Dating Profile Pics Advice

Feb 5, 2022
Hey everyone!

I recently took some photos, edited them and updated my profile, and would really like to take advice and critique from the side.

I know that OLD is not really good where I'm at, and I'm not using it as my main source right now. Although I am still getting some matches here and there with boosts, it's mainly without responses.
Right now I want to know in which direction I need to improve my profile in my next photoshoots, for using it as a background source and in other countries later.

Here's my current Tinder:
and its snapshot (2 strange ones on on the right are gifs)
View attachment 13

I was aiming for first 2 top "sexy" photos and some pics/vids with various activities
I'm also using Bumble + Badoo (my only options for now), they have mainly the same profile but without vids.

Here are these pics separately:
1. View attachment 5
2. View attachment 4
3. View attachment 2
4. View attachment 3
5. View attachment 6
7. View attachment 1

Also there are some of the other best photos from last batches, they are unedited here but maybe I should edit and use some of them instead?
b1. View attachment 7
b2. View attachment 8
b3. View attachment 9
b4. View attachment 10
b5. View attachment 11
b6. View attachment 12

Will be grateful for any comments!
Hey, please don't take it as an insult. But as far as I know Eastern European women are much more into masculine looking men. Some of your pictures are good, others give the viewer "Soyboy vibes", I don't think that's conducive, especially in your region.

I would also avoid pictures that show your whole body. I have no idea how tall you are, but in the pictures it looks less than 170cm/5'7", no idea if that's true. That's not the worst thing in the world, there are enough men who have good success with it, but you should present yourself from their "chocolate side" because of the enormous online competition.

I'll go through the pictures and rate them as good/okay/bad, from my point of view:

1. good edit your skintone a bit darker
2. good edit your shoulder a bit wider
3. ok but why a pic with this 4/10 girl? edit your skin
4. bad
5. bad in Eastern Europe
6. bad in Eastern Europe
7. good! very good tbh

b1. ok
b2. bad, looks very "gay"
b3. good, cut legs away
b4. ok
B5: ok, cut legs away
B6. Good!

I hope I don't seem too rude, I'm not. Should only help :D :D
Thanks man! I'm here to hear harsh truth, so very grateful for that :)

Yeah, I'm 169cm. And that is a great point, I actually didn't even realise that it is that visible in the photos. I have some editing to do.

With 3. also didn't realise she's not that good looking in photo, heh. I considered her one of the "best" looking girls I had, and I want to have some girl in a profile. So I'm at a crossroads if it adds more value overall. I think I'll edit it and keep it for now.

Got it about region. Only here recently so haven't noticed local preferences yet. I added some photos for "personality" and "feel", but maybe they actually were counterproductive. Will try removing them for now.
Hey man, I followed your log almost like a stalker because I never commented on it haha.
You had an interesting journey because you were directly impacted by the consequences of the war and I think you did well to leave Russia before it goes full North Korea. :)

Anyway, I think your pics are solid overall. You already have a great physique with low body fat (I'm not jealous :)).

I partially agree with what Vamos said but not totally :
- For the point of Eastern European girls preferring more masculine men, I wouldn't be so sure. I mean, there are cultural differences with the West (I'm well aware of a lot of differences living in Switzerland and Poland), but in my experience there isn't a big difference on that matter.
- I agree with the point of not showing your whole body because some girls may reject you because you look not tall enough for them.
- The picture with the girl is good IMO, the girl looks good too IMO (but maybe it's because I'm so much into slavic girls :lol:)
- I like your pic #6, I'm going to steal you this one actually. ;)

If I have to give you my opinion on each of your pics :
  1. Very good - Showing your abs in a good context
  2. Good - You just look good in this pic
  3. Good - The girl looks good too IMO
  4. Bad - Your face isn't properly lit and this picture doesn't add any value to your profile
  5. Average - I just wouldn't use it
  6. Good - I like the artistic touch a lot !
  7. Average - Could be good if you displayed a better expression IMO

  • b1. Good - Nothing special but still good
  • b2. Bad - Weird posture
  • b3./b4./b.5/b.6 Good - But I still think 1. is better

Voilà, I hope it can help !
RussianSlimGuy said:
Thanks man! I'm here to hear harsh truth, so very grateful for that :)

Yeah, I'm 169cm. And that is a great point, I actually didn't even realise that it is that visible in the photos. I have some editing to do.

With 3. also didn't realise she's not that good looking in photo, heh. I considered her one of the "best" looking girls I had, and I want to have some girl in a profile. So I'm at a crossroads if it adds more value overall. I think I'll edit it and keep it for now.

Got it about region. Only here recently so haven't noticed local preferences yet. I added some photos for "personality" and "feel", but maybe they actually were counterproductive. Will try removing them for now.

For for height, fuck it. Just don't wear flat shoes, wear "taller" sneakers like Nike AF1, in fall/winter Timeberlands, Chelsea Boots, Boots with a small heal + 1"/2.5cm insoles and claim that you are 173cm. Pay a little attention to fashion, there are a few tricks to appear "taller" and that's it, that's all one can do and you should focus on things that you can really influence. Otherwise much success on your way :) :)
MFbag said:
Bruh if this dude isnt getting matches with those pictures i dont know what to say. Those look good to me. I really like the one in the black outfit leaning against the tree.

Well, there is always a caviat, and the few of us that have been going through the balkans a lot, Serbia is actually a tough nation because the local guys aren't "busted" like in the west. If you go to Serbia you'll see your classic "1.90 fit no fucks given" guy very often. I'm 186 and while in Italy I was always one of the tallest guys in the club, over there I felt average amongst dudes.
RussianSlimGuy actually looks good and has pretty much all covered, although he competes in a tough market and needs a bit of an edge because look vs look it isn't that favourable to him (and dating apps are just that, forget everything else)
Also let's not make all "East" in one basket. Girls in the balkans are very different mentality wise from girls in Poland
Yeah the masculinity is probably the issue if you have tried with those photos, and haven't gotten results. The photos are great. It's more about calibrating the vibe that you're giving / not giving in them.

I'd tone down the feminine energy that you're projecting on the photos. You just have that innocent, harmless look in most of them. You know? Also I've found that model-style stuff (like the one on the bench) it's very easy for it to look forced and unnatural. And with those looks, more often than not "gay". In this case, it's both.

Sooooo... try to tone down the gayness/femininity, just play around with it. That's my take. Maybe gain some muscle/weight, it's soooooooooo fucking important for shorter guys to have some meat on the frame.

Your chick looks good by the way, it's all very subjective :)
RussianSlimGuy said:
Hey everyone!

I recently took some photos, edited them and updated my profile, and would really like to take advice and critique from the side.

I know that OLD is not really good where I'm at, and I'm not using it as my main source right now. Although I am still getting some matches here and there with boosts, it's mainly without responses.
Right now I want to know in which direction I need to improve my profile in my next photoshoots, for using it as a background source and in other countries later.

Here's my current Tinder:
and its snapshot (2 strange ones on on the right are gifs)

I was aiming for first 2 top "sexy" photos and some pics/vids with various activities
I'm also using Bumble + Badoo (my only options for now), they have mainly the same profile but without vids.

Here are these pics separately:
1. tinder-budva-1.jpeg
2. tinder-tashmaidan-1.jpeg
3. IMG20220419144341_2.jpeg
4. DSC_5570.jpeg
5. DSC_4043.jpeg
6. 220_365.jpeg
7. IMG20220409170315.jpeg

Also there are some of the other best photos from last batches, they are unedited here but maybe I should edit and use some of them instead?
b1. DSC_0762 (2).jpeg
b2. DSC_0785 (2).jpeg
b3. DSC_1087 (2).jpeg
b4. DSC_1187 (2).jpeg
b5. DSC_1201 (2).jpeg
b6. DSC_1347 (2).jpeg

Will be grateful for any comments!

First of all, I'm a professional dating profile photographer. I've helped over 100 guys get more matches and dates.

I x-ed out the ones I don't like and circled the ones I do.

Here's why:

The first one I like because it shows off your abs well. Also you're in a cool place. It shows you're active.

The second one... there's no point to it. You already showed you have an awesome physique. Every photo should communicate something new.

The third I like. She's clearly comfortable with you which will help other girls feel the same way.

The fourth I put an asterisk because I like it, but it's too dark. Lighten up the shadows and it'll be good. It shows you have a cool hobby.

The 5th, you against a wall... again, no purpose to it. It communicates that you sometimes lean against walls.

I'll skip the GIFs bc I have no idea what they show

The one on the bottom left... you seem to have a hologram of the 4th photo on your profile in front of your face coming from the thing on your chest... I can't tell what it's supposed to be. Just confusing.

The second to last is good. Not a fan of the facial expression - it looks like you're trying to raise an eyebrow but instead you end up looking confused. But it's a cool background and shows you like to hike which makes up for it.

Hope this helps. I think way too much about all this and have worked with way too many guys so hopefully I can use that to help you.
MFbag said:
Bruh if this dude isnt getting matches with those pictures i dont know what to say. Those look good to me. I really like the one in the black outfit leaning against the tree.

It's overly-posed and communicates nothing about this guy except that he has a good physique - which he already communicated in the first photo.

That's a common mistake guys make, thinking they should use posed, model-type photos.

You want to go for "paparazzi" photo, meaning you're doing a normal human thing that someone just happened to take a photo of.
I didn't expect so many responses. Big thanks guys!

MILFandCookies Omg, I cannot describe how grateful I am for your time and advice. Such a boost to motivation!
Great insight about trying to show something new with each of the photos. I tried to go that way but somehow added too many fillers.
But yeah, already have some ideas what else I can show. Ohhh, it's gonna be hard to capture, haha.

Astronaut Thanks! Yeah, in next photos will be aiming more for masculinity/cool hobbies. Getting ripped is definitely my primary goal now, just takes time :)

Vamos Cool, I'll try them out!
I guess I just forgot about height for a long time now and focused on everything else. But maybe I still can try something and squeeze some more attraction points out of it.

Lord Rey Hey! I actually was reading some of yours too, it's awesome!
Thanks for your take on the photos! My thoughts about them were very similar.
Yeah, the feeling of running from a sinking ship is like nothing else, heh. But feels even greater when you know that it's only the beginning of a journey.

I think for Serbia/balkans it's true that conveying masculinity is almost mandatory. I believe even in neighbouring Hungary it would be easier. Because here everyday I see a lot of tall, ripped and confident guys around. Great to be around them, but the standards went through the roof.
Just somehow Serbia was "dating" place for me, cause many PUA guys that I watched loved it. And I even seen someone here training to approach girls, heh.
I actually need to get girls' perspective on OLD here, it's gonna be interesting.

So. How cool it is to hear so many perspectives!
I think I know what my next steps are, for now:

6th, for context, is actually an edit from my 365 photography/photoshop project. I love it a lot, one of the best edits that show blend of emotions and physique. But it may be ruining overall feel when I will add more "masculine" photos. But for now I still think it's good addition of "showing hobby" and has ok quality.
So I'll "edit the edit" some more for OLD style, haha. And experiment with adding/hiding it.

Gifs are me smoking the hookah, and me jumping into a water. Thought it showed my social/active side, but now I think they are really low quality and ruin everything. Especially the hookah one just gives the wrong feel. Out with it.

Also getting rid of 5.
4 - for now shows my photo hobby, but I definitely will be retaking it with better quality/posing soon. For now, edit lighting
3 - edit lighting/face
2 - agree that it doesn't add much value. But it is the second best quality I have right now. Will remove/replace after updating all others.

+ Take new photos with hobbies / cool activities. Gonna take a lot of time and effort, but I'll get it done eventually.