Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

Ed_ said:
I usual HATE double booking myself. I get stressed on the first date, worrying about time limits and such, and it undermines my whole effort.
My thoughts exactly, this is why I have avoided it.
It's been a while since I posted here. I'm mostly active on Andy's coaching Discord group and with some chat groups with friends.

2022 was a good year! I went in 94 dates and slept with over 20 women. I have some even bigger goals this year that I plan on going all in on.

In two days I'm doing a follow up interview with Andy, on my progress over the past ~2 years.

I know a few guys here have watched that video. Does anyone have any particular questions you would like me and Andy to address?

Ed_ said:
I know a few guys here have watched that video. Does anyone have any particular questions you would like me and Andy to address?

Are you still on TRT? How is it going, what changes have you noticed? Side effects? Was it a good decision?
pancakemouse said:
Are you still on TRT? How is it going, what changes have you noticed? Side effects? Was it a good decision?

Yeah, treatment has been going really well for the past year. Much more energy, much better gym performance, sex drive is improved too. I plan on talking about it during the interview with Andy.
Ed_ said:
It's been a while since I posted here. I'm mostly active on Andy's coaching Discord group and with some chat groups with friends.

2022 was a good year! I went in 94 dates and slept with over 20 women. I have some even bigger goals this year that I plan on going all in on.

In two days I'm doing a follow up interview with Andy, on my progress over the past ~2 years.

I know a few guys here have watched that video. Does anyone have any particular questions you would like me and Andy to address?


How would you rate cold approach vs. online dating? Both for you specifically and how much each helps guys in general.
Ed_ said:
Does anyone have any particular questions you would like me and Andy to address?

  • What photos from your profile do girls comment on the most?
  • What nuances of dating have you learned after being on so many and sleeping with several of them?
  • What learning resources have helped you the most for dating in the last year?
  • We live in the same city, so do you think you'll stay longer or do want to try out other cities?
  • What has worked best for you on approaches?
  • What has worked best for you online?
  • What has worked best for you in escalating a date?
What have your goals shifted to and what about you has changed the most that was not by design?
Bman said:
What photos from your profile do girls comment on the most?
What nuances of dating have you learned after being on so many and sleeping with several of them?
What learning resources have helped you the most for dating in the last year?
We live in the same city, so do you think you'll stay longer or do want to try out other cities?
What has worked best for you on approaches?
What has worked best for you online?
What has worked best for you in escalating a date?

Great questions. Andy and I will discuss these for sure.

Zug said:
What have your goals shifted to and what about you has changed the most that was not by design?

Yeah, there's definitely been a shift and clarification of my goals as I've gone through this process. I'll make some notes on this.
Photos are fire. Bohemian style fits you really well.

And well done in the gym. You look great.

Pumped to see you keep growing.
Part 2: https://youtu.be/LR4ePIt8PN4
Hell yeah. Congrats on your journey home slice. You've earned it. I'm grateful to be a part of it.
I've mostly been active on Andy's coaching group and post-coaching Discord. But I thought my recent successes would be worth posting an update here:

Feb 2023 was definitely the most successful month in my dating life. Some quick numbers:
  • 18 dates, with
  • 13 women, and
  • 14 times of sex/heavy fooling around

Other highlights include:
  • sex/fooling around with 5 chicks in 4 days
  • 2 of the chicks this month are in the top 10 hottest I've ever been with
  • had sex in public (secluded park) with a chick on the first date
  • I had the best sex of my life with one chick
  • 2 (maybe 3?) ongoing fuckbuddies currently
  • sex on my birthday

I've been feeling very grateful and mostly just focusing on enjoy the abundance I've been having 😊