Crimson’s Progress Log

Just bought the memory card, but the lens wasn’t in store. Gonna go to another city tomorrow to see if they have it, if not I’ll just order it online. Hitting the gym in a bit

Also starting school again in august to get my Abitur (university-entrance qualification). It’ll take 2-3 years and then probably off to university. Chose to go back to school because I have nothing better to do, I’d rather delay having to work for as long as possible😂

Either way it’s a good thing considering I live in Germany, which is a very certificate oriented country
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Didn’t go to the gym, but did a home workout. I’ll try to go to the gym in the morning, I never feel like going in the evening, maybe it’ll be easier.
I got deep, deep into this world, can tell you some stories, don’t believe all you see and hear. I’ll leave it at that.

The sentiment of not quitting is positive and meaningful for life, but I assure you, dating wise, I tried everything

Nothing would make a difference to the sort of woman I’d attract, the way they’d act, and there was nothing I personally could do

At that stage, after years of work, there was genuinely no point man.

That won’t happen to you, you’re young, and a lot more attractive than I was
I am so sorry man this is painful to read, I was already emotional listening to a sad song and this brought tears to my eyes

this is why this is a unique community, this community has no equal in the world. we can talk about quitting on one goal and moving to another with dignity and empathy. You won't see this in any other place.

I feel that this is such a beautiful song that can help bring relief to anyone who's in pain, it helped a lot today

I am so sorry man this is painful to read, I was already emotional listening to a sad song and this brought tears to my eyes

this is why this is a unique community, this community has no equal in the world. we can talk about quitting on one goal and moving to another with dignity and empathy. You won't see this in any other place.

I feel that this is such a beautiful song that can help bring relief to anyone who's in pain, it helped a lot today

Damn I am sorry my post hit you like that fam, that was not my intention with it, to bring other guys down.

I am not feeling bad about my change of goals, at all dude, truly and honestly, I am cool with it. You know yourself how hard I tried for so many years.

Life is about people, emotions, bonds, connection, and really creating amazing memories. If something is really just not making you feel good, it's OK to move on - I did that stuff for 3 years, dude. Consistent. Worked hard at it. By the time I stopped, it was just making me miserable dude, because it didn't bring me the type of experiences I was looking for, real connection with great women. So, let it be, bro, all will be well.

We'll all be OK. Believe me.

I will stop hijacking Crimson's log now by telling you, my self improvement journey, is not over. You will see me with a great physique, and a great business, travelling the world enjoying a great life, with a significant audience, soon enough. Because of straight work ethic and dedication. I am going hard at this shit like I always do in life.

Went to the gym today, good workout. Going in the morning might be better after all.

Didn’t buy the lens, maybe tomorrow. Also I’m gonna try to go to girls houses to get laid from now on (until I get own apartment). Gonna see how that turns out, Andy talked about getting laid like that if you still live at home in the tinder guide.

Also Andy talked about asking yourself why you want the goals you want, finding the deeper meaning.

Why do I want to get laid?

I want marriage and kids in the future (or at least settle down with someone and I definitely want kids) and I feel like to be able to fully give in the relationship it’s important that I know I’m not missing out on anything.

If I know that I can get laid whenever I want and I’ve built an amazing sex life, I can fully let that chapter go and be in the relationship. Also I’ll marry someone I truly want to marry, not settling for someone I’m not actually that keen on.

In short, I want to get laid because I want to be the best husband and father I can be😎
Went to the gym today, then went to look for the lens, they also didn’t have it in store, so I’ll just order it online
Whats your gym goal? Consider joining the weekly accountability thread for bodybuilding if ya want

You are more than welcome if you did want to take part
Ordered the lens! It arrives on Wednesday👏🏾 in the meantime I can read up on how to actually use it.

I think I’ll get back to dating after the vacation, it’s only a week left until then. Don’t really want to see a new girl then not see her for 4 weeks.

I’ll improve my dating profile during the vacation
Also want to reflect on my results.

I think in the last 2 months I went on 2 dates (from online dating). At least not 0

Also have gotten quite a few numbers and such. So it’s at least some results