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Do you guys track your approaches?


Jul 27, 2020
I stopped counting/tracking after lay #5 because I thought it was too outcome dependent but then I realize I got sad when I would approach what seems like a ton of girls but not get results.

I’ve started tracking again and it’s a much better feeling. Even if I approach 9 girls over a week and get nothing all i have to do is to look at my averages and think “you only get one lay every 20-30 approaches on average, you haven’t even hit that yet, and you have to factor in random bad streaks...chill out”

You guys?
I recommend not counting

The actual numbers dont matter and you wont get a big enough sample size anyway to figure out your actual win rate

Its a numbers game yeah but the numbers are random af

Easy enough to bang 2 girls in side 10 approaches but then go like 50 or even 100 without any luck

Had this discussion several times on GLL
I've gone back and forth with this; counting and not counting. The upside in counting is you typically will talk to more girls. I find if I don't count my approaches then I overestimate how many girls I'm actually talking to.

If getting laid is your number one priority than you're probably better off counting your approaches simply because it will push you to talk to more girls. But if getting laid is a secondary goal for you and its just a part of your lifestyle then it's probably unnecessary.

A lay every 20-30 approaches is really good. I'm curious are you only doing warm approaches and basic guy game or are you cold approaching most of these girls with aggressive/screening game? Also how hot are the girls, are they mostly 7s, 8s, etc. ?
Its not so much tracking the approach but whats its said and or done during said approach , things didnt click for me until around approach 257 (I tracked my approaches) you have to track what you are doing with the approaches other wise its worthless!
I tracked 2000 between 2015 and 2019. I think you'd be mad not to track them, at least until you achieve results you are happy with. What gets measured gets improved.
My 2c:

I tracked counts when I did cold approach here in the US. I unfortunately had other commitments like working low paying jobs so this spread me thin. At the end of the day it's a numbers game. At my current state I can't pull American girls and have tried multiple approaches including "status" game.

I'm about to go to Colombia this January and am going to go balls to the wall crazy with approaching, online game, etc. I might track how many I approach but in my scenario I need to document the girls kind of like a CRM system. It will take 2-3 dates to get a lay. For my trip I am making getting laid a #1 priority.
Mr Available said:
My 2c:

I tracked counts when I did cold approach here in the US. I unfortunately had other commitments like working low paying jobs so this spread me thin. At the end of the day it's a numbers game. At my current state I can't pull American girls and have tried multiple approaches including "status" game.

I'm about to go to Colombia this January and am going to go balls to the wall crazy with approaching, online game, etc. I might track how many I approach but in my scenario I need to document the girls kind of like a CRM system. It will take 2-3 dates to get a lay. For my trip I am making getting laid a #1 priority.

its a numbers game but after a while you find the knock to open many doors instead of trying to knock on many doors!

American girls are not hard and status game works if you know exactly how to do it !
grodmeister general said:
Mr Available said:
My 2c:

I tracked counts when I did cold approach here in the US. I unfortunately had other commitments like working low paying jobs so this spread me thin. At the end of the day it's a numbers game. At my current state I can't pull American girls and have tried multiple approaches including "status" game.

I'm about to go to Colombia this January and am going to go balls to the wall crazy with approaching, online game, etc. I might track how many I approach but in my scenario I need to document the girls kind of like a CRM system. It will take 2-3 dates to get a lay. For my trip I am making getting laid a #1 priority.

its a numbers game but after a while you find the knock to open many doors instead of trying to knock on many doors!

American girls are not hard and status game works if you know exactly how to do it !

although i agree, that shits too much energy brah, when you can find a girl just as fine if not finer where you dont need to game her at all. just basic convo, back to ur place, and sex.
l0vebone said:
grodmeister general said:
its a numbers game but after a while you find the knock to open many doors instead of trying to knock on many doors!

American girls are not hard and status game works if you know exactly how to do it !

although i agree, that shits too much energy brah, when you can find a girl just as fine if not finer where you dont need to game her at all. just basic convo, back to ur place, and sex.

no energy required with a good day 2 gameplan and it is not limited to only easy girls who dont put up resistance(remember the find the knock the open all doors part!)
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I track my cold approaches because I'm autistic and find statistics fun.

I don't track my Tinder stats at all though.

Do whatever you want to do.

LOL! Exactly the same. I actually enjoy calculating hit rate. And trying to figure out patterns re relationship between success and my bodyweight, approach, fashion, etc...Must be the autism.
Tbf guys your autism should tell you that any hit rate you calculate is a wild estimate due to a good sample size being essentially impossible for one man to collect
Yes it’s random but it’s more like this:

I’m at 5 lays from ~180 approaches. My last lay was at approach 140. So roughly 30 approaches per lay.

I didn’t track between 140-160 (so rly just estimating). But between that time I was super worried. I thought it was approaching a ton. I thought why wasn’t I getting another lay?

Then when I tracked again I realized as Duke mentioned that I was underestimating approaches. So now although I’m at 40 approaches without a lay I know that I’m not too far off from my average lay percentage. Helps with not getting weirded out by results and with chalking it up to just randomness
The only time I track approaches is if I'm making a conscious effort to spam approaches for the sole sake of re-learning how to approach. I write a field report at the end of the night about the notable ones and what I did right, as well as what I could have improved on.

Once I get back into approaching well, I stop counting them because it's a completely useless metric when I'm focusing on other areas of the interaction that are honestly much more important.