Do you persist with girls that don't put in effort

Oct 30, 2020
When you walk up on a chick and approach, and she backs up and looks at her phone and starts mumbling, do you continue to try and talk to her or should you just cut it and walk away? Happened to me today and I wasn't even in the mood so I just walked away. Not sure if it's a "shit test" and she's just playing hard to get. (doubt it)
No bro. Thats a clear sign shes not interested, and if this is at a grocery store or mall, a great way to get banned, or at a club/bar: a great way to get your ass beat. Never bother someone whos not interested.

Learn to read body language and this shit will become way easier. Most of the time now I can completely tell just by looking at a girl what she thinks about me.
l0vebone said:
No bro. Thats a clear sign shes not interested, and if this is at a grocery store or mall, a great way to get banned, or at a club/bar: a great way to get your ass beat. Never bother someone whos not interested.

Learn to read body language and this shit will become way easier. Most of the time now I can completely tell just by looking at a girl what she thinks about me.

Good idea. It's funny because it's a common thing I've noticed in girls who aren't interested. They back like 6 feet away from you and start mumbling. Kinda pisses me off, like you can just be a human and say you're not interested.

From now on if it happens I'll walk away.
Don't be pissed off. That literally IS them telling you they are not interested! Youre not entitled for a response by a random person. Just move on to the next.
pussypounder9000 said:
l0vebone said:
No bro. Thats a clear sign shes not interested, and if this is at a grocery store or mall, a great way to get banned, or at a club/bar: a great way to get your ass beat. Never bother someone whos not interested.

Learn to read body language and this shit will become way easier. Most of the time now I can completely tell just by looking at a girl what she thinks about me.

Good idea. It's funny because it's a common thing I've noticed in girls who aren't interested. They back like 6 feet away from you and start mumbling. Kinda pisses me off, like you can just be a human and say you're not interested.

From now on if it happens I'll walk away.

I've been right where you are before... bitter and angry at girls who don't say what they mean.

That's guy language.

Girl language is different. They're afraid of getting raped and beaten - whether that fear makes sense or not, so the vast majority of girls will not reject a stranger explicitly (or even accept a stranger's advances explicitly) in public.

Girl language isn't words. The words are meaningless, the tone and context and implied meaning is what matters.

The Red Pill has good shit and bad shit... one of the good shit they share is "the medium is the message."

Also here's a song where a girl kinda says it better than I can:

"I don't do words, but I've got my actions, secretly hoping that you have been watching."

Learn to communicate in "girl language" and things will become a lot easier.
Don't feel too bad about it. I just got off a date with a girl, and she said that we shouldn't meet anymore. Sucks, but I was happy she was upfront about it. Even if she said I was "too good to decline to" after swiping to each other in Bumble.
If someone clearly isn't interested MOVE ON! Don't persist and sacrifice your dignity for a 0.5% increase in success. It will break you from the inside in the long run. Instead, strengthen yourself and focus on the girls who like you instead.
Always be ready to walk away. There are enough women out there that will be very happy to have you and not make things difficult.
Good mindset Thebastard. Especially part about how if you persist there IS a chance of success. I think that’s what a lot of maonsphere guys miss. If you “work” on a girl then 5% of the chance it will work. But for the sake of ego and dignity preservation it’s just not worth it.
With time you'll know when to persist and when not to. If she's still talking to you maybe. But body language is key like they say and when she makes eye contact does she pull out her phone immediately.

The longer your taking to her the more likely persisting is useable. A good rule is the earlier in the interaction the less persistence is needed because you've already done something that Like nobody does so if she's not digging it off the get go then move on.

It can be initially rough only because you put the effort in. But I'm with bastard you put in 100 percent effort off the get go if she's not doing 50 percent it's dead.

As for entitled to a response your gonna be a little entitled approaching other wise why would you approach unless you believe you have something of value to give this person.

Oh and shit tests are just there to have fun I don't think beating a shit test is the difference between sleeping with her and not sleeping with her.
Yep you could get these chicks but it requires great game and its like pulling teeth

perfect example. Personally pisses me off because I know you can get these type of girls but it kills my ego that i have to play dancing fuckin monkey to appease some of these sluts.
Yeah unfortunately it's not as simple as yes and no girls. There are girls that require game and persistence. I wish it was mostly about looks because then you no rejection does not fuck with your head as much. But unfortunately you got act like a dancing monkey to get some of these sluts to give you the time of day. This a perfect example of that.