endless333 pic question

Are you approaching these girls as you're going through your day doing other stuff? Or are you setting aside time blocks to do your approaches?

Curious because I'm trying to get more approaches in throughout my day.
Manganiello said:
Are you approaching these girls as you're going through your day doing other stuff? Or are you setting aside time blocks to do your approaches?

Curious because I'm trying to get more approaches in throughout my day.

Did 9 approaches today, just casually while doing other stuff this time, but normally I go outside with the intention to approach.
Do you have any tips for just doing it casually with other stuff?

I find it easier when I have the intent. And it seems like when im doing it casually I'm caught off guard almost.
Manganiello said:
Do you have any tips for just doing it casually with other stuff?

I find it easier when I have the intent. And it seems like when im doing it casually I'm caught off guard almost.

Sorry, I don't have any good tips as it's easier for me as well. I just have been able to do 9 today because I have improved my ability to approach overall. So yeah, keep improving is my only tip.
Hit on 9 today, though I skipped on a lot too. 1 number, actually 2 but 1 of them just wanted to talk and be friends only
Approached 9 today, which means I am roughly at 100 approaches now. Today I got 1 number, she said she wanted to 'get to know me better on the app' before meeting up though.
So after 100 approaches I have 5 numbers (not counting the friends only one from yesterday)
The date I would have Tuesday is rescheduled to tomorrow, and I have a date from badoo planned, also tomorrow
So today I had the chick from badoo. We had a walk and then went to my place. I caressed her back and legs and kissed her on the mouth and we cuddled. But everytime I had my hands at her tiddies she took it and played with it a bit (my hands, not her tiddies) I started with making a move (caressing her back and kissing mouth) when she almost left, so I was a bit late with it, on the other hand this was the first time I made a move on a chick so still pretty happy.

The other date wanted to reschedule again, she's going to family for a week, at least she still wants to meet.

Question: How to proceed if you took a girl home but didn't bang? I don't see this in the tinder guide.
12 approaches last 2 days. 1 number from a cute girl that was down to chill tomorrow, let's see what happens
Did 9, 1 and 8 approaches last 3 days.
I'm now at 137 approaches, 7 numbers and 0 dates and lays (though 1 is still pending, she rescheduled 2 times)

According to this article:


I should have gotten laid by now (though I don't know what sex appeal level I am) , but of course there is also randomness and covid in play. And everyone has his own curve.

I bought Chelsea boots and peacoats, to try out the 'smart' option in radical's style guide, but I don't think it looks good on me, I'll post pics tomorrow, hopefully I can get some advice on how to make it better.

Plan is to take some pics in the new outfit if I can make it look good, and then send my camera for repair so I can shoot in f1.8 instead of f4.0 max.
endless333 Quickest and easiest thing to do with outfits is to put your phone on a tripod (or perched on something) in portrait and film

Guys/girls throw up look books like this on instagram all the time

I can give feedback on how to make it work for you, just tag me when you've got something

Good job on the approaches - dont sweat the numbers too much. Its very random
endless333 said:
According to this article:

https://www.goodlookingloser.com/laid/i ... re-my-odds

I should have gotten laid by now (though I don't know what sex appeal level I am) , but of course there is also

Could be random, I'd give it another 100 and then judge. But it's probably good idea to start investigating what it could be that's throwing it off now, so you're not scrambling for ideas/solutions later.

Here are some pics

Now I saw the dudes in your guide had their coats open, but it's too cold for that :?
Those coats are meant to be worn open

If its too cold I would go for actual warm options like Canada Goose and not worry with these smart looks til it gets warmer

Also please ditch the graphic t shirts man. Theyve not been a thing really since 2015ish

Th emain issue with graphic tees is they look cluttered and especially with colour they add too much noise to the outfit overall

Plain t shirts make the outerwear stand out more
Thanx for the advice!
I ordered some plain T's

So you think the winter bomber I'm wearing now should also be replaced
(at least when I'm wearing it closed)?
So my kinda low stats got to me a little and my approach volume has declined a bit and my approaches also were a bit more insecure overall. I stopped counting them as I don't want to care about statistics. It shouldn't even matter so much if it takes me 100 or 500 or more approaches to get laid, as long as I get there