Don't Forget it's a #'s Game


Looking at nashville, atlanta, austin, cali, arizona. In that order


Where in Arizona?

No considerations for Florida haha?
I don’t stay there I just like it the most out of all those options.

I’ve done roughly 3-6 months in all the areas you’ve mentioned.

Austin is great.

I like Nashville to

I only like LA and Sanfrancisco. Cost of living there is crazy though.

My favorites are Arizona and Florida though I’d argue you can’t go wrong anywhere in those areas. Warm all year round hot girls everywhere good cost of living. A lot of fun things to do.

Austin and LA I believe have the most people from GLL though.
Everyone needs to remember that everytime someone posts a game/technique/online message wording question that I, Radical go outside and kill a puppy

So yeah guys please remember this

For the puppies
Dude think Miami

You're young, even if it's a mistake moving better you make that mistake in a world class party city
Oh an hour north would still be in the metro area yeah?

It's like built up area all the way til Fort Lauderdale
chado said:
Radical said:
Oh an hour north would still be in the metro area yeah?

It's like built up area all the way til Fort Lauderdale

No idea, but I could live in between Boca and Miami. 30 mins either way maybe? Gotta do research. But that's an easy option

I didnt know where boca was. Looks like it's the other side of Fort Lauderdale

Sounds like a good spot

A half hr drive to meet miami girls is cool

Half n hour is outside good logistics though imo. But not by much
If you wanted uni girls then Tallahassee is an option too

Wouldnt set up in a college town personally. Lack of variety in women compared to major cities
chado said:
Radical said:
If you wanted uni girls then Tallahassee is an option too

Wouldnt set up in a college town personally. Lack of variety in women compared to major cities

Yeah nvm UF is not in Fort Lauderdale.

Miami area is fine. Just gotta save up or find employment to move further in to the city if you do like it
To save you some time and trouble.

You will not go wrong in any of the major cities in Florida.

I like Miami the least.

Every city has good low cost areas to live in and a LOT of young hot girls.

I like Jacksonville and Tampa the most however your preferences may differ
chado said:
Radical said:
If you wanted uni girls then Tallahassee is an option too

Wouldnt set up in a college town personally. Lack of variety in women compared to major cities

Yeah nvm UF is not in Fort Lauderdale.


BOCA will work just fine......

As for UNIs located near there, you have Miami U, Florida Atlantic, and Florida international..... all of which have hot girls... Boca is not far from Miami at all. I consider Boca to really just be apart of the Miami metro area anyways....

I remember KillYourInnerLoser made a statement to Ed_ not too long ago. which basically said any place you move will work as long as you make it work...

for example, you live in Alabama,,,, IMO a backwater state,, lol I just hate Nick Saban and the Crimson tide =) =)

But you've still managed to have sex with over 200+ girls in a city of only 200k population

In order to really get a vibe for every city and how you might like it. You need to actually spend a bit of time there. you could sample every city I.E take a weekend trip or something. It may not be ideal...

But it's certainly better than mentally masturbating about the idea over a forum
chado said:
You're right, thanks @DNPTHC

No worries just report on the topic after you've visited the city..

maybe take a weekend and visit BIB or something in Austin.. not sure how good of friends you are with him but it would be a start so to speak you know.