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  1. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Been hammering away since the last post. Mostly focused on taking care of chores. I think what I really need to do is take some time for self-reflection and evaluation of various goals and how I am focusing my time. But then, I keep doing that and it keeps feeling a bit masturbatory. But I also...
  2. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    LAY 21: Easiest goddamn lay ever. I finish my course eval, go home, shower and chill for a bit, then drive to hers. Get there, take about 30 seconds to say hello, then start making out. We have a few drinks and watch TV while making out, feeling each other up, and talking shit. She doesn't want...
  3. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Just did my course eval. 100% on the written portion, no discrepancies on the practical portion, and the evaluator said I should work for his company rigging stages for concerts. Now to chill out for a couple hours, then go to Sunday girl's place to bang her. It's a good day.
  4. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Second day of RA course down. As expected, my body is feeling more beat up as the week goes on - a good endurance challenge of sorts. Yesterday I got home and pretty much just laid down and didn't move until I fell asleep. Hopefully I can stay awake for my date tonight, lol.
  5. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Went on a date Sunday night. I honestly wasn't looking forward to it - I knew I had to wake up early Monday to start my RA course, and the girl seemed a bit combative over text. And because she also had to wake up early, we scheduled to meet at 7 - daytime this time of year, which I dislike for...
  6. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Yesterday woke up, meditated, duo, took care of some chores, kbs, hangboarding, then went out and spent the afternoon bouldering. My local area has annoyingly stiff grades - in other areas I can often flash V3 and get V4 with some effort. Yesterday I failed to send even some V1s. Guess that's...
  7. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Interview went well. Guy basically said that as long as I pass my rope access course and am not an idiot or an asshole, I'll have a job. It seemed like 90% of the interview was him trying to sell me on working for the company - explaining how fast I'd get promotions and pay raises, talking about...
  8. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Yesterday took care of a bunch of chores. Got a lease renewal signed. Went outside for a bouldering sesh. Then hangboarding and kettlebells. Today I have an interview for a potential side gig as a rope access tech repairing windmills. Then running up to my Airbnb to take care of a few more...
  9. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Back from the desert. Good time, cool spot, but ran into an issue. My friend is quite subby, so she blew me a lot, which was great. But when I went to fuck her, I would go soft. Super annoying, and a bit of a wake up call. It's time for me to admit that it's time to end my experiments with fin...
  10. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Just been cranking through chores the last couple days. Doing a last bit of cleaning, then off to disappear into the desert to hang with my fwb for a few days. Should be a nice break. After that I'm back in town, and hopefully will regain something of a more normal schedule where I can spend...
  11. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Been spending the last few days in an old plumbing shop disassembling their shelving to salvage lumber. Pretty blue collar labor with my drill, hammer, prybar, and sawzall, but I'm getting several hundred dollars worth of plywood and 2x4s for free. Then I can use those to build a shed in my back...
  12. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Posting to maintain the habit. Have spent the last couple days doing manual labor tasks. Today doing the same.
  13. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Yesterday woke, meditated, Spanish, and spent most of the day running around town buying tools and materials from FB marketplace. Then got back home, kb workout, hangboard workout, and started cleaning up some construction debris that had accumulated and was making the place look trashy. Then...
  14. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Spent the last couple days being a bit depressed because of my injury, but some light hangboarding over the last two days has also helped it see significant improvement. But, trip is over, back in town, time to get things done. Meeting with my fwb in Utah again in a bit over a week, so want to...
  15. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Annoying thing happened yesterday. After posting here, I wanted to get my shit together. So got my shit packed, did a hangboard workout, and went out with my intention. First place my crew went had a few highball lines. I didn't want to get hurt pitching off the top, so I just walked up the...
  16. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Yesterday went climbing again after a rest day. Goal was to send V5, but failed there. Got on 2 different problems of the grade, both of which felt very difficult. First problem favored shorter people. I had to start with my knee above my elbows at the start - extremely strenuous position to...
  17. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Yesterday was good. Spent the morning retrieving my bike from the side of the road, then first day pulling on boulders here. Only here for a week, so gotta make the most of it - hoping to send V6 by the end of the trip. So yesterday got warmed up and ticked a few V3s. Late posting this today...
  18. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Been gone out of regular service for a few days in canyon country. Was supposed to be headed back to Denver by now, but I was enticed to spend one more week in the desert bouldering. The place we're at is known to have fair grades and lots of options, so this will be a good way to figure out...
  19. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Real good day yesterday. I knew it was gonna be my last day climbing in the area this season, and wanted to really try as hard as I could on something. After days of cool temps, the group was stoked to climb in the sun and be warm for once. We headed to a crag I'd been to a couple times...
  20. Svadhishthana

    Svadhishthana's log

    Not much to say about yesterday. Was stoked to get out climbing again the day before, but in the morning my upper back was super sore and I was still tired after sleeping for 10 hours. The group was pretty stoked on taking a rest day, too, to watch the eclipse and do drugs. I did a tiny bit of...