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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

colgate said:
Manly Cockfellow said:
banana is nice
definitely give her a banana to snack on 😏

funnily enough my first lay and i went to the grocery store together after fucking for like 6 hours and i bought us bananas to snack on 😂 this is a very good suggestion

That’s hilarious, lmao. Damn, 6 hours? 😂
PinchePendejo said:
Get lighting that you can dim. It helps set the mood. Can be fairy lights, LED strips, or just a lamp with a smart bulb.

I‘m pretty sure my parents have dimmed lights in their room, I’ll go and find out, thanks.
Quick update post:

First, update on the bus girl (the one I approached yesterday):
-Turns out she’s 16, which is too young.

Secondary, update on 1st date ever girl:
-She’s coming over to my parents house on Saturday. Like I said, we‘ll probably have a spare apartment to ourselves. My mother will most likely not be in the house (may God be on my side), I don’t know about my father, though. He’s chill about me bringing girls over anyways.

I asked my mum if I could bring in different girls regularly, she doesn’t seem to like it. She says that I should be „moving slowly“ and shouldn’t be dating multiple girls. My little sister said she hopes I don’t turn into a fuckboy, lol.

So I’ll have to see wether I can make bringing girls over to my parents house a regular thing, if not I might have to look into apartments with roommates in my city.

Crimson said:
colgate said:
definitely give her a banana to snack on 😏

funnily enough my first lay and i went to the grocery store together after fucking for like 6 hours and i bought us bananas to snack on 😂 this is a very good suggestion

That’s hilarious, lmao. Damn, 6 hours? 😂

yeah i wrote up the story here
Crimson said:
Update on the gym girl: She ghosted me unfortunately. I used Andy’s Tinder template: “Hey sexy, it’s Brandon. Sup”, which she thought was weird. It is what it is, gotta go talk to more girls.

Makes sense, you need a different name. Manganiello struggled for months to get laid while using this exact name. He switched to something else and boom - he was getting laid left and right

(I'm joking, just teasing Manga)

Great job on your progress so far. Hope you get laid in the next few days man
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Crimson said:
Update on the gym girl: She ghosted me unfortunately. I used Andy’s Tinder template: “Hey sexy, it’s Brandon. Sup”, which she thought was weird. It is what it is, gotta go talk to more girls.

Makes sense, you need a different name. @Manganiello struggled for months to get laid while using this exact name. He switched to something else and boom - he was getting laid left and right

(I'm joking, just teasing Manga)

Great job on your progress so far. Hope you get laid in the next few days man

I thought you were serious for a second there, haha. Shoutout to Manga, the AA Program Slayer. And thanks man, I’ll try my best to get laid this week.
Quick update:

Lined up a date with a girl from Tantan (dating app) for Friday. First ever date from online, cute black girl.

Shitty logistics though, I’ll have to go there by train (it takes 1h 30 min) and she doesn’t even have her own apartment (she lives with her aunty). It is what it is though, as newbie, all experience is good experience. I need to do everything in my power to get laid.
So this what I did today:

-Talked with my mum about bringing girls over (she’s opposed to me dating multiple girls)

-Spent like 3+ hours (still going btw, haha) messaging girls on all of my dating apps

-Lined up a date with a cute black girl for Friday

Pretty decent day. Skipped going to the gym though, I’ll be going tomorrow.

I appreciate everybody's support btw! This is truly a great community.

Here’s what I did today:

-Messaged/ matched with a couple girls online, nothing came out of it yet.

-Went to gym

Quick note: The girl that’s coming over Saturday offered me a ride home from school today unprompted. We talked in the car and after we arrived I kissed her goodbye.

Quite a lazy day, I know. I’m feeling like I can slow down now that I’m seeing a little bit of success, which is obviously absurd. I’ll bounce back tomorrow.

Crimson said:
Quite a lazy day, I know. I’m feeling like I can slow down now that I’m seeing a little bit of success, which is obviously absurd. I’ll bounce back tomorrow.

Hey Crimson,

Some days you're gonna be less productive than others which is totally normal.
Good to see you introspect and call yourself out on being complacent.

Keep up the awesome work and great things will be in store for you!
Black Dynamite said:
Crimson said:
Quite a lazy day, I know. I’m feeling like I can slow down now that I’m seeing a little bit of success, which is obviously absurd. I’ll bounce back tomorrow.

Hey Crimson,

Some days you're gonna be less productive than others which is totally normal.
Good to see you introspect and call yourself out on being complacent.

Keep up the awesome work and great things will be in store for you!

Yeah you’re right, Andy even has a article about it (Bad Days are are Ok.). Welcome to the forums btw, I saw that you just joined! Great things will be in store for you as well! (As long as you never give up 😉)
Here’s what I did today (had to help my father take care of the garden, so couldn’t get too much done):

-Messaged girls online for 3+ hours

-Added sexually-themed (BDSM girl blindfold) picture as first photo to my dating profile

I’ll be showing my pictures tomorrow. I’m aware that I have no experience in BDSM, but Andy said that it would skyrocket your results online, so I’m going to do it.

Update (cute black girl):
First date from online still scheduled for tomorrow.

Like I said before she’s a cute black girl and I’ll be going to her city by train. She asked me today if I still wanted to meet up and I confirmed, so it seems like she really wants to meet me. We’ll see what happens.

Yeah, there was no date today. Cute black girl had to raincheck the date last minute, she seemed to be really sorry about it.

I told her to hit me up when she’s free.
Crimson said:
Yeah, there was no date today. Cute black girl had to raincheck the date last minute, she seemed to be really sorry about it.

I told her to hit me up when she’s free.

Welcome to the club 8-)

Better to get flaked on, then wishing you had a date

Plenty more to come, keep grinding!
Mimbe393939 said:
Crimson said:
Yeah, there was no date today. Cute black girl had to raincheck the date last minute, she seemed to be really sorry about it.

I told her to hit me up when she’s free.

Welcome to the club 8-)

Better to get flaked on, then wishing you had a date

Plenty more to come, keep grinding!

Haha, it was bound to happen at some point. Gotta talk to more girls.
Just made some money (around 350€) from working a mini-job. My question is:

Is the money best spent getting a tattoo, saving for a DSLR camera or start saving to move out of my parents house?
I'd say don't get a tattoo unless you actually want one. I think it's a bad idea to get one just for the sake of improving your looks.

If you get a DSLR, be prepared to spend a lot of time learning how to use it. You won't be taking good photos with it right away.

Moving out will help your chances more than either of those things. I got my own room recently, it's so nice to be able to bring girls back whenever you feel like it. No having to text your roommates or parents.
Crimson said:
Just made some money (around 350€) from working a mini-job. My question is:

Is the money best spent getting a tattoo, saving for a DSLR camera or start saving to move out of my parents house?


You HAVE to move out from your parents house as soon as you feel ready and have the money. It will just make you enter anither dimension of your life. That's actually my main goal, and I think that it's the most important thing to do if you want to date girls and stuff. You'll have more independence what will make you more mature and that's really important. Do I need to mention the logistics ?
Squilliam said:
I'd say don't get a tattoo unless you actually want one. I think it's a bad idea to get one just for the sake of improving your looks.

If you get a DSLR, be prepared to spend a lot of time learning how to use it. You won't be taking good photos with it right away.

Word. I didn’t even think about having to learn how to use it, thanks. And I’ve always wanted a tattoo, but it’s definitely not urgent.