
Mack said:
+ gll AA program (always get to level 6 and then nothing)

Which day did you get up to? 38? I can see how the program might not mostly fix some guys’ AA.
Hey mack,

Welcome to the forums my friend. I'll react later to your opening post. There are some similarities with my own life.

Good luck!

Hey man, welcome to the forums. We're kind of in a similar boat (I'm 5'5 and I have serious AA). Just my .02 but I really think you'll benefit by pushing through the AA Program. I'm actually just starting out with the AA Program (I'm at Day 11), so I'm cognizant of how difficult it is. So far, it's totally worth the pain/awkwardness!
Hey mack,

Good on you for changing your life. I'll adress some stuff from your OP and comment on some stuff I have experience with.

Mack said:
5'4' height
VERY skinny, currently at 110lbs.

Aaaahhh yes the skinny, small guy. Don't you wish you could just be big and fat? That way you could just lose weight and get ripped. EZ game right? Not really. Big guys struggle to get skinny, skinny guys struggle to get big. Story as old as time. My advice to you: Try to get as muscular as possible. And to get big you have to eat big. The best resource for packing on mass?

start here:

My own two cents: Focus on what your good at. You're build like a gymnast, gymnasts are sexy! Add gymnast workouts and calisthenics! Want a role model? try Tom holland:

Starting today, the gym is your second home. Workout hard, workout smart. Start loving the process. No excuses here. I repeat: START! LOVING! THE! PROCESS! you've got a long road ahead of you, you better enjoy it. One more thing as not to get discouraged: Only compare yourself to your previous self, not other people.

Mack said:
My life sucks a lot in general, wasted half of my life just doing nothing special, not gaining experiences, not living life or travelling.

Same here buddy I've wasted my 20's drinking beer and working for the man.
Listen to me: THIS ENDS NOW! There is no reason why you can't chose to live an awesome life right now. You don't owe anybody anything. Do whatever you want. And do it now. Enjoy it!

Mack said:
I have a moderate internet addiction (I check youtube, reddit, twitter 3-4hs a day)

I have a moderate porn addiction (use it every 2 days, for 1 hour max), It might be little but I never managed to quit it.

Go outside! Can't stress this enough: GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE! experience stuff, get some sun. move around, talk to people. Start loving other human beings, instead of wasting your life away behind a screen. It makes you miserable. Believe me. Other then specific stuff you need (eductational shit, KYIL forums, online dating) You have no business being on the internet. Reading generic self-help blog post #13516351 will not make you any better, taking action will.

On porn: Do hardcore Nofap, at least untill you get laid. possibly forever. 1 month on Nofap here. Imagine being horny all the time, it's free motivation.

Mack said:
Like for example, I'm living life but I feel so... empty and bored... and it's been like this for years and years.

I could be wrong though and maybe I have severe depression that needs treatment... but let's try removing these habits and see how I feel.

I you can afford it, get therapy. It's not necassary, but the emptyness and boredness, that's a depression red flag.

Mack said:
I have my own place near a couple bars. I work from home. I've been lifting for 3 months gaining 2lbs per month.
Eeh... I think that's it?

Good start. Keep on going.
On last bit of adive: You're in this for the long haul. progress takes time. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER GIVE UP! you may drop the ball at some point. forgive yourself, and start again the next day. DON'T QUIT!

Godspeed my friend. This is the first day off your new life. Now get after it.

Never made it past Day 6? I'm kinda curious what it is about Day 7 that's making you stop your progress through the program? Is there a specific rep that you're having trouble with?

The Day 7 drill is:
  • Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
    Time, Directions, Leave
    Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
ok, first video uploaded. Will try to speak faster on next videos because I don't want them to be long.

1) Will try melatonin today