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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated


Apr 2, 2021
Get Laid
Hey guys, I’m Crimson. I lost my virginity to a prostitute a month ago and I’m now looking forward to actually getting laid. I will be documenting my journey here, I’m really excited!

So, my ultimate dating/sex life goal is to sleep with 100 girls. The reason that I want to achieve this goal is that I know in my heart once I’ve slept with 100 girls I will have conquered the art of getting laid. I’ll be able to say “Okay, I know what I’m doing now.” and I’ll be able to move on to bigger things in life (Finding a great girlfriend, becoming a professional basketball player etc.).

This goal will obviously take quite some time to achieve, which is why I will break it down into a smaller more reachable goal . In addition, I’m getting my drivers license right now, so this will be my goal as well. (Note: I don’t know how driving school works outside of Germany, my goal was set on German standards, also I’ve broken it down into a smaller goal as well.)
So, all that’s written above results in these two goals:

- I will have sex with 1 girl (without paying) by December 1st 2022.

- I will pass my theoretical drivers license exam with a maximum of 8 points by December 1st 2022.

Today is August 7th 2022, which means I have almost 4 months to achieve both goals. So success is pretty much inevitable. Wish me luck, like I said I will be documenting everything here.
So this is what I did today:

-Went out to approach some girls. Didn’t approach any, because I pussied out on all of them. It’s all good though, will try again tomorrow. Got quite a few stares though, the gym is definitely paying off, one woman even said hi to me randomly.

-Went to the gym. Doesn’t directly relate to my goals but noteworthy still. I could’ve just stayed home, but I didn’t.

-Re-answered some questions that I got wrong on my driving school app until I got them all right.

Successful day, definitely on the upward curve right now. Until tomorrow.

Wow. Ok, so today I went out to approach some girls. I was walking around for like 40 min. at this point pussying out on girls. Kept up the positive self-talk though and told myself that it was all good as long as I just kept on trying. (Thank you, Andy)

So I'm just walking around and I see this cute blonde. We made eye contact while she was waiting on a traffic light and she was walking alone with her headphones on. In my head I was like it has to be her, so I walked behind her for like a min. prepping myself feeling nervous AF but finally walked up to her, tapped her on the shoulder and said "I know this is random, but I think you're really hot".
I asked her where she was going she said to her car, which led to us talking about how long it took her to get her drivers license and me currently getting mine. I also told her that I was nervous which she said was fine. She also complimented me on having the courage to talk to her which was then followed by her calling me a creep jokingly after I told her that I followed her a bit before approaching because I was nervous lmao. I then soon ran out of stuff to say and asked for her number, she said yes, I gave her a hug and we said good bye.

First I lose my virginity and now this? God truly seems to reward those who never give up. Well, we'll see how this goes, I'll be approaching girls again tomorrow. I know this isn't getting laid, but I think it's important to celebrate these seemingly little victories, especially as a Newbie like myself.

Adam said:
Good job getting that first approach, man. I'm happy to hear it was a good experience and the girl was nice. I think most girls are even if they aren't interested.

Hey man, thanks a lot. Yeah, she was definitely nice to me, we’ll see how it goes. And you’re right most girls probably are nice.
So here’s everything I did today:

-Approached 1 girl, got a number (Update: I’ve proposed Wednesday as a date time and she said she’ll text me if that’ll be possible for her tomorrow.)

-Updated my Tinder and Bumble accounts with new pics.

-Completed one theoretical driver’s license exam simulation, didn’t pass lmao. Will repeat tomorrow.

-Made a to-do list for the day and completed all tasks.

-Unrelated/ Indirectly related to goals: made a plan on cleaning my wardrobe (been long overdue) and woke up at 6 A.M.

Still on the upwards curve,

Dang man congratz for the courage to approach the lady, hat off at you !

Take that good experience as a reminder if what you're aiming. It's more about the experience than the result !
GentleBlack said:
Dang man congratz for the courage to approach the lady, hat off at you !

Take that good experience as a reminder if what you're aiming. It's more about the experience than the result !

Thanks, it definitely took some courage. And you’re right the most important thing is that I approached.
Here’s what I did today:

-Approached two girls today. One first thing in the morning, said she was taken and the other one later in the day just wasn’t interested. In total took probably 3 hours to approach those two, haha.

- Completed two theoretical driver’s license exam simulations this time, failed both… I need to watch some YouTube videos about some of the rules that I keep answering wrong.

- Updated my Lovoo, OkCupid, Jaumo and Badoo accounts with my newest pic.

-Unrelated/ indirectly related to goals: Went to the gym early in the morning and removed some folders from the wardrobe that I’m currently cleaning bit by bit.

Good day, but got down on myself a little bit for pussying out on a lot of girls and being rejected twice. It’s gonna happen a lot more so better get used to it, haha. Also didn’t achieve one of my to-do tasks for today, I guess it was a little too much.

Update on the girl I approached yesterday: She agreed to meet me tomorrow. First date ever, so I’m excited and nervous. I will use Andy’s date advice from the Tinder guide, so we’ll see how it goes.

Date #1: First date girl

I gave her this name because she’s my first date ever.

Here’s how the date went:

Met her in front of the bar we went to. After I hugged her, I didn’t immediately start holding her hand like I said I would do, which is alright, I was quite nervous. We went to the bar, ordered drinks and got to talking.We talked about all kinds of stuff, our love for animals and anime, future jobs, movies etc. I even had the courage to switch the topic to sex at one point, by asking her if she thought people over 70 still have sex (Thank you again, Andy). At this point I was telling myself in my head to touch her and eventually I started doing it.

First I asked her to show me her nails and held her hand while looking at them and then I touched her ear while asking about her ear piercing. Eventually I just randomly grabbed her hand mid-conversation which see seemed surprised by and soon pulled her hand away.

I asked if she didn’t want me to touch her (Thank you, Andy.) and she said it’s not that, she just wanted to take things slower. After a hour at the bar we went to a store because she had to buy her friend a present/book. This is when things started going pretty well, though I lost control of the date by not following the gameplan Andy laid out.

While we were looking around, she bumped into me (intentionally) while leading me to the area where potential good books where. That’s how I knew she wanted me to touch her. I would go on to grab her by the shoulders, play with her hair and compliment her all while we were looking for a present for her friend, which she didn’t seem bothered by. After we left the store, I reached for her hand and we started holding hands. Instant public boner, lmao.

We were having fun, making jokes and lots of physical contact. At some point we were reenacting different ways couples hold hands and she put her hand in my back pocket, inviting me to do the same. Her ass felt really soft, but she soon pulled my hand away again.

Now this is where I SHOULD have pulled some type of trigger but I pussied out. I don’t have my own place and she doesn’t as well, the only places I could think of were her car and a park nearby. She still wanted to hangout, but we were like 1 hour and 30 min. into the date already, so I said let’s go to your car as she had made me an offer to ride me home. So instead of making it clear to her that I wanted to go to her car to get busy, I settled for a ride home. Yikes.

When we arrived at my parents house I asked if I could kiss her, which she said was too soon. So we hugged and that was it. I’m now worried that I didn’t make it clear enough that it is my intention to get laid, since I didn’t even try.

But hey, my first time holding hands and an ass grab. She definitely likes me, but hopefully doesn’t believe I’m planning to be her boyfriend. At least I moved, somewhat towards sex by touching her, telling her she’s hot and asking for a kiss. 2nd date will be easier, as physical barriers are already broken. I’ll try to get laid on the next one.

Note: Turns out she goes to the same school I go to. This city is to damn small, lmao. I guess I’ll be seeing her most days from now on.

And here’s everything I did today:

-Psyching myself out before the date, lmao. Making up a million different scenarios etc.

- Went on my first date ever. The girl was cute and into me, the date was exciting and fun.

- Approached two women. Both had boyfriends but were appreciative of the fact that I approached them.

-Unrelated/ Indirectly related to goals: Cut my own hair before the date and trimmed my beard.

Successful day man, I can’t believe I touched her ass. I wanna feel it again, lol. Until tomorrow.

Damn man, your first date ever was a CA date. Now that's something impressive.
Congratulations on your first date! Even more impressive that it was with a woman who you had the courage to ask out in person.

I know it may not seem like it now, but before you know it you will have be having so much sex you will be looking back and laughing about how you were ever nervous to go on a date with a girl who obviously likes you!

You have all the signs of a man who will be very successful with women, just gotta be patient, have faith in yourself and your ability to improve, enjoy the process and never quit till you have what you want!
congrats on your first date ever, and that too, from cold approach.

Crimson said:
When we arrived at my parents house I asked if I could kiss her, which she said was too soon.
I've never gotten a girl to kiss me by asking her. At most, she'll weasel out and say "only the cheek".

Usually, you need to just wait for a lull in the convo and go for it without saying anything other than maybe "hey".

If she outright dodges it and your lips don't even touch, I would just end the date immediately.

Otherwise you'll get a makeout, or at least touch lips.

There's a high chance the kiss will last like half a second and she'll pull back. She may even say shit like "I'm not ready for that..." which you can basically ignore. It'll always be "too soon" and she'll never "be ready".

If this happens, you can take one step down and just hold/cuddle her. If she's into it, she'll probably cuddle you more intensely than before or ask you random bullshit questions like "what's the farthest you've gone?" or "wow, i never do this on the first date....kissing??". Just staying non-reactive and chill will be fine. But this scenario is actually a green light. Just wait for another lull in the convo and go for it again and 99% chance you'll get the makeout and you'll be off to the races.

If when you try to cuddle her, she's pulling back or distancing herself in general, then it's basically a red light and you should pretty much just end the date right there.
Squilliam said:
Damn man, your first date ever was a CA date. Now that's something impressive.

Thanks, but what’s a CA date? Gotta be something good, haha.
Manly Cockfellow said:
Congratulations on your first date! Even more impressive that it was with a woman who you had the courage to ask out in person.

I know it may not seem like it now, but before you know it you will have be having so much sex you will be looking back and laughing about how you were ever nervous to go on a date with a girl who obviously likes you!

You have all the signs of a man who will be very successful with women, just gotta be patient, have faith in yourself and your ability to improve, enjoy the process and never quit till you have what you want!

Thanks for the encouraging words! I’m trying my best, man. You’re right as long as I never quit success is inevitable. This self-improvement stuff is way to rewarding to quit on it.
colgate said:
congrats on your first date ever, and that too, from cold approach.

Crimson said:
When we arrived at my parents house I asked if I could kiss her, which she said was too soon.
I've never gotten a girl to kiss me by asking her. At most, she'll weasel out and say "only the cheek".

Usually, you need to just wait for a lull in the convo and go for it without saying anything other than maybe "hey".

If she outright dodges it and your lips don't even touch, I would just end the date immediately.

Otherwise you'll get a makeout, or at least touch lips.

There's a high chance the kiss will last like half a second and she'll pull back. She may even say shit like "I'm not ready for that..." which you can basically ignore. It'll always be "too soon" and she'll never "be ready".

If this happens, you can take one step down and just hold/cuddle her. If she's into it, she'll probably cuddle you more intensely than before or ask you random bullshit questions like "what's the farthest you've gone?" or "wow, i never do this on the first date....kissing??". Just staying non-reactive and chill will be fine. But this scenario is actually a green light. Just wait for another lull in the convo and go for it again and 99% chance you'll get the makeout and you'll be off to the races.

If when you try to cuddle her, she's pulling back or distancing herself in general, then it's basically a red light and you should pretty much just end the date right there.

Yeah, I feel you, should’ve just went for it. Will definitely do so on the next date. I was afraid of my kiss being rejected, so I settled for asking.
A legend in becoming, congratulations for your date ever Crimson !!

I agree with what have been said already. I think you should keep aproaching ladies and multiply opportunities. Don't put all you emergy in one only girl !

Keep working on your goals, you're definitely on the right path :D
The general rule I learned is that it's better to go too fast than too slow. What I mean is a girl will forgive you for trying to kiss her too early* but she won't after a certain point if you're taking too long to make a move.
So don't worry about trying too early.

*: if this happens, stay calm, keep the conversation going, don't act as if this is ultra awkward

I remember trying to kiss a girl in a bar in the middle of a conversation, she said something like "what? not now!" yet we had sex multiple times together after that
GentleBlack said:
A legend in becoming, congratulations for your date ever @Crimson !!

I agree with what have been said already. I think you should keep aproaching ladies and multiply opportunities. Don't put all you emergy in one only girl !

Keep working on your goals, you're definitely on the right path :D

Ay, thanks brother! Yes, I definitely shouldn’t put all my energy into one girl, I’ve been focusing specifically on talking to more girls so I don’t get obsessed with this particular one. Thanks for the motivation, good luck on your path as well!
hush said:
The general rule I learned is that it's better to go too fast than too slow. What I mean is a girl will forgive you for trying to kiss her too early* but she won't after a certain point if you're taking too long to make a move.
So don't worry about trying too early.

*: if this happens, stay calm, keep the conversation going, don't act as if this is ultra awkward

I remember trying to kiss a girl in a bar in the middle of a conversation, she said something like "what? not now!" yet we had sex multiple times together after that

You’re talking facts. It’s good to make you’re intentions clear early. I guess the kiss request showed her that I’m interested in taking things further physically and not just talking.