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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Here’s everything that happened today:

-Approached 3 girls! My goal for each day is to approach at least one, so three is really good. The first girl rejected me because she had a boyfriend, the second girl was the first Asian girl I ever approached but she wasn’t interested.

At this point I was satisfied with myself, as I had already surpassed my goal, so I went to the gym. There I noticed this girl who I used to go to school with, I saw her at the gym a couple times before but we ignored each other. During my workout I kept looking at her thinking to myself that I would love to approach her.

During my last exercise, she started using the machine right next to me (Thank you, god), so in my head I’m like, let me at least try. I walk up to her, tap her on the shoulder (she had headphones on and didn’t hear me when I first called her name) and asked if she was in fact the girl I used to go to school with, even though I knew, haha. Started making small talk (how’s school going now? etc.) and I pussied out on asking for her number at first and went back to finishing the exercise.

After I finish that last exercise, I walk up to her again and ask how long she’s been going to the gym for which leads to more smalltalk and then I finally ask for her number. She agrees, I tell her she’s hot (way to go, Brandon), she says thank you and we hug and say goodbye. This was a warm approach since I knew her already, but still an approach either way.

-Went to driving school.

-Unrelated/ indirectly related to goals: Went to the gym as you saw above.

Update on the girl from my first date:

Scheduled the second date for Sunday, wish me courage! May I not pussy out on trying to get laid again, haha. We’ll probably see each other tomorrow at school as well, I saw her there today, but pussied out on greeting her. I actually told her that via text when she texted me and asked if I saw her at school (This made me feel way less like a pussy, thanks Andy for advocating honesty with girls). She wanted to meet me during school today to go read a book in her car during the break in between lessons (lol) but I was already at home.

Until tomorrow,

Crimson said:
She wanted to meet me during school today to go read a book in her car during the break in between lessons (lol) but I was already at home.

Too bad. I bet you woulda got lots of studying done.

But for real - legend in the making. How come I don't see anything about you being online? You look good enough in your profile pic.
I don't normally comment on people's log, especially new since they tend to phizzle out, but you seem solid.

I remember commenting on those terrible first tinder pictures you've had

It seems you have been working hard taking action from seeing your new PFP

A lot of guys in this space, including myself. Had probably wished we started this journey at 19. Use that knowledge to your advantage, you have real opportunity, use it.

Congrats on your first date, first of many.

I'm rooting for you, keep hustling.

- Not much else to say, let's fucking get to it. Mimbe393939
Svadhishthana said:
Crimson said:
She wanted to meet me during school today to go read a book in her car during the break in between lessons (lol) but I was already at home.

Too bad. I bet you woulda got lots of studying done.

But for real - legend in the making. How come I don't see anything about you being online? You look good enough in your profile pic.

Haha, yes we would have studied a lot. Thanks man, just doing the best I can. I will get back on online dating, I’ve just been so focused on approaching. Will get back on it today.
Mimbe393939 said:
I don't normally comment on people's log, especially new since they tend to phizzle out, but you seem solid.

I remember commenting on those terrible first tinder pictures you've had

It seems you have been working hard taking action from seeing your new PFP

A lot of guys in this space, including myself. Had probably wished we started this journey at 19. Use that knowledge to your advantage, you have real opportunity, use it.

Congrats on your first date, first of many.

I'm rooting for you, keep hustling.

- Not much else to say, let's fucking get to it. Mimbe393939

Thanks for showing love brother, I won’t disappoint you. I actually wish that I would’ve found all this stuff even sooner, haha. Like you said, let’s fucking get to it.
Oh. My. God. First kiss and make out session! I don’t even know where to begin. This all literally happened like 3 hours ago btw. It was with the girl that I went on my first date ever with.

Like I said me and her go to the same school together, so I texted her on the break in between lessons and asked where she was. She didn’t see the message in time and ended up texting me during class and asked if I wanted to hangout during the next break (30 min. long break), which I agreed to (of course, haha).

We meet on the schoolyard, hug and start making small talk. She then asks me if I wanted to go to her car with her and I said yes. In the car, she starts playing music and we start talking about random stuff that I can’t even remember now. At this point in my head I’m like this is a little bit to friendship-like, as I hadn’t even tried to touch her yet (except the hug). I was pussying out on touching her, but kept telling myself the mantra “I want you” (Thanks, Andy.) and eventually reached out and grabbed her hand.

I asked her about the ring she was wearing, which led to more small talk. I grab her hand a second time a little bit later, which leads to her asking me what my intentions are. I was honest with her and told her that I’m only looking for something casual because I don’t have a lot of experience yet and want to gain as much experience as possible (Thanks again, Andy for advocating honesty, it takes some character and courage to be honest like this).

Awkward silence, I then ask her what her intentions are and I quote: “I’m more on the lookout for something serious, but…”. Keyword BUT. I’m pretty sure that translates to something like: “I’m looking for a boyfriend right now, but I really like you and I’m still willing to fuck you after you’ve told me your true intentions.” At least hopefully it means that, but let me not put words in her mouth.

She said she had to think about all of this and I told her that I understand. There was a lot of awkward silence, but I was still caressing her hand and giving her genuine compliments. Then she rested her head on my shoulder and said: “You give so many compliments, it’s hard to think clearly”. I laughed, and she jokingly said that I was manipulating her, to which I answered that I genuinely wanted to make her feel good, which was true.

Some more conversation and I believe then came another awkward silence. Either way, she was looking slightly in the other direction and I turned her head towards me. We looked at each other and I kissed her. Wow, her lips were so soft. Soon enough, we were pretty much exchanging saliva, though not quite tongue kissing, haha.

After we were done she said: “That’s not good, that wasn’t supposed to happen.”, I said I thought it was hot. We got out of the car a couple minutes later, kissed goodbye and she said she still has to think about wether she’s willing to continue our relationship, as it would be strictly casual.

Note: She just texted me and said that the 30 min. break was actually a 10 min. break, which was true, we totally forgot. She came 30 min. late to her classes, lmao. I told her I hope she didn’t get in trouble, haha.

Making out with her felt great, man. So this is what a kiss feels like.

Crimson out. (2nd mic drop)
Here’s everything I did yesterday (fell asleep before I could write this post):

- First Kiss and make out ever

- 2 approaches, got rejected both times. I think the second approach was on the phone with her boyfriend while I approached her, lol.

Need to get back on online dating and driving exam simulations, I’ve been slacking.

Update on the gym girl: She ghosted me unfortunately. I used Andy’s Tinder template: “Hey sexy, it’s Brandon. Sup”, which she thought was weird. It is what it is, gotta go talk to more girls.
This is what I did yesterday (meaning August 13th, today is the 14th):

-Texted all the girls I could online for 2 hours, got 3 responses and just noticed a ton of matches that I missed on the App "Hily".

-Went out to approach for 30 min. but couldn't talk to a girl, felt down because that gym girl ghosted me (Yikes). What matters is that I at least tried to talk to new girls.

-Went to the gym

As you can see I'm slacking on driving school, even though that's supposed to be one of my #1 goals. I've also been failing to write out to-do lists for the day for the last couple of days, which is why what I end up doing in a day seems to be so random. Need to get back on track.

Note: Date with the girl I made out with scheduled for today, she said she still had to think about being in a casual relationship but didn't get back to me about it yet. Will text her soon and ask wether she's still willing to meet up today. If she is, I'm going to have sex with her TODAY.

Update: She's still down to meet! Now it's on me to not be a pussy so I can get some pussy (I could be a rapper, I know).
Adam said:
You're doing great man. You're putting in the work and it seems like you have a really positive attitude. You'll go far if you keep this up

Hey thanks, man. As long as I never quit, success is inevitable. Never quitting is all that it's about.
I will keep this very short. This is the same girl from my first date ever by the way. We met, walked to a park and sat on a bench. We talked about sex, made out, I played with her tits, licked her neck ect.

I then ask her if she wants to go to her car (after like 30 min. maybe a little less), she asks why, I say to makeout some more. She says she's on her period, I say I don't mind and I have a towel with me. She says, "No, not today, I don't feel that good."

So I end the date politely and walk her to her car. At the car we make out some more. I tell her that I don't want to pressure her into doing anything she doesn't want and ask her if she's just willing to get in the car together and make out.

She says no, but immediately pulls me towards her and starts licking my face off (haha). We make out some more, I grab her ass ect. But I ultimately end the date.

My question now is, is there anything I could have done differently that would have resulted in me getting laid today? Mind you, I don't have my own apartment and she doesn't as well. The only available place is her car.
To my mind, you did exactly the good thing. Sometimes, it's important to respect what ladies say to us. She said she had her period but insisted a bit by saying you didn't care about that (I see that you're bold despite your low amount of experience, I like that !) and even brang a logistic solution. The fact that she said no again and you didn't insist more is the right thing. The fact that she didn't feel comfortable enough is more relied to her than to you, I think your range of action is really limited in this situation (given her age mostly, but also the fact that you didn't have sex with each other yet). You've been polite, made out a bit with her and ended things quickly. It would have been too kind to try to make her feel more comfortable. The message you sent was "I understand your feelings and I respect them, but I also respect my lust towards you so let's see another time"

I hope my message is clear enough !
GentleBlack said:
To my mind, you did exactly the good thing. Sometimes, it's important to respect what ladies say to us. She said she had her period but insisted a bit by saying you didn't care about that (I see that you're bold despite your low amount of experience, I like that !) and even brang a logistic solution. The fact that she said no again and you didn't insist more is the right thing. The fact that she didn't feel comfortable enough is more relied to her than to you, I think your range of action is really limited in this situation (given her age mostly, but also the fact that you didn't have sex with each other yet). You've been polite, made out a bit with her and ended things quickly. It would have been too kind to try to make her feel more comfortable. The message you sent was "I understand your feelings and I respect them, but I also respect my lust towards you so let's see another time"

I hope my message is clear enough !

Your message was very clear, I completely understand, thanks. I guess I did do the best I could’ve done in this situation. I appreciate the response!
So here’s everything I did today:

- Went on 2nd date ever, felt very comfortable and had fun.

- Tried to approach girls but couldn’t. I really got down on myself after the date and the fact that I didn’t get laid and was walking around feeling like I didn’t deserve girls.

-Replied to a couple of girls online, but nothing came out of it.

NEED to get back on track about my drivers license, what the fuck.

I‘m actually considering telling my parents I’m trying to get laid, so that I can bring girls over. Context: My parents have been wanting me to get a girlfriend for a while now, so I think they’d be happy to find out I was dating.

Wether they would actually let me brings those girls over to the house and have sex with them, is a different question, though haha. It’s something to consider, as it would take care of the logistics part that I’m struggling with right now.

Plus, I wouldn’t have to hide the fact that I’m dating anymore (I always just tell them: „I’m going for a walk“ or „I’m meeting some friends“). If I do go through with this I will probably just be completely transparent and tell them that I’m looking to gain experience regarding sex/dating.

What do you guys think about this idea?

I don't think you have to tell your parents explicitly "I'm trying to get laid" but if they seem to want you to get a girlfriend, I'm sure you can just invite girls over and tell them that.

going off past experiences where i would have female friends over at my parents' house and we would be locked in my room alone but only talking and cuddling.....lol!!!

but yeah you could just say you're going to invite a girl over and maybe introduce them and that should be fine
colgate said:
I don't think you have to tell your parents explicitly "I'm trying to get laid" but if they seem to want you to get a girlfriend, I'm sure you can just invite girls over and tell them that.

going off past experiences where i would have female friends over at my parents' house and we would be locked in my room alone but only talking and cuddling.....lol!!!

but yeah you could just say you're going to invite a girl over and maybe introduce them and that should be fine

Word. I feel you, maybe I don’t have to be that explicit, haha. My parents should be supportive of the idea of me bringing girls over, I will ask them today.
Alright, my parents agreed to me bringing girls over. My dad was very chill about it, my mum is making a big deal out of it and saying that me and the girl should only stay in the living room and talk for 30 min.

My parents have bought the house that we live in and it has 3 apartments. My dad even allowed me to use one of the apartments if she comes over (What a champ). Since that apartment is the one that my parents sleep in, we will probably be fucking on my parents bed (lol) or one of the sofas in the living room. Either I’ll do that or we’ll just go to my room.

Question: Should I be honest to my parents about the fact that I’m bringing these girls in to fuck? Or should I just say they’re girls I’m dating (which is still true)?