Doing nofap for 30 days


Feb 11, 2021
First things first... sorry for deleting the other thread. I think I panicked, I felt confused as in "why I am even writing here" so I ended up removing everything (no big deal though, I posted less than a week worth of content).

This thread will be focused on a single goal, it will be an experiment.
Doing nofap for 30 days and assessing how it affects my relationship with women, especially AA.

no fap = no porn, no masturbation.

I've been feeling an apathy when I try to approach, could be just AA and that's it... but that's why I want to test this.

I'm not a heavy porn user... I use it for less than an hour, every 2 days. Never escalated... in fact I tend to see the most soft content available.

But still... there's a probability that this habit hinders my ability in approaching women. Subsconsciously I might be thinking "why bothering with approaching women if I can just go home and do porn?".

On days 7,15,20,25 and 30 I will make a conscious effort and try to approach women.

Anyways... let's go...

Today is day 1, that means I already made 1 day without masturbating (last time was yesterday in the morning).
I have some very very small urges today... but they were easy to ignore. First days tend to be easy. I'm also aware that around day 4 I have some urges and start to see women differently.
First of all, it's awesome that you're taking action to improve yourself.

Mack said:
On days 7,15,20,25 and 30 I will make a conscious effort and try to approach women.
That said, are you sure this just isn't just another form of AA / justifying avoiding talking to women? Whatever effort you put into this would be better spent doing the AA program. If you're spending less than a few hours jacking off each week I really doubt it's what's holding you back.
i strongly suggest you read for quitting porn.
quiting porn with willpower alone is very very hard. This makes it a lot easier. Try it. Trust me.
lacroix said:
That said, are you sure this just isn't just another form of AA / justifying avoiding talking to women? Whatever effort you put into this would be better spent doing the AA program. If you're spending less than a few hours jacking off each week I really doubt it's what's holding you back.


Olafsmash said:
i strongly suggest you read for quitting porn.
quiting porn with willpower alone is very very hard. This makes it a lot easier. Try it. Trust me.

I guess you mean the .com goes to another site haha.
thanks, reading it. on chapter 12.

did you use it? did you stopped using porn effectively?


Today I woke up with a massive hard on... I couldn't control myself so I PMO'd.

hooray for me
Olafsmash said:
i strongly suggest you read for quitting porn.
quiting porn with willpower alone is very very hard. This makes it a lot easier. Try it. Trust me.

I guess you mean the .com goes to another site haha.
thanks, reading it. on chapter 12.

did you use it? did you stopped using porn effectively?


Today I woke up with a massive hard on... I couldn't control myself so I PMO'd.

hooray for me

I always knew porn was toxic for me. Decreasing your confidence, ED etc. I was never succesful quitting using willpower. The concepts in the book must have done something to my subconcious mind because now I am 2 weeks without porn and I dont feel like watching it all. I still fap but I just do it to memories/fantasies.

hey. not planning to write logs everyday, just the necessary ones.

had a couple urges the first two days but knew how to dealt with that, I'm not even worried about them.
Mmhm, I think I'm more... cheerful these last two days.

I have a lot more to say though... but all in good time.

Olafsmash good book recommendation, thanks!
Excellent work folks.

I am not really a user of porn, but I still do fap, and that is holding me back big time.

I will jump in this with you lot.

OK so I think it would be interesting if I start to log everyday writing how I feel and all of that.
first thing first: I don't plan to use porn or masturbate ever again, I will tell you in another post why.

on the other hand, I'm not counting days as in "oh I survived x days with pmo". I'm counting days because I think it is useful for me and others to log how I get to feel day by day and what changes I experience.

PMO was just a way of hiding emotions, I used it and it just placated my natural sexual instincts...

I also checked out the "timeline for recovery" and it looks like maybe I'm a bit ahead of it. But hey, I have no idea... lets just see what happens!



I'm feeling a bit... sad? Not sure why... maybe it was hiding underneath? well, it makes sense to feel that, I'm super lonely so... no surprise. Although I tend to feel that way pretty often.

On the other hand... mhm... I haven't felt horny or any of that... I'm still normal as always regarding that and other feelings.

Like... I don't notice any difference in my day to day, apart from maybe being something a bit more cheerful or maybe a bit more sad.
I second using easypeasymethod.

I used to watch porn at least 15 minutes a day, sometimes semi-edging for an hour a day. I didn't delve into any weird shit over time, but I did start getting more perfectionist about how pretty the girl needed to be. (I eventually watched sites like hotguysfuck, which is actually tailored to bisexual men and 70% of the camera time is on the guy, just because the girls and sex were really good looking and authentic lol).

Anyway, I only ever managed to take somewhat of a break from porn when my life got significantly busier or taking stimulants or reading about the porn industry being a hellscape. But none of that lasted.

I read easypeasymethod in the span of a few hours very late at night, enraptured by it, and literally never once watched porn since then. It really should be mandatory reading for everyone lol. I can barely even remember what the contents of the book are anymore, yet I still have the ironclad instinct of "see naked/nude woman" + "feel physiological reaction" = "look away/close the tab".

Personally I just jack off once a week now. You'll get nocturnal emissions anyway, and longer intervals supposedly decrease testosterone levels, and nofap seems kinda placeboish to me.

I do agree with lacroix about your approach schedule likely being pointless hesitation.

You should strive for approaching girls to be as independent of your state as possible. You should be able to do it regardless of the time, what you're wearing, whether you've fapped or not, etc. Because no matter how shitty your state is, it's still worth it to approach. Do you really want to limit yourself to only being able to approach when the moons all align and you're wearing a suit and tie and your dick hasn't been touched in months etc?

The other thing is, approaching is fundamentally an act of doing something now. You see a cute girl and you move your legs and open your mouth now. You don't wait around and decide to do it next tuesday. So when you plan out that you're gonna approach on day x, y, z, etc., you're kinda feeding into this whole approach-defeating idea that you should do things "sometime later" instead of now.

Obviously if you have actual schedule constraints or you're overwhelmed with other shit or you're only able to do things when you make very specific plans out of it, then sure whatever (I'm really bad at making my future self do shit). But really try to think about what stops you from doing approaches now. Your first approaches are gonna be epic failures, mine were, but getting through those failures earlier means you get to your successes earlier too.
hey guys, I'm still alive.
I'm still logging but in a document on my computer.

I write my thoughts in spanish, which is faster and easier for me than doing it here in english.

Everything is fine. I'm still not approaching girls... no... but I might be close to that.

I don't plan to do any logs here on KYIL. instead, what I want to do is keep logging on my computer, accomplish cool shit and goals, and then come here and write about that.

see you in a couple weeks!