Current Tinder Photos - Need Feedback and advice


Aug 3, 2021
Hi guys what's up,

These are the 3 current photos I'm using for Tinder atm, first one is my main profile pic. I already got some likes but I really want to improve my profile and go take more photos. I'm curious on what I should/can do to take better pictures.

I'll leave them here:
Hi there, those are some solid pics you got there.

I'd say the first one looks great because of your style and natural expression, the second one is amazing all-round.

Now regarding the last one, again your style looks great but I'm not entirely sold on the body language... it seems to give a not so confident vibe... like you're doubting yourself or something (because of the hand on the nape). If anything, I'd suggest taking a picture with confident body language. Also, you seem to be a tall man so you might wanna show that off if possible, might as well throw a couple of sunglasses into the mix.

Hope you found some value in my reply, if you've got time, I'd really appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on my tinder profile as well.

Cheers mate, keep up the good work.

I get what you're saying about the last one, I never really thought about it. Nice to have someone else notice the body language thing. I will keep using the first 2 pics and remove/replace the 3rd when I get better photos.


I'm currently working to get leaner so will do that for sure when I get there.

Appreciate the feedback guys thanks!