Faceapp catfishing? Please help


Aug 20, 2021
Hey guys, I found out about this faceapp thing here on the forum and decided to see what it's all about. Paid for a month and am using the "hollywood 2" filter.
Thing is, It seems to have drastically improved my matches already in just a couple of days, not only in number but also quality, and I'm starting to worry if the edits look too differently from the originals, so I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Here are 3 photos (left side is original and right side using "hollywood 2").

For you guys who use this, what should I expect given these results in my dates( have a few lined up already)? Do you have any experience with a girl flipping out on you for catfishing or whatnot? Thanks for your time.
Lema said:
Hey guys, I found out about this faceapp thing here on the forum and decided to see what it's all about. Paid for a month and am using the "hollywood 2" filter.
Thing is, It seems to have drastically improved my matches already in just a couple of days, not only in number but also quality, and I'm starting to worry if the edits look too differently from the originals, so I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Here are 3 photos (left side is original and right side using "hollywood 2").

For you guys who use this, what should I expect given these results in my dates( have a few lined up already)? Do you have any experience with a girl flipping out on you for catfishing or whatnot? Thanks for your time.

Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see a difference between the two. Did you accidentally use both before or both after photos?

I take photos for dating profiles so *straightens collar* I'm a bit of an expert in this area ;)

You're not catfishing. Catfishing is making shit up. You're just making yourself look the best you can with what you have.

Here are 2 examples of photos I'm using, before and after editing in Photoshop and Lightroom. I even use neural filters to smooth out my face in the second one, since the edits I made brought out deep lines and texture and made me look really old:

View attachment 1

Make yourself look the best you can in photos - just like a filmmaker puts the best parts of the movie in a trailer. You don't get angry because the trailer didn't show the boring parts of the movie and was more exciting than the movie itself, do you?

But you'd be angry if the trailer had a bunch of cool shit that the movie left out... THAT'S catfishing - making shit up.

You're fine my dude - keep finding ways to innovate and improve your matches you got this.
MILFandCookies said:
Lema said:
Hey guys, I found out about this faceapp thing here on the forum and decided to see what it's all about. Paid for a month and am using the "hollywood 2" filter.
Thing is, It seems to have drastically improved my matches already in just a couple of days, not only in number but also quality, and I'm starting to worry if the edits look too differently from the originals, so I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Here are 3 photos (left side is original and right side using "hollywood 2").

For you guys who use this, what should I expect given these results in my dates( have a few lined up already)? Do you have any experience with a girl flipping out on you for catfishing or whatnot? Thanks for your time.

Maybe I'm blind, but I don't see a difference between the two. Did you accidentally use both before or both after photos?

I take photos for dating profiles so *straightens collar* I'm a bit of an expert in this area ;)

You're not catfishing. Catfishing is making shit up. You're just making yourself look the best you can with what you have.

Here are 2 examples of photos I'm using, before and after editing in Photoshop and Lightroom. I even use neural filters to smooth out my face in the second one, since the edits I made brought out deep lines and texture and made me look really old:


Make yourself look the best you can in photos - just like a filmmaker puts the best parts of the movie in a trailer. You don't get angry because the trailer didn't show the boring parts of the movie and was more exciting than the movie itself, do you?

But you'd be angry if the trailer had a bunch of cool shit that the movie left out... THAT'S catfishing - making shit up.

You're fine my dude - keep finding ways to innovate and improve your matches you got this.

Mad editing skills my man!

But yeah, I'm sure I didn't use both edited or original ones. Lemme show you what happens when you run the filter 3 times over (I only ran it once in the previus examples), it should be easier to spot:
But hey, If you couldn't spot the difference, that's reassuring. Girls sure are spotting it even if at an unconscious level.
Lema said:
But hey, If you couldn't spot the difference, that's reassuring. Girls sure are spotting it even if at an unconscious level.

Yeah man, even now I don't spot any difference. Even if there is a difference, you're not lying to girls.

[Edit - there's a very subtle contrast and highlight boost being applied I just noticed. Even my lightest edits would be much more noticeable than this. In fact I'd suggest you get this edited more to maximize the photo. Happy to do this for ya if you want, or I'm sure there's people on Fiver.]

I'd say if you're overweight and you manipulate the photo to make you look slim - that's lying.
If you manufacture a jawline that's not there, that's lying.
If you draw in pecs, that's lying.

But if you up the contrast to make the jawline or pecs you ACTUALLY HAVE pop more? That's not lying. That's just good presentation.

Like a movie trailer, they put the best parts of the movie in the trailer. We all know it's not exactly what the movie is like, but we're cool with it.

Your dating profile is a trailer for what it'd be like to date you (or fuck you, or marry you or whatever.) It's okay to bring out the best parts of yourself by curating and editing the photos you put up.
@Lema - I can spot the differences but they're not obvious. Maybe some have different hair, colours or lighting fx but what ho.

I used FaceApp to spruce up my pictures, and far more than what you've done. Helped me get 20 dates over Winter of last year, and not one of them commented on it (one thought I would be taller, but she was a head case).

View attachment 1

I've lost the originals I had for more profound examples which I have used. The example shown here boosted me from 6.5 to 9.0 on PhotoFeeler as far as ratings are concerned.

Whilst I'm not bothering with online dating anymore, I showed the same FaceApp + photoshop techniques to a former wing of mine who managed to get a rotation of 7 women. All from online. He took things further then me with regards to FaceApp modifications and it paid off.
As far as if you should be worried about if girls will notice - absolutely not. Women have very poor spatial recognition, and for them, perception is reality. I've seen stories where guys literally used photos of other guys and the girls didn't say anything. I know quite a few guys that legitimately FaceSwap their features onto male models and girls rarely notice. Once you get in person, they forget about the profile and it's all about how you make them feel.

That being said, there is a huge ethical consideration in editing photos like this. There's no doubt that this is a grim trigger which is going to make other guys respond and try out more and more audacious things, until we're all just catfishing each other and using apps becomes an absolute mess.

Really though, I'm surprised those are your post Hollywood 2 results, because they don't look as pronounced as other guys I've seen who used that filter.

At the end of the day, you'd get way better results from just getting higher quality photos than you would from using Faceapp filters.

pancakemouse let's just pause and admire how you have 69 posts and 96 thanks.
Lema said:
Hey guys, I found out about this faceapp thing here on the forum and decided to see what it's all about. Paid for a month and am using the "hollywood 2" filter.
Thing is, It seems to have drastically improved my matches already in just a couple of days, not only in number but also quality, and I'm starting to worry if the edits look too differently from the originals, so I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Here are 3 photos (left side is original and right side using "hollywood 2").

For you guys who use this, what should I expect given these results in my dates( have a few lined up already)? Do you have any experience with a girl flipping out on you for catfishing or whatnot? Thanks for your time.

No. No girls have ever said anything.
Not a big deal.

MILFandCookies said:

pancakemouse let's just pause and admire how you have 69 posts and 96 thanks.

I genuinely can't even see what you've changed in the pics when I'm specifically trying to find it, no chance any girl is perceptive enough to think you're catfishing