Day 9 - AA Program


Apr 2, 2021
Get Laid
Day 4 and 5 - AA Program

My video for today:

Did day 4 and 5 in one today. Feeling quite elated.

Day 4:
Walked up to 5 women and asked them for the time. Was quite easy and I could feel the social momentum kick in.

Day 5:
-First set (Walk up to 5 women and ask for the time) was easy as well. Did it in 4 minutes.

-Second set ( Ask 5 women for the time but faster) was harder, I had to convince myself for 15 min. to go and do it in under 4 min. and I had to do it in a way that one woman would see me asking the next one for the time immediately after I asked her.
So I went into a bookstore and just did it. The 5th woman I asked was a worker and looked quite irritated because she saw me asking multiple women the same question, and she asked me: “Do you need anything?” And I say: “Yeah, can you tell me what time it is?”

Hilarious. Ended 2nd set in 2 min 41 sec. New record. Had headphones on and phone out while doing it too.
I’m gonna catch y’all tomorrow.

Day 6 - AA Program

How I’m feeling:
Today humbled the hell out of me, haha. I thought that I would just be able to run through this program quickly in like 3 weeks (ridiculous I know) but this will be no walk in the park for me.

What happened:
Day 6:
Took me an hour to do the day 6 drills but pulled through. Talked to a couple of cute chicks. Asked where the store was while standing right in front of it, haha.

Day 7a:
Did the first set of day 7. Pussied out on lots of girls but eventually did that as well.

All in all took me 2 hours, 16 minutes. I. Will. Not. Quit.

See y’all tomorrow.

Day 7 - AA Program

Today was quite beautiful. Was able to do everything Chris asked me to do.

To make it a little more embarrassing I started asking women were Hogwarts was lmao, did it to a really hot girl to. I also started asking them were the beach was as well (I live in Germany, there are no beaches here haha).

It was quite fun today, week 1 down. I could literally FEEL the social momentum building up as I approached more girls. I also was able to catch a glimpse of what it must be like to own the world (social freedom) today. But I was still struggling a little though.

And I’m thinking if I’m already struggling here, how the hell am I supposed to get through the whole Program? It doesn’t matter though, because I. Will. Not. Quit.

P.S: It was way easier and faster to have to talk to the first girl you see, I was 20 min. faster than yesterday (Yesterday: 1 hour / Today: 40 min.)

See y’all tomorrow.

Day 8 - AA Program

Day 8 Drill:
-Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
-Time, Directions, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave

Today was kinda brutal as well man. Pussied out on the talk to the very first girl you see drill at first but ended up doing all of them at the end.

I personally have a problem with people seeing me do the drills, which is why I choose to not do the drills in the city center as there are way more people around. This however makes me have to walk around way more as I don’t get to talk to as many chicks at once.

Talked to like two cute chicks as well, made up a fake restaurant in my head ( The Oister lmao) and asked them were it was, they said they didn’t know (because it doesn’t exist) and I still asked them if they’ve been there, they said no again and then I asked them if they liked it there, haha.

This Program is brutal and we haven’t even started yet, I can definitely see how most people quit. But I won’t though.

Total time to complete drill: 1 hour, 27 min.

I’ll be back tomorrow.

Day 9 - AA Program

-Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
-Time, Have you ever eaten at [nearby restaurant]?, Leave
-Time, Have you ever eaten at [nearby restaurant]?, Did you like it?, Leave


Didn’t really feel that great today but still did what I had to do.

Nothing really eventful happened talked to lots of older women, but a couple cute young ones too. Asked two older women for the time each, while they were having a conversation, haha. I finessed my way through the drills though, because I made sure I was not around a lot of people before I had to approach the very first girl I saw again.

This Program will definitely take everything out of me. I feel like vomiting and crying right now, because I know there’s way more brutal stuff ahead, haha. One day at a time.

I’ll probably be doing the drills in the city next to mine from now on, since I’m scared of people I know seeing me do the drills.

P.S: I’m gonna redo day 8 tomorrow, since I discovered I didn’t do it properly.

Till tomorrow, brothers.

Hey Crimson, good to see you taking a serious shot at the program!

I'm also in Germany, drop me your # in a pm and we can chat. I did the program last summer
CainGettingLaid said:
Hey Crimson, good to see you taking a serious shot at the program!

I'm also in Germany, drop me your # in a pm and we can chat. I did the program last summer

Words of encouragement mean a lot, thanks.
Bro, that’s fire, you’re very resilient for finishing the program. I shot you a message in the Pm.
No AA drills today:

Didn’t redo day 8 today, instead I wasted time. I only asked one woman for the time and it wasn’t even the first girl I saw. I also thought about quitting the Program today. I tried to actually approach girls today, to see if I could skip the Program but I walked past all of them. Very depressing and very insightful.

I now know that I need to do this. I’m fantasizing about a “Fuck it Moment” were I just don’t give a fuck about the reactions anymore and go all in with the AA Program. Don’t know if it will happen though.

I said I thought about quitting but I really can’t afford to quit, because if I do I’m probably gonna kill myself. The life of a “normal” guy is probably not the life I’m willing to live.

See y’all tomorrow.

Bro you got this just keep pushing don’t quit literally if you just do one day at a time or even one rep of a set it is totally fine just keep going. Be humble about finishing the program in three weeks I started in Late September and I’m still on Day 29, but it’s because of my job that I’ve been delayed.
Noself said:
Bro you got this just keep pushing don’t quit literally if you just do one day at a time or even one rep of a set it is totally fine just keep going. Be humble about finishing the program in three weeks I started in Late September and I’m still on Day 29, but it’s because of my job that I’ve been delayed.

Noself Thanks bro, yeah my expectations for myself are probably way too high. As long as I don’t quit, I’ll be good. Thanks for the insight and encouragement, looking forward to see you finish the program!
Day 8a - AA Program (redo):
-Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
-Time, Directions, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave

Wasn’t able to ask the first girl I saw for the time, but I did ask a girl for time and directions and another one on for time, directions and whether she’s been there. Both girls were quite nice, especially the second one.

I now need to ask the first girl I see when I walk out the house tomorrow for the time and ask a girl the 4th drill (Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?) and then I’ll be done with the first set of four of day 8.

I notice I really have a problem with asking the first girl I see. I think cause all of a sudden I don’t have freedom of choice anymore as to what girl I want to ask. I HAVE to ask this specific girl no matter if she is walking with her boyfriend, with her mom etc. Just because I saw her first. Crazy haha.

Until tomorrow, brothers.

Crimson said:
I HAVE to ask this specific girl no matter if she is walking with her boyfriend,

haha, the worst part is when you actually ask a bf+gf, and the boyfriend answers. you're like god damn it that didn't count hahah.

keep it up
colgate said:
Crimson said:
I HAVE to ask this specific girl no matter if she is walking with her boyfriend,

haha, the worst part is when you actually ask a bf+gf, and the boyfriend answers. you're like god damn it that didn't count hahah.

keep it up

colgate Facts haha, happened to me with a husband and wife. And thanks, I will.
Day 8b - AA Program (redo):
-Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
-Time, Directions, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave

I was able to ask the first girl I saw today. It was a middle aged woman, I tapped her on the shoulder from behind and asked for the time. That’s all I did though. It’s still progress eventhough it’s at a very slow rate. I felt so hopeless walking around in public, like I didn’t even deserve to talk to girls.

Also got my first gym membership a couple days ago. Going everyday now.

Now I only have the “Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?” drill left to complete the first set of four of day 8.
Admittedly, I should and could have stayed outside way longer, I’m sure I would have talked to more girls.

No point in beating myself up though.

Until tomorrow brothers.

Yeah on these days it does get awkward when you have to ask the first girl you see for the time, for me I just did the first attractive girl I saw. There was a couple of times that I did approach girls with bfs.
Noself said:
Yeah on these days it does get awkward when you have to ask the first girl you see for the time, for me I just did the first attractive girl I saw. There was a couple of times that I did approach girls with bfs.

Noself For real, having to ask the first girl you see is though, but I can see how it is beneficial (no time to make the AA worse in your head etc.).
Day 8c - AA Program:

-Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
-Time, Directions, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave

Completed the last drill of the first set finally. Did it on an elderly woman. Was easy actually. Anxiety before approaching, but once you’re in the conversation it’s all gone.

Right after I did it, I could feel the world opening up a little bit and funny things started happening. On my way home a friend of mine saw me while he was driving and called my name. Funny experience.

Also I was walking by a girl who was walking with her mom and we both made eye contact and smiled at each other. Beautiful experience. Even just a small positive experience like that with a girl I’m attracted to is a huge confidence boost.

Just wanted to add that I’m doing a three-week work experience school-wise right now which is why I’m not doing as many drills. Also laziness though. I could be doing more. One girl a day is still progress/ better than nothing though.

Three more sets to go for the day 8 redo. Let’s go!

See y’all tomorrow brothers.

Day 8d - AA Program:

-Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
-Time, Directions, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
-Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Do you like it?, Leave

Did two approaches in the morning. Asked the first woman I saw for the time and asked another one for time and directions. Again, I could have done more. It is what it is though. I’m proud that I’m staying consistent with this.

Had quite a lazy day in general today, didn’t go to the gym eventhough I should have went. I just feel like I’m wasting potential and my life away. At the pace I’m doing the program right now it’s just going to take way too long to finish it. I feel like I need to do more drills daily.

See y’all tomorrow brothers.

Didn’t do any drills today:

Laziness. Didn’t even leave the house today. Just watched YouTube and played video games all day. I have no excuses for not at least talking to ONE girl.

I’ll be back tomorrow.
