endless333 pic question

endless333 said:
This cold takes a while, at least I tested negative for corona. I did a very light workout and had a walk today, so I'm getting better.

I tested my new pics on tinder last week and they gave me 26 matches, from which there are 22 left now, that's double or more than what I'm used to, so that's good. I will match them once I'm all better.

Nice man! That's with 1 boost? 26 is really good.
Within how long? That’s still pretty good.
joe_ronimo said:
Within how long? That’s still pretty good.

I started it Thursday eve last week, had 19 in the first 24 hours, now it's even 29;)

I'm going to match with almost all of them today, and also start approaching again, I'm not all better but tired of doing nothing.
Also, tonight is the last night before the curfew at 9pm starts in our country.
Approaching was kinda difficult after my break, didn't do one yesterday, today I did 1

enjoyablehat said:
Curfews are brutal - at least you got some matches to keep you busy :p

Yeah man, but it's harder to pitch dates with them now :cry:

I've matched with 19 girls, some were down to meet up, but no dates fixed yet.
I used a boost yesterday at 10pm but didn't even get one like :?
I think there is some type of bug. I also used a boost a while ago and didn't get a single like. Now I'm getting postponed "boost" matches somehow...
Giles said:
I think there is some type of bug. I also used a boost a while ago and didn't get a single like. Now I'm getting postponed "boost" matches somehow...

Hmm weird, hope I also get some of these then.
Yesterday eve's boost got me 7 likes

Didn't approach today, wanted to do it on my way to a friend but totally didn't feel like it today.
On the plus side, had a really nice BBQ while it was cold as fuck with said friend
Another approach today.
I'm getiing more confident in them, I go in more enthousiasticly and the last 2 ones have been really good reactions.

There was some chick on tinder who couldn't hang out last weekend but could on Wednesday. So I was like I send you a text later and when I wanted to message her I saw she unmatched me last night. Nothing I could do about it I guess. Andy's guide also says you should message her the day before
No approaching today.
I'm tired as fuck, barely slept.

Trying to fix some dates online but the response rates are very low. I may have one on friday
Pff this was a shitty day approachwise.
I've walked for hours but couldn't do shit. I'm still quite afraid to approach when other people are nearby and can hear me, I need to train that.
I did say to someone she was cute but then found out she wasn't that cute actually :roll:
1 approach.
I also keep saying hi to women that suddenly seem older/less attractive after. Part of the game if you have bad eyesight I guess
The goal for this week is 2 approaches a day. Starting today with:

1. Small Asian girl, said thanks after the compliment and dove straight back into her phone. Didn't seem interested so I left
2. A very nice woman, had a bf.
I began with saying hi to a woman that wasn't as attractive as I thought again.
After that I did 2 approaches, both weren't interested in hanging out
3 approaches today
First was a cutie, had bf
Second was very distant when I gave her a compliment, didn't even say thanks so I left.
Then I said Hi to someone I first thought was more attractive again.
And then I approached another cutie with a BF

Would be nice to get a number once ;)