Erectile Dysfunction

Drail said:
But after 6 months with no results eventually I figured the porn explanation doesn't apply to me. I don't fit the profile anyway. My ED was suddenly triggered by trying to have sex with a woman, not a gradual buildup of the effects of porn. It's not like real sex isn't "measuring up" to porn or something as porn doesn't get me hard since that day either. How can porn use explain my dick dying overnight? Despite having ED I still get horny and so for a while this year I was settled into beating off to porn (still with ED) maybe about once a week. I find nudes from my partners can be tempting and recently I've used those more often than actual internet porn. Over the years I did revisit the porn explanation, and I tried brief stints of cutting it out again. I browsed the YBOP testimonials to try and see if anyone there fits my profile to give me a bit of hope that maybe I just needed to do 9 months or something and suddenly everything would come good. But ultimately skepticism would get the better of me and I'd go back to my once a week habit.

I don't write this to try and justify watching porn though, just to provide context to my situation. I'd rather keep off porn even if it doesn't fix my ED for other reasons. I'm trying to clear up a chronic rash under my foreskin which involves taping it back daily and this gets in the way of beating it (to porn and in general) so maybe this little barrier will give me the push to finally get rid of it. Although I really do enjoy getting nudes from my partners so maybe I can make an exception for that so long as it's rare enough and I don't masturbate.

Hey bro sounds to me like your issue might be more hormonal related. Seems like from the actions you’ve taken it’s not porn and you’ve had enough time to mentally get over the initial bad experiences, so probably not too much mental.

There’s alot of things hormone wise that could be the issue:

- Total testosterone might be low
- High SHBG might be making your free testosterone low
- Estrogen could be too high
- Prolactin could be too high
- DHT might be low
- Cortisol could be high

Or it might be some combination of these things. I would recommend getting your bloods done and testing for these mentioned. Thryoid (TSH) and Growth Hormone (iGF-1) can also play a role so it’s probably worth testing but those mentioned above are the important ones for libido and ED.
So when I first went to the doctors for ED back in Jan 2021, they made me do a blood test. It was more comprehensive than this actually, but I've lost the other results except for the serum androgens seciton. Here it is:

Total Testosterone (Siemens) 19 nmol/L (8.3-29)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 30 nmol/L (11-71)
DHEAS 7.4 umol/L (3.0-10)
Androstenedione 6.9 nmol/L (2.1-11)
Calculated Free Testosterone 418.2 pmol/L (255.0-725.0)

I passed these results on to number of different doctors I turned to for ED help, and all of them said they were fine. Although maybe I need a second opinion or maybe there's a hormone they didn't test for.

I think I'll go try and get blood work done here in Germany soon and see if they can pick up anything. It's a bit annoying as here they're probably gonna charge me a lot for it whereas in Australia it was free, but I have to do something. It's starting to get ridiculous as I've now spent the majority of my 20s without a working dick.
Drail said:
So when I first went to the doctors for ED back in Jan 2021, they made me do a blood test. It was more comprehensive than this actually, but I've lost the other results except for the serum androgens seciton. Here it is:

Total Testosterone (Siemens) 19 nmol/L (8.3-29)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 30 nmol/L (11-71)
DHEAS 7.4 umol/L (3.0-10)
Androstenedione 6.9 nmol/L (2.1-11)
Calculated Free Testosterone 418.2 pmol/L (255.0-725.0)

I passed these results on to number of different doctors I turned to for ED help, and all of them said they were fine. Although maybe I need a second opinion or maybe there's a hormone they didn't test for.

I think I'll go try and get blood work done here in Germany soon and see if they can pick up anything. It's a bit annoying as here they're probably gonna charge me a lot for it whereas in Australia it was free, but I have to do something. It's starting to get ridiculous as I've now spent the majority of my 20s without a working dick.


Hormones in isolation means nothing.

This is why functional testing and whatnot is so limited, because guys have leaks in their bucket, and until you fix those leaks, nothing you put into the system will help.

Bro, I walked this path for 11 months with ED. I am happy to help you, but how open are you to alternative practices?

In particular, ice baths.....earthing, sunrise watching.

My opinion on this is different from guys like Andy, who whilst extremely knowledgeable, and a world-class coach, and someone I respect immensely, I have a difference of opinion on ED. I think it's physiology first, then psychology. Andy is still THE MAN and has achieved more transformations and successes with guys than I think many will ever - hell, I am a student of Andy's myself and he is my mentor.

I can explain in depth and I am very happy to help you. If you'd be a test subject for me, if I can help you get your function back, I would then like to make a guide to fixing ED for KYIL so I can help guys with their wellness. A guide or sticky post or something would be great so dudes can just get the help they need and not suffer.

I think I can help you fix this, I help guys from the forum with wellness for free (I never charge anything, ever) as it's a hobby for me. I will only help a guy who is serious and will be open minded to my ideas hence why I have waited before offering.

Your call is here if you feel called.

MakingAComeback said:
I am happy to help you, but how open are you to alternative practices?

I really appreciate the offer, but I'll try and run through the doctors one more time before I give this stuff a go. At that point I'll have nothing left so it's a no-brainer.

tdan187 said:
You didn't fully answer my question. I asked if you sit down and jack off to porn by yourself, can you get fully hard and have a orgasm?

It matters cause then it means you are a physiologically capable of getting hard and having a orgasm.

I did answer this in my previous post here:

To make it clear, yeah I can sit down in front of porn, get myself hard and bust. But as I tried to make clear, it's not the porn getting me hard, it's the heavy stimulation. I need stimulation so heavy I'd bust before even getting hard if I didn't mediate it. And its not really getting 100% hard, maybe 80% tops.

I also mentioned I am getting morning wood as well with some frequency, and I get the odd experience a few times a year where I just get hard.

Your point about the log is good. I've had the issue for 6 years at this point with little progress and I've procrastinated on it just hoping it would fix itself. A log would help cut the procrastination out.