endless333 pic question

Had my first date from cold approach yesterday. We had a chill time but when it came to sex I was just too tense and couldn't get hard and enjoy it. The girl was telling me to chill but I just couldn't. This was my first unpaid sexual experience other then kissing. She sat on top of me and rode me, gave me a blowjob but I just couldn't relax enough. Hopefully this goes away with experience. We both slept in my bed after and it was still chill but it's a shame I couldn't give her a good time sexually.
Great, glad to hear that!

A lot of things can contribute to the lack of horniness / boners. How sensitive to dopamine you are based on your habits, the chemistry between you and the girl, the condom fit, how much activity you did that day, how much you drank etc... My first tinder lay was a let-down as well, it's a matter of experimenting!
Had a date from cold approach 2 days ago, but it was weird. We were outside my house and I said like 'if you want to get to the tram, you can go this and then this way' because she expressed to be a little lost earlier. But I meant that for later when she would leave my house, but she instantly said 'okay bye!' haha. I didn't mind it so much, as I didn't think we connected that well. I doubt it would have gotten somewhere would she have come inside my house.

The girl I saw last week was away this week. I want to hit her up next week to see if she's down to chill another time. It's been eating at me this week. I liked her quite a lot.
Yeah, I just asked the girl from last week if she wanted to hang out again but she said 'hey, doesn't seem like a good idea, sorry'.
Hurts but yeah, good weather next few days so I'll hit up some more girls.

I lied to her before we tried to have sex that I fucked 4 girls (unpaid, I did tell her about having had escorts). I texted her after she left that she was actually my first and she responded well but yeah, it is what it is, next time I should aim to be totally honest.
endless333 said:
Yeah, I just asked the girl from last week if she wanted to hang out again but she said 'hey, doesn't seem like a good idea, sorry'.
Hurts but yeah, good weather next few days so I'll hit up some more girls.

I lied to her before we tried to have sex that I fucked 4 girls (unpaid, I did tell her about having had escorts). I texted her after she left that she was actually my first and she responded well but yeah, it is what it is, next time I should aim to be totally honest.

Thanks for being transparent, I took value from your posts above.

When it will come to my first time I will just be 100% honest and say I've never been with anyone before, and was spending time reducing anxiety and becoming a better person.
endless333 said:
So my kinda low stats got to me a little and my approach volume has declined a bit and my approaches also were a bit more insecure overall. I stopped counting them as I don't want to care about statistics. It shouldn't even matter so much if it takes me 100 or 500 or more approaches to get laid, as long as I get there

I've heard like 1 our of 100 is average.

Either way juat get you're volume up man. If you get 100 approaches in per week. You'll be dominating.

Congrats on the cold approach lay man.
MakingAComeback said:
When it will come to my first time I will just be 100% honest and say I've never been with anyone before, and was spending time reducing anxiety and becoming a better person.

Yeah definitely recommend being honest about it now, it would have probably taken some pressure off of me to perform as well.
Manganiello said:
I've heard like 1 our of 100 is average.

Either way juat get you're volume up man. If you get 100 approaches in per week. You'll be dominating.

Congrats on the cold approach lay man.

Yeah, well right now I'm 1 out of 200.
It wasn't really a lay unfortunately, because of performance anxiety/being inexperienced, but it would have been if I could have gotten it up.
Manganiello said:
I've heard like 1 our of 100 is average.

Either way juat get you're volume up man. If you get 100 approaches in per week. You'll be dominating.

Congrats on the cold approach lay man.

Yeah, well right now I'm 1 out of 200.
It wasn't really a lay unfortunately, because of performance anxiety/being inexperienced, but it would have been if I could have gotten it up.

MakingAComeback said:
When it will come to my first time I will just be 100% honest and say I've never been with anyone before, and was spending time reducing anxiety and becoming a better person.

Yeah definitely recommend being honest about it now, it would have probably taken some pressure off of me to perform as well.
Hey man let me know how it goes for your next time.

I also suffered performance anxiety from my very first GLL lay (which is strange because before that I never had any problem) and couldn't get hard.

I've been with 3 other girls since then but it still happens! (Although it's been getting slightly better).

If it happens again I'd recommend Cialis, a subtle PE drug that did definitely help get and stay hard (but not like Viagra, you won't be hard if you don't want to be).

Where you nervous about not performing or just in general?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Yeah, well right now I'm 1 out of 200.
It wasn't really a lay unfortunately, because of performance anxiety/being inexperienced, but it would have been if I could have gotten it up.

Well I think it's safe to assume you're going to get better at this. So that number should increase.

I could live with 1 out of 200 to be honest. If you get in 100 approaches a week, your fucking 26 girls from cold approach alone each year.
play_time_is_over said:
Hey man let me know how it goes for your next time.

I also suffered performance anxiety from my very first GLL lay (which is strange because before that I never had any problem) and couldn't get hard.

I've been with 3 other girls since then but it still happens! (Although it's been getting slightly better).

If it happens again I'd recommend Cialis, a subtle PE drug that did definitely help get and stay hard (but not like Viagra, you won't be hard if you don't want to be).

Where you nervous about not performing or just in general?

I was nervous about the whole sexual thing, it started already when I walked up to kiss her.
Manganiello said:
Well I think it's safe to assume you're going to get better at this. So that number should increase.

I could live with 1 out of 200 to be honest. If you get in 100 approaches a week, your fucking 26 girls from cold approach alone each year.

Yeah, you're right I could bump it up. It's easy to get some volume in with good weather, but there has been a lot of days I did 0-5 lately. So I hereby set the baseline to 8 a day

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Yeah agree with honesty and being upfront about it.

Go through this:

Also agree with Cialis/viagra - I used that a TONNE when I was nervous. Even just half or a quarter of a pill made me feel a bit better about the anxiety. It gives you a bit of confidence.

Yeah I remembered the article and started reading it after the experience with the girl already. Some good stuff to remember.
I will keep cialis/viagra in mind but since my anxiety was about the whole sexual thing (afraid of fucking up, not doing a good job) and not just about getting it up, I don't know how much it'll help