Confusion with Tinder pics: In need of your opinion


Jul 22, 2021
Hey guys!

I want to begin with how helpful you guys, the forum and Andy.
Half a year ago, I never imagined how far I'd reach and the attractive girls I'd meet. SO BIG THANK YOU!

Now to the issue I'm struggling with lately. I tried to improve my pictures over the months, and I feel it helped, but I feel like I reached some dead-end, and I don't get many matches even with boosts. Personally, I'm a bit blind to see what I do wrong and what should I do next to change.
(Unfortunately, since I'm a student, I can't allow myself yet to buy a DSLR camera where I come from, it's crazy expensive - so the first obvious issue is that most of the pictures are from my phone)
For now, I'm primarily working on my studies and getting leaner with less fat.

1st - the main picture
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Would love your insights about my pictures and what I should do to get better results.
Hey Lonely_Rottweiler thank you for the replay!
The # made me laugh!

I plan to do it when I manage to cut more of the fat, and more of my abs will be showing (and not just the 2 upper ones lol)
I was also suggested to do it in a place it "makes sense" that you're shirtless and not in some random place
Definitely the boxing one shirtless would be good. And to have a serious face. I think its good to have edge with your tinder photos. You're not trying out for the bf application. You wanna get laid. Need some serious photos where you look serious and look like you have an edge. Shirtless can come later.
Thanks @Jacobpalmer123 !

Alright, I'll do one shirtless in the future when I get leaner.
In the meanwhile, do you think I should re-shoot this one with a more serious face?
ilyawein14 said:
Thanks @Jacobpalmer123 !

Alright, I'll do one shirtless in the future when I get leaner.
In the meanwhile, do you think I should re-shoot this one with a more serious face?

Yes. You're smiling too much in a very "nice guy" way.
Hey pancakemouse ! thanks for your insight! i'll reshoot it.

Do you have any other suggestions on how to improve my pictures or what's missing in them?
Do you think the order of the pictures is correct ?
Not having a better camera is your limiting factor. Everything else is just rearranging deck chairs.
Overall good style and physique. You need to dress more edgier, start with accessories. At the moment you look like a nice gut, you need to channel a more douchy vibe.