endless333 pic question

1 approach today
Therewere less people on the street because of the cold and snow.
Also it was difficult to see who was hot because people were so covered.
Even the one I approached I didn't ask to hang out as she wasn't so hot after all.
I defenitely pussied out on some girls too though.
2 approaches today.
One was grumpy, the other was nice, but not interested.
I think people are generally grumpier than normal because of the weather. They just want to get home quick
2 approaches, both weren't interested.
Getting a bit frustrated about not getting a number, guess it's time to up the volume again.
Had a day off approaching, still did one
Really cool and cute girl, unfortunately still said no to hanging out
Did 1 approach today, didn't have a lot of energy.
Also a little down the last few days, I haven't seen anyone for a while (apart from the girls I've approached) and can't work cause of covid. I applied for some volunteer work, hopefully something comes out of that.
Was still kinda depressed today, went outside without even wanting to pressure myself to approach, but felt like it after a while. So I approached a redhead cutie who said she was too overwhelmed to decide weather or not she wanted to hang out with me. So I asked her number, which she gave to me.
That makes her my first number ever from cold approach! That's pretty cool.
Let's see what comes out of it, I barely know what to do haha
3 approaches today

1. Not interested
2. My first approach on a girl who walked with a female friend, went pretty well, but bf
3. Approached a girl who was with a bunch of wannabe tough boys, she was probably too young anyway. The reaction was quite negative, from both the girl and the other dudes

Also tried to shoot a deadlift pic. But it seems my room is too small to get the whole barbell in screen
Sick day approachwise, did 10 (even 13 if you count the ones that were too young/old at second sight)
Got 2 numbers from milfs with great asses (seperately)
endless333 said:
Sick day approachwise, did 10 (even 13 if you count the ones that were too young/old at second sight)
Got 2 numbers from milfs with great asses (seperately)

Making use of the weather ;)
Good stuff!
Giles said:
Making use of the weather ;)
Good stuff!

Yeah man, chicks were looking so good!

I'm on a bit of a predicament right now.
There is a girl from online who wants to come over today. But she doesn't want me to see other girls just for fucking, only for a relationship.
She's a dominant girl that wants me to be her sub and actually I'd love to do that. She wants to come over at least 2x a week if we click, but that would mean I have to give up my goal of having multiple fuckbuddy's.
I already have a date planned tomorrow with one of the big assed milfs I hit on yesterday, she told me she's not looking for a relationship, so the chance is high we're going to have sex I think.
I told that to the online girl, let's see what she does.
That chick didn't come (or if she does, she'd be an hour too late now) so I don't have to choose. Probably better anyway.

Approached 14 chicks today, also a chick that was in the line for a shop with her friend, and some others that were with their friend.
No numbers unfortunately