colgate's story - 日本とコルゲート氏の物語 the story of colgate🟤 and japan🇯🇵

大流行 the pandemic
I graduated university at the end of 2019, and subsequently got rejected by some girl (from university) I had asked out on a date (I thought, okay, now I will focus on finding a girlfriend and building a new social circle since I have graduated university. I had (regrettably) suppressed both of these throughout university to "focus on my studies").

With that, I decided to continue with my idea of integrating into the local Japanese community.

I had a Japanese friend who was looking to move to a new place near my office. We went to tour a bunch of apartment rooms, and settled on one.

We realized we couldn't afford the apartment just by ourselves, so he was going to go inquire into the local Japanese community to see if we could get a third person to join us.

I was thinking, okay great. Things are starting to go into motion. I'm going to be constantly exposed to Japanese from now on, learn more about the Japanese people here in my city, build up my social skills, and inevitably find a girlfriend and move on with my life from there. I'm on my way to having what we would now call "moving to the suburbs and becoming parents to two cute golden retrievers". And I thought my kids would probably turn out alright here, because the city I lived in is pretty multicultural and I can raise them in a much better way than I was raised, and they'll be some degree of bilingual. Time for me to settle down.

Yeah, I wanted to be some eclectic music producer in Japan and have a bunch of idol girls singing for me, but frankly that isn't possible and it's childish anyway. I don't even know how to do that in the first place. It's time to grow up and be reasonable.


The state is ordering all residents to stay at home. Do not go to work. Do not go outside. All travel has been banned.
There is a deadly virus with the severity of the Spanish Flu that is overloading the hospitals and thousands are dying per day.
Stay inside, stay 6 feet away, wear a mask.

My entire plans to move out are derailed and I'm stuck at my parents' house for the better part of 2020. And of course, I can't meet local Japanese people anymore and advance my social skills, let alone visit Japan now.

I stopped doing any form of Japanese for the next year or so. It just wasn't something to focus on anymore. It's best to just put it away now. It was a good run and a good arc of my life.

And given the insane response to the coronavirus pandemic in my state (let alone Japan's), I realized perhaps I should just try to advance my life in a less insane place.

I move to Chattanooga, Tennessee in fall 2020, a very lax small city in the deep south. People were friendly and not stuck in their safety bubbles, the warm Southern hospitality was refreshing compared to the coldness of the Californians, who wanted to stay in their little stuffed igloos of safety.

I was initially more excited to live here, and started talking to my Japanese friends over video calls again occasionally to share with them what life in this town is like as opposed to my previous life. I also had a huge mansion house, so I shared that with them as well.

We would joke about having them come here, but of course that wasn't going to happen given the times and the indefinite nature of the pandemic restrictions. And of course, I stopped studying any Japanese at all, and largely hit up my Japanese friends because I wanted social interaction.
発見 Finding KYIL
One day, I was looking up "tinder guide" on internet search. I stumbled upon Andy's infamous Tinder guide and was astonished at the level of detail.

But that's not what got me hooked on the site. I had discovered he had been jesus christ, going up to girls he didn't know and talking to them on the sole basis that he wanted to fuck them : x. Wait, what? You can just do that??? And it works???

My worldview blew open and I spent the better part of June and July 2021 listening to all of Andy's 365 podcasts where he often talked about his cold approach adventures.

On one of the podcasts, he had a panel of Toast, Manganiello, and some other guy talking about their own cold approach experiences.

"this guy fucked a hot korean chick by just going up to her and talking to her? wtf?"
"and this guy wants to move to japan??????????????? he doesn't even know japanese????????????????????"

I had to investigate more, and checked out the KYIL forums as a guest. I read through the entire approach race Toast and Manganiello were having.

But more importantly, I was very curious to see how and if Toast was actually going to head off to Japan.

My own desire to go to Japan was 6 feet under in a coffin by now. But I showed up to the graveyard again with my shovel and waited.

I made an account, and posted this message on his log
colgate said:
Hey man, if you're looking for a study buddy/someone to speak Japanese with, I studied it seriously for a while and made a lot of Japanese friends abroad, even meeting up with them in Japan and speaking Japanese 100% of the time some years ago. I'm probably N2/N3 level (haven't actually taken the test).

A bit more rusty now and haven't been studying it much lately, but hit me up if you wanna exchange contact info.



To which he replied
Toast said:
@colgate You are definitely way above my level. Im probably not even N5 yet. Without google translate I was able to read and understand maybe 1/3rd. Appreciate the offer to study together though.

lol is this guy really going to learn japanese and go to japan????? i mean he's pretty good at this cold approach thing...but is he really going to do this for real????????

Toast said:
Japan Update:
Apartment is officially secured. Spoke with the rental agency on Friday and we went over paperwork.
Just submitted my visa paperwork to the Japanese consulate and I can pick up my visa on April 1st
Rented an Airbnb for $550 from April 5th - April 28th
Contacted a house sitting agency so i can cut cost of rent for the time b4 my apartment is available to move in

USA shit:
Apartment is like 1/3rd packed up
Started a spread sheet to track my expenses so I can budget properly while I'm out in Nippon-desu
New tenant is gunna buy my TV and Ikea shelves for $150 so that's some nice extra cash
Posted my One wheel on Craigslist finally. Hopefully I can sell it for $1300 b4 I leave. If not my friend will sell it for me

Still need to contact the internet, Gas, and electric company to terminate my contract.

Going away party this Saturday. Bonfire on the beach and gettin drunk af with the homies

何 THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


to be the bulldog pen........................

colgate said:
Boldly trying to get my forum-idol @Toast to be a language partner before he had any Japanese ability and before I had any relevance on this forum
Lol forum-idol got a good laugh out of me.

Happy to have had a positive influence on ur journey man.

And what a fuckin ride you had to get to who you are now. Completely 100% changed man from where u started. Crazy how much someone can change just from wanting to bang chicks, speak Japanese, and move to Japan

Honestly excited to see what you will accomplish once u get here.

君はたくさん大切な知識を教えた。俺は本当嬉しいに友達になる 。来日する時期がだんだん近づいてきましたね。
This is pretty darn inspiring. As a guy who never looked at traditional porn, opting for anime tiddies (before overcoming that addiction---but I'm definitely a "fellow weeb"), and who just came back from Japan from a 6-week internship (enough to taste and know I want to go back... though I prefer girls with some significant おっぱい, the girls in Japan are super cute and I love being able to walk anywhere I need/want to go), I have a vested interest in finding how the heck you colgate and Toast get the money and freedom and find the logistics to move to Japan. It's incredible and hard to imagine for me now, a college senior who sometimes still lives with his parents in the middle of nowhere. But given you can do it, there's gotta be a way for me too.
By the way, if you're still open to or looking for new Japanese-learning resources, I recommend Nativshark (pretty much 60-70% of my learning is from them at this point, even after 3 years of college Japanese classes. It's probably the kind of resource you'd have wished to know of back then (if only it had existed!), Colgate.
NightRoller said:
colgate said:
japan rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am never living in america!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will die in japan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aka the return of colgate ranting in english to his phone walking around tokyo streets at 2am (guys, it's journaling!!!)

most of these parts are entirely optional to watch and i even thought of taking them out, but i did end up summarizing myself in the video so i left it in, and i'll timestamp the video instead so you can watch as much as you want lol

0:00-0:20 - this is not a WEEB ANIME moment guys, japan is really my home!!!!!!!!!

part 1: 25 years outcast in america, childhood, adolescence, early adulthood

0:20-6:27 - being so much of a childhood outcast that i didn't even fit in with the dungeons of dragons nerds, getting into the online community of people making pretend video game music

6:28-11:48 - oops half of my entire social circle shoots up estrogen LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! also it's technically 99% male (also if i haven't made it clear already, my entire social circle i care about is on the internet)

11:49-13:38 - kill your inner loser, trying to get chicks and solve girl issues seriously for the first time ever.
btw footnote at 12:30, when i talk about being out of place at social events because i have no idea what normal people are interested in, that definitely applies to dates

part 2: japan allows me to make up for lost life experiences i was supposed to have without me even having that goal
13:39-15:27 - living with a japanese family and seeing a functional family like how i imagined when i was a kid for the first time in my life

15:28-18:57 - "japanese mom". japanese family (and some others) effectively fill in missing "mental" relationship roles

19:14-22:50 - various woes with trying to balance house setup and diving into approaching, aka colgate makes excuses for

22:51-25:30 - parallel universe music community in japan that's linked but not shared with the western one i'm a part of.

25:31-28:48 - surprisingly i am able to connect and PENETRATE!!!!!!!!!! the japanese parallel community because i'm well known enough in the western community that several japanese people know me as well, and i can also speak japanese fluently. i hit up a couple japanese ppl to tell them i'm moving to japan and i get invited to 10 billion events and even playing live, which i never did in my life in america. now im the fuckin cool guy

28:49-31:04 - the parallel japanese music community is actually normal??? and also it's not a sausagefest????????????????????? there are (plenty of) GIRLS????????????????????????????????????????????

31:05-32:45 - i actually fit in with the japanese music community, unlike i've ever fit in with any social circle in my entire life, irrespective of cultural and language barriers, and time as well. i'm now in a circle of people (mixed gender) going out and doing stuff together, and they are pushing me to actually make a fucking album for once and do live shows

32:46-37:00 - feet in two boats: i know i need to handle the girl thing, approach, and get laid. but i'm enjoying unexpectedly becoming a "normie" and having normal friends with a normal hobby and being supported/pushed to advance in that hobby by said friends. but not having the girl thing handled means even if i am supposedly a "normie" now, i can't capitalize on said girls in my surroundings,

part 3: summary
37:00-39:42 - short summary of the previous 37 minutes of the video assuming you started watching this video from here lol

39:43-48:06 - OMG what should i do guys........................i have a normal social life and friends and i'm high value.........but i don't know how to capitalize on my value still..........but i'm riding the emotional high of finally being in this kind of position for the first time in my i'm not pissed off enough to start hustling with girls..................

48:07-end - conclusion

reposting here for posterity