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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Crimson said:
Is there a need for me to be sending this message?

I feel like this cuts through all the bullshit and nobody will have false expectations.

No. You are way, way too honest (and I say this even as someone who is frequently criticized by his own wings for being too honest himself)

The general principle is: honesty ramps up the more you get to know someone.

When you start out, you don't have to pour out your entire life story and situation to someone.

That's part of the getting-to-know-you process.

When you get her on a date, you can feel out what you both are looking for, or if you want to screen before that, you can do it in a much more subtle way that leaves the door open to go either way.

Ambiguity is key to game.
Understood, thanks. Ambiguity will be implemented from now on. pancakemouse
I've stopped using the "not looking for anything serious" line because I've realized girls looking for relationships will still go for One Night Stands.

But when they themselves ask what I'm looking for I now opt to tell them the truth.

Theres no right or wrong stance on this.

You should figure out what your stance is on this instead of asking strangers on the internet tbh.
Manganiello said:
I've stopped using the "not looking for anything serious" line because I've realized girls looking for relationships will still go for One Night Stands.

But when they themselves ask what I'm looking for I now opt to tell them the truth.

Theres no right or wrong stance on this.

You should figure out what your stance is on this instead of asking strangers on the internet tbh.

I understand, thanks for the feedback.
Had a productive day today:

-Went out and tried to talk to girls for 1 hour (couldn’t muster up the courage to talk to one though, even with a lot of blatant ioi, haha).

-Messaged a whole lot of girls online (nothing came out of it yet).

-Trimmed my beard.

-Passed my first theory drivers license exam simulation! This one is big for me, I watched a video on the rule I kept getting wrong and boom, I pass.

Update: I’m allowed to bring girls over to my parents house freely as long as I tell them beforehand.

Date with CA girl still set up for Saturday. Until tomorrow,

Here's what I did today:

-Read Andy's articles on gaining muscle and Tinder pic inspiration.

-Went to a store to look for new accesscories.

-completed 2 drivers license exam simulations (passed one).

-calculated the price Andy's DSLR + Tripod would cost me (1.300€).

-Spent 3+ hours messaging girls on all the apps (Nothing came out of it).

Feeling really shitty since that first date girl quit wanting to see me. I don't feel like I deserve girls. "Why would a girl want to spend time with me?" My sense of selth-worth seems to be dependent on wether or not a girl wants to be in my life.

Some reflecting needs to be done. Also, I need to buy the book "You Can't Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought". Until tomorrow.

Update: Date with CA girl still scheduled for tomorrow.

Date #2: CA girl

I gave her this name because she cold approached me.

Me and the girl who cold approached me at school went on a date today.

We meet up, we hug and I walk her to the park. I said I was gonna hold her hand as soon as we meet but I pussied out on doing so.

We arrive at the park and start talking about random stuff (future jobs, hobbies ect.). I soon reach for her hand and start holding it, she doesn't mind.

I tell her she's hot, she smiles and says I'm hot too. She then asks if I ever had a girlfriend, to which I say no (I also tell her I don't have a lot of experience). She's shocked by that and says how cute that is and that my looks/style gave the impression that I was a fuckboy/have a lot of experience (That's the idea, haha).

Soon after she says that we should walk around instead of sitting down on a bench. So we're walking around and she asks why I'm not looking for anything serious and I tell her that I want to gain as much experience as possible.

She asks how many people I had sex with, I say one (she's shocked), I ask her, she says one as well. We dap each other up and laugh.

We walk around for a little longer and I then ask her if she wants to come to my parents house. She says she can't because she has to take care of something this night (I don't remember what).

This is where I should have ended the date but I didn't, because I was too pussy to do so.
Instead, we sit down on a bench and talk some more. At this point we've been on the date for 1 hour.

I say fuck it and turn her head towards me (If I'm not gonna get laid let me at least make out with her) She says "What are you planning to do?", I kiss her. We make out and after we're done I tell her she tastes good, she laughs and says I do too.

We spend the next hour together walking around, holding hands, making out, she buys me ice cream, we're having fun.

The time comes for her to leave so we're waiting at the bus stop while eating ice cream. I throw away our ice cream after we're done and she smacks my ass while I have my back turned (she's bold, that turns me on, haha). I moan jokingly and she laughs.

She says that I have no ass (lol) and I say that it's probably because I'm skinny. I tell her she has a fat ass and procceed to smack it (because I'm a badass).

We make out some more, her bus arrives, we kiss goodbye, the end.

A date that was supposed to be max. 1h long, turned into a 2 h 20 min. date because I was too pussy to call it quits after it was clear that she was not DTF today. At least I moved things towards sex (kissing, touching etc.), so it‘ll be easier to seal the deal on the 2nd date.

It is what it is, we had a good time and I asked if she's free tomorrow but she hasn't replied yet.

Note: I just remembered I ran out of condoms, LMFAO! I wouldn't have been able to fuck her anyways!😂 (BUY NEW CONDOMS CRIMSON!)

This is what I did yesterday:

-Approached a cute brownie who smiled at me when we made eye contact.

I ask her „What’s up?“ (weak stop) and she keeps walking. I go after her and tell her she’s hot. She says thanks but then gives me the bf excuse. I leave it at that.

Accountability + Journal Entry

Over the past few days I haven’t been working on my goals as much as I should. Below, I wrote down a list of mini-goals that will bring me closer to my big goals.

Further below, I wrote down a journal entry on my current state of mind for those who are interested (and for myself obviously).

My goals:

- I will have sex with 1 girl (without paying) by December 1st 2022.

- I will pass my theoretical drivers license exam with a maximum of 8 points by December 1st 2022.

What I will do to achieve them:

-Sign up for theoretical drivers license exam by September 15

-Finish drivers license app (theoretical part) by September 15

-Take 2 new Tinder pics by September 30

-Approach 15 girls by September 15

I hereby vow to achieve all of these mini-goals by the deadline.

As to how I’m feeling currently:

Feels like I’m going through heartbreak about the girl that left me because I told her I want to see other girls. Pretty absurd, considering the fact that we only dated for 3 weeks.

I think I’m just sad because I have no girls left now, lol (still working on CA girl). She was the first non-prostitute girl I fooled around with, first kiss, almost had sex with her etc. though. Plus, I have to see her everyday as we go to the same school.

I find myself daydreaming about how we could’ve been a couple if I just wasn’t in this player stage in my life.

I also find myself struggling with imposter-syndrome, doesn’t even feel real that I’m not virgin anymore and that a week ago, I almost got my first lay. And two days ago I make out with CA girl casually and smack her ass?

Oh well, let’s achieve these goals and go talk to more girls. All praise to the most high.

Adam said:
Hey man, fooling around with a girl for the first time is a big accomplishment and an experience that will help you going forward. I hope you enjoyed it at the time and that you give yourself credit for it now. It's pretty normal to have some feelings when it comes to the first girl you've fooled around with. Keep pressing on. You'll meet more girls who want the same thing you do and figure out your own boundaries for how honest you want to be with girls.

Thanks for the encouragement Adam, I really needed that right now. I just gotta keep pressing on, like you said.
This is what I did yesterday:

-Started reading “You Can’t Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought”

-Answered Andy’s questions on hopelessness (See: My mental-health log)

-Told my mom to have my bank card renewed, so I can buy new clothes/accessories

Look bro, these feelings are normal. Understand that I, as well as many others, have felt these feelings to the absolute core of our being.

I've been discarded a couple times by chicks I'd banged a few times, dated for a while, really enjoyed being around and created very positive memories with - the chick who I lost my 'actual' virginity to ghosting me stung, a lot. Same situation as yours man. She was my first, excluding the one I paid for.

I also think I may have lost my lovely FWB. This one also hurt. She was a total sweetheart and helped me heal a lot from my trauma with women & loneliness.

I can tell you, on the second instance, the feelings were WAY less powerful, and lasted just a few days, as opposed to weeks and weeks.

This game will harden you and toughen you up psychologically.

I'll tell you the truth: confident, grounded, tough, mentally strong people win in life. They dominate everyone and kick their ass. Maybe it's sad. I get it. But in this process, you will become a total gangster. You are in now, we must march forward until completion.

That is what creates success in life dude. The fortitude to simply endure. A great video I always loved from Jordan Peterson was from his series on Neitzsche, and how the real mark of a man is when hard times visit. That is the time when a man will be asked the only question that actually matters in this world:


Understand that in this journey, you will become a success. You're at a perfect age. We're invested and behind you dude. If you stick here, heed our words, I am fucking 100% confident we'll have you very successful with stunning chicks, a boatload of money and just about everything a man could ever want. All you have to do is 1 thing: not give up.

All the pain is your psyche adapting and adjusting to the game of life. All the challenges, fears, insecurities, dark nights of the soul. They forge you into something else. Something that cannot be held down, stopped, beaten down or destroyed.

Take action. Allow the pain to be felt. It will come and go. And just be with it. Hold it like one holds a crying baby, in time, it fades away.

The highs of this journey are great. The lows, they can be the darkest times of your fucking life.

Believe me. I have been about as low as a human being can possibly fucking go.

And yet, I will suceed. And so will you.

MakingAComeback said:
Look bro, these feelings are normal. Understand that I, as well as many others, have felt these feelings to the absolute core of our being.

I've been discarded a couple times by chicks I'd banged a few times, dated for a while, really enjoyed being around and created very positive memories with - the chick who I lost my 'actual' virginity to ghosting me stung, a lot. Same situation as yours man. She was my first, excluding the one I paid for.

I also think I may have lost my lovely FWB. This one also hurt. She was a total sweetheart and helped me heal a lot from my trauma with women & loneliness.

I can tell you, on the second instance, the feelings were WAY less powerful, and lasted just a few days, as opposed to weeks and weeks.

This game will harden you and toughen you up psychologically.

I'll tell you the truth: confident, grounded, tough, mentally strong people win in life. They dominate everyone and kick their ass. Maybe it's sad. I get it. But in this process, you will become a total gangster. You are in now, we must march forward until completion.

That is what creates success in life dude. The fortitude to simply endure. A great video I always loved from Jordan Peterson was from his series on Neitzsche, and how the real mark of a man is when hard times visit. That is the time when a man will be asked the only question that actually matters in this world:


Understand that in this journey, you will become a success. You're at a perfect age. We're invested and behind you dude. If you stick here, heed our words, I am fucking 100% confident we'll have you very successful with stunning chicks, a boatload of money and just about everything a man could ever want. All you have to do is 1 thing: not give up.

All the pain is your psyche adapting and adjusting to the game of life. All the challenges, fears, insecurities, dark nights of the soul. They forge you into something else. Something that cannot be held down, stopped, beaten down or destroyed.

Take action. Allow the pain to be felt. It will come and go. And just be with it. Hold it like one holds a crying baby, in time, it fades away.

The highs of this journey are great. The lows, they can be the darkest times of your fucking life.

Believe me. I have been about as low as a human being can possibly fucking go.

And yet, I will suceed. And so will you.


Damn bro, you need to write a book or something. You have a way with words for sure.

Thank you so much for these inspiring words, knowing that y’all believe in me gives me great strength. I will get through this, the pain is only temporary. I love Jordan Petersons work too, btw.

I will endure.
What I did today:

-Went to 2 stores and tried on a couple of outfits. Pics will be uploaded once I have tried on 20 outfits.

-Bought a new bracelet and a new ring (both silver).

-Made an appointment with my dentist, will ask them about having my teeth whitened.

-Made plans with my two cousins, we will go out on Saturday and have a photo shoot session together.

-Chose the pictures from Andy’s Tinder guide that I’m gonna copy on Sunday.

-Went to the gym

Crimson said:
MakingAComeback said:
Look bro, these feelings are normal. Understand that I, as well as many others, have felt these feelings to the absolute core of our being.

I've been discarded a couple times by chicks I'd banged a few times, dated for a while, really enjoyed being around and created very positive memories with - the chick who I lost my 'actual' virginity to ghosting me stung, a lot. Same situation as yours man. She was my first, excluding the one I paid for.

I also think I may have lost my lovely FWB. This one also hurt. She was a total sweetheart and helped me heal a lot from my trauma with women & loneliness.

I can tell you, on the second instance, the feelings were WAY less powerful, and lasted just a few days, as opposed to weeks and weeks.

This game will harden you and toughen you up psychologically.

I'll tell you the truth: confident, grounded, tough, mentally strong people win in life. They dominate everyone and kick their ass. Maybe it's sad. I get it. But in this process, you will become a total gangster. You are in now, we must march forward until completion.

That is what creates success in life dude. The fortitude to simply endure. A great video I always loved from Jordan Peterson was from his series on Neitzsche, and how the real mark of a man is when hard times visit. That is the time when a man will be asked the only question that actually matters in this world:


Understand that in this journey, you will become a success. You're at a perfect age. We're invested and behind you dude. If you stick here, heed our words, I am fucking 100% confident we'll have you very successful with stunning chicks, a boatload of money and just about everything a man could ever want. All you have to do is 1 thing: not give up.

All the pain is your psyche adapting and adjusting to the game of life. All the challenges, fears, insecurities, dark nights of the soul. They forge you into something else. Something that cannot be held down, stopped, beaten down or destroyed.

Take action. Allow the pain to be felt. It will come and go. And just be with it. Hold it like one holds a crying baby, in time, it fades away.

The highs of this journey are great. The lows, they can be the darkest times of your fucking life.

Believe me. I have been about as low as a human being can possibly fucking go.

And yet, I will suceed. And so will you.


Damn bro, you need to write a book or something. You have a way with words for sure.

Thank you so much for these inspiring words, knowing that y’all believe in me gives me great strength. I will get through this, the pain is only temporary. I love Jordan Petersons work too, btw.

I will endure.

We got this man, with you all the way.

No matter how many times you are stuck, are broken down, feel like you can't do this, no matter how many times you are visited by doubt - come here, let us help take you forward and walk with you.

I absolutely believe in you. You can do this bro.

And also thanks for your compliment on my writing, I love to write, often I am not able to put adequate time and energy into my forum posts as I have to hustle and be quick but I will be sitting down and writing a long, long project report once I have completed The Phoenix Project. 7/10, just need 3 more lil bro and we did it ;-)

MakingAComeback said:
Crimson said:
Damn bro, you need to write a book or something. You have a way with words for sure.

Thank you so much for these inspiring words, knowing that y’all believe in me gives me great strength. I will get through this, the pain is only temporary. I love Jordan Petersons work too, btw.

I will endure.

We got this man, with you all the way.

No matter how many times you are stuck, are broken down, feel like you can't do this, no matter how many times you are visited by doubt - come here, let us help take you forward and walk with you.

I absolutely believe in you. You can do this bro.

And also thanks for your compliment on my writing, I love to write, often I am not able to put adequate time and energy into my forum posts as I have to hustle and be quick but I will be sitting down and writing a long, long project report once I have completed The Phoenix Project. 7/10, just need 3 more lil bro and we did it ;-)


Thank you so much bro, I won't disappoint you.

You will for sure get those 10 lays and I can't wait to be reading your report once you're done. Keep hustling!
I went out with my cousin today and did my first photoshoot. Best pictures below.

Which is the best one that I should add to my Tinder profile?
This is what I did yesterday:

-Did a photo shoot with my cousin for some new Tinder pics

-Trimmed my beard and cut my hair
For now, I've chosen the pic I think looks best out of all of them and edited it:

Do y'all think this is the one I should be using and is there anythings else I can do editing-wise?