Constant anxiety from AA program


Nov 29, 2022
Hey guys,

How do I stop feeling anxious 24/7 from GLL's AA program?

My problem is that once I committed myself to doing the program, I became anxious all the time.

I found out why: It's because the thought of doing those hardcore challenges everyday is just constantly on my mind. In the afternoon I'm super anxious knowing that tomorrow I'll have to do a really hard challenge again. When I go to bed I'm anxious knowing that I gotta do something super scary the next day, etc.

I'm not usually anxious 24/7 but committing myself to the AA program has done this.

The reason I am asking is that I want to focus on career as well. I am trying to dominate in sales and women at the same time. But the fact that I am constantly anxious about doing the AA program takes my focus away from sales. I am very serious about being productive as much as possible, and I just can't when I'm in a state of anxiety at all times.

Have you guys experienced this problem before? How can I resolve it?
michaelho068 said:
How do I stop feeling anxious 24/7 from GLL's AA program?

My problem is that once I committed myself to doing the program, I became anxious all the time.

I know exactly what you're talking about. It'll go away on its own eventually if you stick to it. Just accept that you'll feel this way for a bit and keep plowing through.

Also, someone else will probably tell you not to make a new thread for these types of questions. You should ask this on your main thread next time.
Some additional context: I already did my own version of the AA program when I was 16. I completely fucked it up because I did it when I had zero social skills and crippling social anxiety, so all it did was damage my mind even more instead of helping me. I also did a significant portion of it at school... so I made a lot of people hate me when I was still a shy, self-conscious, low self-esteem kid. Which also damaged me even more lol.

I'm trying to do it right this time around. I want to grow instead of let it hurt me even more(which is what happened in the past because of my fucked up strategy)
1v1mekid said:
michaelho068 said:
How do I stop feeling anxious 24/7 from GLL's AA program?

My problem is that once I committed myself to doing the program, I became anxious all the time.

I know exactly what you're talking about. It'll go away on its own eventually if you stick to it. Just accept that you'll feel this way for a bit and keep plowing through.

Hey bro, I can't believe you responded so fast lol.

Are you saying that I should just keep doing the AA program for now even though it's giving me a ton of anxiety that steals all my focus from working on my career?

I was planning to address this perpetual state of anxiety(with therapy) before restarting the program since I hate obsessively thinking about the program and not being productive.

Genuinely curious - I am just looking for advice.

P.S. I did not realize this was the wrong place to post, mb.
I tried doing Day 4 of the AA program last January, and I did it, but I gave up after experiencing the constant anxiety that you just mentioned.

GLL has said that people with "moderate to severe" social anxiety should not approach girls until they improve their social anxiety in other situations. Many on the forums would probably disagree with this, but I think it has merit. If you're extremely anxious after having to ask 5 strangers for the time, I think that is a strong sign that you're dealing with fairly severe social anxiety.

Why do I say this? Because exposure therapy can actually make the fear worse under certain circumstances. I experienced this exactly. I haven't tried AA drills or approaching ever since that day. I'm considering trying again soon.

More exposure therapy might fix it, as others mentioned. However, if you have a chemical imbalance or other physiological problem that is causing your severe anxiety, then it might be worth talking to a doctor.
Squilliam said:
I tried doing Day 4 of the AA program last January, and I did it, but I gave up after experiencing the constant anxiety that you just mentioned.

GLL has said that people with "moderate to severe" social anxiety should not approach girls until they improve their social anxiety in other situations. Many on the forums would probably disagree with this, but I think it has merit. If you're extremely anxious after having to ask 5 strangers for the time, I think that is a strong sign that you're dealing with fairly severe social anxiety.

Why do I say this? Because exposure therapy can actually make the fear worse under certain circumstances. I experienced this exactly. I haven't tried AA drills or approaching ever since that day. I'm considering trying again soon.

More exposure therapy might fix it, as others mentioned. However, if you have a chemical imbalance or other physiological problem that is causing your severe anxiety, then it might be worth talking to a doctor.

I saw this on GLL’s forum too.

I still have social anxiety but I don’t believe it’s bad enough to stop me from doing the AA program.

I actually looked through entire program and I’m pretty sure I could do Day 1-12 fairly easily.

The part that starts to get hard is Day 13/14 where you high five random girls.

For me, I believe the anxiety is coming from thinking about the challenges after Day 12 because THOSE ones are terrifying to me.

Also I understand that there may be physiological/psychological factors that could be causing the anxiety but that is also why I am currently seeing a therapist
Same. I was in this position from Nov 2021 to about June 2022.

I approached 4hrs a day during this time and spent most of this time extremely volatine, anxious, stressed beyond belief, literally about to lose my mind.

And just slowly began to fade away.

Now I don't give A FUCK.

The truth is, you just have to stay out there on the front lines - for a long, long, long time bro.

And just step back into the fire so many times that you're just over it.

I had this when I did the AA program. Although the anxiety would be alleviated once I successfully completed the drill for the day. It’s something you have to push through. Time, exposure therapy, and having good experiences (whether internally and/or externally) will lessen the anxiety.

I’ve approached over 2000 women and still feel anxiety, sometimes I even mumble my words and get those butterflies time and time again. Still get laid a tonne.

If you want to get good at getting approaching/getting laid, then the goal isn’t to feel zero anxiety at all per se, but just to do it anyway.
michaelho068 said:
Squilliam said:
I tried doing Day 4 of the AA program last January, and I did it, but I gave up after experiencing the constant anxiety that you just mentioned.

GLL has said that people with "moderate to severe" social anxiety should not approach girls until they improve their social anxiety in other situations. Many on the forums would probably disagree with this, but I think it has merit. If you're extremely anxious after having to ask 5 strangers for the time, I think that is a strong sign that you're dealing with fairly severe social anxiety.

Why do I say this? Because exposure therapy can actually make the fear worse under certain circumstances. I experienced this exactly. I haven't tried AA drills or approaching ever since that day. I'm considering trying again soon.

More exposure therapy might fix it, as others mentioned. However, if you have a chemical imbalance or other physiological problem that is causing your severe anxiety, then it might be worth talking to a doctor.

I saw this on GLL’s forum too.

I still have social anxiety but I don’t believe it’s bad enough to stop me from doing the AA program.

I actually looked through entire program and I’m pretty sure I could do Day 1-12 fairly easily.

The part that starts to get hard is Day 13/14 where you high five random girls.

For me, I believe the anxiety is coming from thinking about the challenges after Day 12 because THOSE ones are terrifying to me.

Also I understand that there may be physiological/psychological factors that could be causing the anxiety but that is also why I am currently seeing a therapist

Alright so.

Having done the AA program and having a background in sales. This is a pretty reasonable question.

The short answer is that it is normal to feel anxiety throughout the day with the AA program

That being said. You get massive confidence gains from the program.

Besides a few really tough days (high fives, ABCs and a few others). It is actually fairly straightforward, and if anything you get really confident from it.

The sense of daily accomplishment and doing something this hard gives your ego a bit of a boost.

I didn't do the AA program while doing sales btw. But approaching, dates and sales are pretty identical IMO.
It's normal to feel anxious whilst doing the AA program. Even when you've completed it and got loads of approaches under your belt there'll be times when you're anxious when approaching, e.g. for me it's sometimes when approaching in the daytime in front of lots of other people.

You just need to get comfortable being uncomfortable. Stick out at it and eventually you'll be able to approach without much anxiety. Trust me its worth it, the power of being able to approach at any place any anytime is literally like a superpower. You can meet the exact type of girls you want to meet and your options multiply tenfold.
michaelho068 said:
Hey guys,

How do I stop feeling anxious 24/7 from GLL's AA program?

My problem is that once I committed myself to doing the program, I became anxious all the time.

I found out why: It's because the thought of doing those hardcore challenges everyday is just constantly on my mind. In the afternoon I'm super anxious knowing that tomorrow I'll have to do a really hard challenge again. When I go to bed I'm anxious knowing that I gotta do something super scary the next day, etc.

I'm not usually anxious 24/7 but committing myself to the AA program has done this.

The reason I am asking is that I want to focus on career as well. I am trying to dominate in sales and women at the same time. But the fact that I am constantly anxious about doing the AA program takes my focus away from sales. I am very serious about being productive as much as possible, and I just can't when I'm in a state of anxiety at all times.

Have you guys experienced this problem before? How can I resolve it?

If the anxiety is really bad you could try phenibut which is legal in most countries. Or kratom.
But normally as you try something new, over time the anxiety will fade away from desensitization. The more you do it the anxiety will go away and you'll appear confident. Because that's what confidence actually is, just experience.