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    • Svadhishthana
      Svadhishthana replied to the thread Svadhishthana's log.
      Been hammering away since the last post. Mostly focused on taking care of chores. I think what I really need to do is take some time for...
    • Svadhishthana
      Svadhishthana replied to the thread Svadhishthana's log.
      LAY 21: Easiest goddamn lay ever. I finish my course eval, go home, shower and chill for a bit, then drive to hers. Get there, take...
    • Svadhishthana
      Svadhishthana replied to the thread Svadhishthana's log.
      Just did my course eval. 100% on the written portion, no discrepancies on the practical portion, and the evaluator said I should work...
    • Svadhishthana
      Svadhishthana replied to the thread Svadhishthana's log.
      Second day of RA course down. As expected, my body is feeling more beat up as the week goes on - a good endurance challenge of sorts...
    • Svadhishthana
      Svadhishthana replied to the thread Svadhishthana's log.
      Went on a date Sunday night. I honestly wasn't looking forward to it - I knew I had to wake up early Monday to start my RA course, and...
    • Svadhishthana
      Svadhishthana replied to the thread Svadhishthana's log.
      Yesterday woke up, meditated, duo, took care of some chores, kbs, hangboarding, then went out and spent the afternoon bouldering. My...
    • Svadhishthana
      Svadhishthana replied to the thread Svadhishthana's log.
      Interview went well. Guy basically said that as long as I pass my rope access course and am not an idiot or an asshole, I'll have a job...
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