to be like "noooo stay!!!!". also maybe a karaoke place was too weird. but she was also too sober!

i paid and then she actually split half of the bill with me. not the best sign.

i decided to get another drink with her, which she was down for! i got water this time. the fact that she willingly kept hanging out with me to get beer should have been the sign to be like FUCK she does want more drinks!!! i'm not seeing this obvious sign!!!

anyway, we started walking to her hotel and i used this as an opportunity to do what i maaaybe should have done before escalating which was dive into her past relationships and history with guys. she said she just broke up with her boyfriend a month ago! and she broke up with him because he was too boring and too "serious", never thought about her. FUCK! she came to japan to get dicked!!!!

i said fuck it and started talking about sex. she said her previous bf never actually cared about her pleasure and it was the same every time.

she said she's had 7 boyfriends. i was like wow! who was the best one? you got any good memories? i talked about me going on a beach vacation with my gf and banging her all day in traditional japanese robes last year. she said no all her boyfriends were just "too serious" and "boring", and she's never had a "good boyfriend"

the three values she wants in a guy are honest, not a playboy, and a LITTLE (not a lot) bit of a pervert.

i basically alternated between talking about inane bs/non-sexual anecdotes and relationship/sex stuff. we started talking about chinese slang for some reason and SHE told me the word for titties in chinese! and penis as well! i was like ok, ok this is a good sign maybe. i was like "you ever done paizuri? (fucking a chick's titties)" "nooo..." "oh but you watch it in videos though right" "...yeah..." "yeah i think we could do some paizuri" "noooo i'm too small...." "hey look at that car, i used to drive the same car in america, do you drive in korea?"

we got to her hotel and i just kept walking in. but she stopped. she's like noooo you can't come in. i was like nah it's fine we can hang out for like 15 minutes.

nooo we can't...

nah come on (i start to walk in)


how about we have a safe word? if you say "go home" i will go home. (i should have said this over two statements instead of one perhaps)

i tried something like this for a few rounds but no budging. after also meekly trying to maybe get her to come to my place (lol, would not work at this point!), we parted ways.

this is a very long report for basically not much action in the end! but, i haven't gotten this far in japan yet. spontaneously vibing with a chick and getting her into a karaoke booth and feeling her up! i think i was just plagued by inexperience of the logistics (lots of fiddling with karaoke, etc).

and not bringing out more drinks to a girl who clearly wants to drink more! even though i specifically ordered unlimited drinks! that was probably the silliest thing possible.

i also feel like i generally did some things out of order. like escalating immediately before at least getting into some cursory relationship talk. and then getting into deeper sexual talk before even actually doing a second pull for real probably just strengthened her anti-slut shields. still, i did that because i at least wanted to see if it would do the opposite of "this isn't really a big deal, it'll be fun, i'm not hiding anything you can take it or leave it".

luckily i ended up JUST catching the last train. i take that as a sign from god that "hey you did your best, i won't make you walk the walk of shame back home in the drizzling rain or blow money on a taxi, you did good today. you needed this experience to excel for future ones. just like how yesterday you made a little progress with bouncing a chick for drinking some milk, today you had a solid agenda and actually tried to go for it. keep trying and i'll show you the next step"

THE BIGGER LESSON though, is that i can get this far!!! gotta tell that inner hater to sit down and shut up. be uncomfortable! this is the environment i chose to approach in and these are the girls i want to bang, i must accept everything for its flaws and everything!

i wanted to write a long report about this approach session because this is what i'm capable of right now. this is clearly serviceable and there's not something so fundamentally wrong with me that i can't do pickup. because you guys know i've really been struggling with some crazy nonsense.

i think the value of the bootcamp so far has just been a figurative AED for my approach muscles. i'm mainly getting reminded of things i already mostly knew, in addition to learning japan specific technical details. this session also felt like where i really "left off" two years ago in california. and i was making some great progress there. i had bounced a chick all the way to my place from the mall by driving her from literally just meeting her, and i sucked some chick's titties in my car from a first date!

also i got into the inklings of insane dark and defeatist energy today too. but this was the first time i just quashed it and continued on. i didn't get paralyzed for more than maybe 10 minutes at a time.

it's one thing to have the approach anxiety generally quashed by "hey i don't want to be the one dumbass not approaching", but i am mentally prepared for the fact that a lot of my current state is from being in a bootcamp and i'm going to have to follow systems to maintain this with my own energy.
A couple thoughts:

1. I still don't understand what the value is of just persisting with a girl for 10 minutes without calling her out in some way to FORCE her to respond. A girl will gladly just sit there and be talked to because it gives her validation. The point of calling out is to induce negative emotions to polarize her against you.

2. About the pull, it's obviously great that you got this far. But I see a lot of the old colgate in that with your pulls, you just blindly lead forward instead of making the girl qualify to your frame, building tension, etc. You try to skip to the end without doing the actual work.

I detected no moments of tension, no moments where you were willing to walk away. Just attempts to escalate over and over that were denied. Of course she's going to stay with you after you escalate like a pervert. It's giving her free validation without you able to get anywhere.

Start making girls chase, and you will level up.
I still don't understand what the value is of just persisting with a girl for 10 minutes without calling her out in some way to FORCE her to respond. A girl will gladly just sit there and be talked to because it gives her validation. The point of calling out is to induce negative emotions to polarize her against you.
i think i wanted to feel like i was "owning the space". that i could do it and just stay there without mousily ejecting instantly (because i would tend to do that). i think this was more of a personal exercise in discomfort than anything.

there were times i felt i would get angry and reactive. i wonder how to do callouts without being angry. maybe i need to show some more fangs and be aggressive. maybe i should cut my losses earlier. who knows. i do know certain girls will start to pay attention after a minute or so of monologuing and persisting from my own experience, and even watching some local infields.

i think the closest i got to a callout was "ok so which one is reality? this phone or this world?" but after pausing to silence, i just kept talking about other random stuff.

But I see a lot of the old colgate in that with your pulls, you just blindly lead forward instead of making the girl qualify to your frame, building tension, etc. You try to skip to the end without doing the actual work.
right yes, this is the next level. i was able to pull this off with my gf last year but the "interaction" was way longer and it was also predicated on me being in a general "peak state" in that classroom, so i started gravitating towards these behaviors somewhat "naturally" (from being told certain things and hearing stories in the past)

i never really did that level of actual "emotional play" pretty much ever from daygame. even my cheerleader nightgame lay was all "blindly leading forward" on a super horny chick.

if you have some suggestions for specific things i could have done for this story, i'd love to hear them so i can start thinking about things to implement for the future.

i'm still at the stage where i'm trying to get my general social and approach flow up, and this report was basically the first time in a long time i really felt i was getting back into the flow of approaching. approaching *itself* still feels like "the work" to me, and i have to graduate from this stage. graduate to the stage where i'm really working on the interactions themselves. admittedly i get overwhelmed from feeling like i'm biting off more than i can chew

one day approaching will just be my stress RELIEVING activity and i will ENJOY and be ADDICTED to the...game
Yessss sick story. With a cute Korean no less. Keep it up
she actually called me a hentai (pervert) at some point! i was like yes, i am a hentai! what about you? noooo that's baddddd.
You got it. Accusations like this can just be handled by going, Yup! I'm a pervert

the BIGGEST MISTAKE i made actually was NOT LOADING HER UP WITH DRINKS! i even got the unlimited drink special and it just didn't cross my mind to actually order the drinks!
Agreed, best spot of improvement for next time. Maybe you know this but Koreans drink like absolute crazy. She's on vacation hanging out with strange guys in Shinjuku! Next time you're in this situation help her have the night she wanted🍸
also i got into the inklings of insane dark and defeatist energy today too. but this was the first time i just quashed it and continued on. i didn't get paralyzed for more than maybe 10 minutes at a time.
Hopefully tonight demonstrated that your feelings in the moment don't have to be destiny. Sounds like the pushups helped too 🤔

i did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i got my first daygame lay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it only took me 3 years and five different cities!!!!!!

(ok, i wasn't doing three years of solid action, maybe more like collectively 6-12 months spread out, but still)

i had done a paid bootcamp back in june with the group of guys here, as i had posted earlier. though most of the bootcamp i was just approaching solo because i just got lost into the flow of talking to girls freely, something i hadn't felt in nearly 2 years.

on that day, i was trolling around alone in harajuku/omotesando when i saw this very short girl wearing a simple cotton pink skirt-dress (almost like pajamas???) and pink rainboots. just pink! i almost thought approaching her would land me in jail!
surprisingly close, actually. also the AI decided that everyone will be wearing pink rainboots, even the dude!

i told her she is "cotton candy type" and it's the opposite of my black/gray "road type" clothes. i basically made up new fashion archetype terms lol. we walked and talked down the street and then i said we should get, not water, not tea, not alcohol. but milk! yes, we should drink milk together! milk is very nutritious and i said it will probably make her titties bigger! (i like small titties tho...)

i tried to bounce us over to the next station over in shibuya, where there are love hotels, but no dice. i basically entered the train gate while telling her "yeah let's drink milk in shibuya" but she said she wanted to go home. she eventually started to split off from me so i just said "ok i'm going to shibuya, let's exchange contacts". i actually ended up circling back to harajuku to continue my approach session/the bootcamp.

here's how the text convo went:
me: milk report
we have wings
her: looks tasty!
make sure it doesn't fly away!

you looked like you were gonna fly away in that dress too
no need for a parachute if you jump out of a helicopter
you looked like you were gonna fly away in that dress too

because i'm cotton candy!
--- the next day...
today i made a cell animation at work
then my coworker matsumoto put this scene of an-pan man's head being replaced in his presentation
i accidentally imagined your head being replaceable like this
well i guess i wouldn't have to wash my hair then!

because you were like a doll with that dress the other day
you're a big fan of that dress lol
you have all 7 colors of the rainbow matching that dress tho
wow there's no pink circle...

it's because pink has to be heart!
i want to drink some cocktails
i will research a place and take you with me

ok i found one
that was fast
it's the era of google
i can probably do saturday or next tuesday

i have yoga practice...
just got done with boxing practice
wow!!! that's so cool!!! boxing looks like so much fun!!!
--- about a week later...

looking forward to it!
i want to check out those toy vending machines that are all over the place (gacha)
which gacha places?
there are a lot here in ikebukuro. i will show you
sounds good!

i am free
7/7 3pm
7/12 5pm
7/15 5pm

i can do 7/12 at 5:30pm
ok. let's meet at ikebukuro station on 7/12 at 5:30pm

gacha is basically a type of gumball machine-like "toy vending machine" where you can put in some coins and get a random toy encapsulated in a colored plastic ball. they are actually incredibly popular with japanese girls, especially the anime looking japanese girls!!!

--- the day of
good morning colgate!
we're going to meet at ikebukuro today, right?

good morning
↑this is your vibe
my vibe is like that??
let's meet at the east gate
east gate...
i arrived at the east gate!

on my way
count the number of people with ribbons in the meanwhile

after going through every gate on the east side, she happened to be at the smallest one with the least people that no one ever meets at.........

it was raining but she still came out! we headed over to one small gacha place, but it was outside and there was no money exchanger to get coins. so then we headed to another one that was inside while bantering.

we looked at various gacha machines. i caught myself unconsciously following her and i thought that wouldn't look good so i had to deliberately walk away from her and act like i was exploring other machines. gotta notice and rewire these random submissive follow the lead behaviors that pop up!!!

we picked out various toys and etc. there was a kirby themed toy watch machine with various characters, and i said she will get the pink kirby one (it's a gumball-like machine so it's random! there was waddle dee, king dedede, etc). she did get the kirby one, exactly as i said!!! man good luck. little did i know that my luck was about to get really good tonight...

she opened the container and i used this as an opportunity to intervene and put the watch on her.

this place didn't have that many gacha machines either, so we headed off to a mall where i knew there was a HUGE gacha area. on the way, we talked about friends and etc and she said she spends most of her time alone. i told her i used to be a hikikomori (person who stays in his room all day and never leaves the house) but now i made some friends and i like to explore this area a lot.

while we were riding various escalators i was checking out and grabbing various articles of her clothing, like examining whether her pants were waterproof, reading the letters on her bag, etc. there was one point she was lower than me on the escalator. she's already quite short but now she became EVEN SHORTER!!!!!!!!!! i gave her little sister pats on the head for being so short

we arrive at the large gacha area and select some more items. i kept just putting my gacha toys in her bag because i didn't bring a bag, and i was saying "i don't want to open all of these now, let's open them later" here and there

after maybe 10 minutes of gacha toys i said let's go and we headed out of the mall. it was still raining but i decided to head over to a nearby park. i think i really enjoy this type of "walking around doing stuff" type date as opposed to just sitting down and having drinks and only talking. i found myself looking at her more often and trying to build tension there on purpose, plus we're already in motion the whole time so it's easier to get her to just come along with me.

after the park we bought...strawberry and banana milk...at the convenience store. because we both like fruity drinks. then i noticed...there was coconut liquor!!!! what!!! in japan??? we have to try this!!! you're not underage right??? she giggled and said no! i can drink alcohol!

then i took her to on top of a high bridge, where you can see a good view of ikebukuro and the train tracks. we stood and chilled. there was a groove area at the balcony and she stood in that groove...to make herself even shorter again!!! i couldn't resist!!!

at this bridge balcony overpass area i said we need to chill out, tell me some yoga techniques we can do while standing. i should know the yoga, being BROWN and all, but i guess i'm being taught about yoga from a dang anime japanese girl instead.

here it was calm and i lowered the energy by a lot. i talked about friends and relationships lightly. i said how we only have one life so we should make sure we experience whatever we want and not regret anything.

then i decided to leave the bridge area. i took us in an elevator, which is another great place to try to build tension!!!

i hadn't exactly gone for the pull yet but we were less than 100m from my place. i spontaneously started talking about how this sidewalk we're walking on is featured in many scenes from the drama series Ikebukuro West Gate Park. she said she'd never seen it and that was the most obvious segue to inviting her to watch it at my now 80m away place. she immediately accepted the pull and we headed to my place

this isn't the first time i've pulled to my house in japan actually! i had a daygame date 2 months ago that came to my place but then sat on my fucking office chair the whole time!!! i prepared this time.
スクリーンショット 2024-07-13 7.25.24.png
also in retrospect that other date was just a boring cafe date and i just let her ask me a bunch of questions and then nonchalantly pulled. we didn't really do anything or try to connect, as opposed to this date.

we walk into my place and she actually sits on the floor but i tell her she can feel free to sit on the bed. she doesn't immediately come over and sit as she's putting her bags down and organizing her stuff...or something. i don't rush it and i get my computer ready to pull up ikebukuro west gate park.

once i get it on, i tell her again to come sit over on the bed and she does. now we're sitting next to each other....here we go!!!!

we're just sitting next to each other while i point out some things in the movie. i do little tests like putting my hand on her leg, moving it back away, putting my hand in her inner thigh, etc. soon i get my arm over her.

there's a scene in episode 1 of ikebukuro west gate park where the strangler dude is in the love hotel with the chick. when the strangler strangles the chick, i sync moving my hands around her neck. when he's cutting off her ear, i'm getting my lips close lightly blowing on her ear

i go for the makeout maybe 2x and get rejected. but the rest of her body and limbs are starting to respond to my moves on her so i get patient. i got her hand over my hard cock over my pants before the makeout!

from here I knew it was on 100%

unzipped my pants and she started going to town on my cock with her mouth.

when she took off her glasses i was like damn i think I'm going to freakin jail!!! but tiny chicks are my ultimate type. she had that anime idol girl look

when i finally put my dick in, she was squirming in pain. i told her to let me know if she wants me to stop at any time. she actually just wanted to endure it and her expression was simultaneously pain and pleasure.

we did missionary, cowgirl, a doggy. I felt the best with missionary, but cowgirl was the most fun, seeing her try as much as possible to ride my cock how she wants while handling the pain

she had come numerous times. eventually i told her I'm holding back a lot.......a few times..... and that I'm gonna EXPLODE!!! i pulled out and busted a huge load all over her chest

afterwards we showered together and i took her out for sushi bowl dinner and then dropped her off to the station

THAT'S IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!