Faonin's Tinder profile | Tinder improvement log


Dec 6, 2021
Ait bois, it is time for me to step out from the shadows and actually start to take things more serious. I have finally put some pictures on my Tinder profile and some feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Currently the bio states "I'm worth 88 camels, so I'm a steal" ish. Will probably change this soon.

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There are somethings I already would like to change, I haven't used a DSLR, I'm to far away in the third photo, and the lighting is mediocre in picture 2 and 4. The plan is to continually updating this thread when I capture some better photo.

Best regards Faonin
Quick update. Getting a lot more matches not than ever before. Found an auto camera app that does not just screenshot the preview windows so now I'm getting some better pictures. Just updated the gym picture with one that is higher resolution and added a BDSM picture for some spice.

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Faonin said:

I think this photo is actually worse than the other one, because there's less context. At first glance, it doesn't look like you're in the gym at all - it looks like you're wearing some sort of dress.
pancakemouse said:
I think this photo is actually worse than the other one, because there's less context. At first glance, it doesn't look like you're in the gym at all - it looks like you're wearing some sort of dress.

So 1000 pictures in higher resolution and I still failed failed to produce a better picture, that is almost impressive. Thanks for the input will probably change it back.
Replaced the couch picture with a new.

Did also have my first Tinder date. Matched with this thicc tattooed girl, used Andy's template got her snap and setup the date. Reminder was set to the day before the planned date so sent the confirmation text the day before and we ended up rescheduling the date... Meet up in town, hugged drank coffee chatted about life, plans, family, tattoos, and sex. She was telling me stories about converting girls to bi by having a threesome in the forest and I'm just sitting here like the virgin that I'm.

It was quite awkward and we sat in silent about 15% of the entire hour, after going on a walk and taking her to the buss we hugged, I did pussy out on kissing her, and said goodbye. She did remove me on snap so there wont a second date. A little bummed out but somewhat expected of a beginner.

Time to keep on trucking.
I like that photo. Still gives a little bit the vibe of "this guy took it himself with a tripod", but the pose is nice and you look good.

Why was 15% of the date in silence? Was it because you weren't able to drive the conversation forward?

Why didn't you try to pull?

What do you think you could do better, concretely, for next time?
pancakemouse said:
I like that photo. Still gives a little bit the vibe of "this guy took it himself with a tripod", but the pose is nice and you look good.
It probably gives of that vibe because it is true, but good to know it is an improvement.

pancakemouse said:
Why was 15% of the date in silence? Was it because you weren't able to drive the conversation forward?
Honestly, mostly social anxiety. There were multiple times I had something in mind to continue on the current topic but stopped myself to just utter the words.

pancakemouse said:
Why didn't you try to pull?
Probably also related to the last point. I do also feel like I used the excuse that I don't have my own place to avoid pulling the trigger. Thinking back just probing to see if her place was available could have resulted in a different outcome, even if it wasn't sex it would have bumped up the chances for a second date.

pancakemouse said:
What do you think you could do better, concretely, for next time?
Have a better plan for example have a place ready and a few conversation topics in mind. Social anxiety it a little bit more of a hurdle to fix for the next time, mere exposure will surely have an effect, considering using a bit of alcohol as a crutch but will have to sleep on that.
Hello fellow humans, I'm still alive despite my silence. Life has been busy with school and work but has finally slowed down again so I can focus on getting a good tinder up and running alongside getting laid.

My tinder has been racking in a few matches here and there and I have tried to schedule a few dates but they all have cancelled on me last minute. When my date for today did not fall though I went out and took a few new photos that hopefully have some more edge to them. Please be brutally honest, save your pity for the weak.

I would improve my looks first tbh

my tips:

-you look very skinny, need to build muscles and fill your frame
-get rid of your glasses
-get a good haircut
-not sure about this one but try sunbathing a bit to get a tan
Faonin said:
Hello fellow humans, I'm still alive despite my silence. Life has been busy with school and work but has finally slowed down again so I can focus on getting a good tinder up and running alongside getting laid.

My tinder has been racking in a few matches here and there and I have tried to schedule a few dates but they all have cancelled on me last minute. When my date for today did not fall though I went out and took a few new photos that hopefully have some more edge to them. Please be brutally honest, save your pity for the weak.


True dominant subcommunication is difficult to fake. These photos are a good example. What's happening is you're trying to emulate a model's grimace, but instead are coming off as glum.

Your facial expression continues to look best in the gym photo.

I would lose the Amsterdam photo entirely, the exposure is off.

I like the outfit in the snow photo, but you're way too close to the camera and the pose is odd.

The context of all of these photos is strange. Girls will be able to tell you're just taking them of yourself in some rural area outside your house... which I'm guessing is what you're doing.
iwillbebetter said:
I would improve my looks first tbh

my tips:

-you look very skinny, need to build muscles and fill your frame
-get rid of your glasses
-get a good haircut
-not sure about this one but try sunbathing a bit to get a tan

It is in the works, but don't feel like using my looks as an excuse not to try to get laid. Hitting the gym regularly and have some ok numbers (200lbs bench, 260 squat, and 330 dead), I was on the edge of being overweight a few months ago but this mornings weight in I landed at 12.5% bf so it is just about time to start lean bulking and start refilling my frame. As for glasses I have a savings account for laser surgery to get it fixed permanently and I have been discussing haircuts with my barber but my hair is a mess so my options a very limited, considering shaving it. As for a tan I'm not so sure, live in Sweden and have barely seen the sun for a few months so I feel like it might be a bit out of place but will have to think on it. Thanks for sharing good advice.
pancakemouse said:
True dominant subcommunication is difficult to fake. These photos are a good example. What's happening is you're trying to emulate a model's grimace, but instead are coming off as glum.

Your facial expression continues to look best in the gym photo.

I find this very interesting because I feel the opposite way, I found the gym picture the worst. I suspect I did a lost worse of a job filtering the 900 pictures I took as a result, probably selecting for a more glum look. I brought all the photos I could back from the trash, if my theory is correct I'm guessing you might find one of these photos better perhaps? I suspect most are unusable as expected when you take this many pictures.


pancakemouse said:
I would lose the Amsterdam photo entirely, the exposure is off.

It is removed.

pancakemouse said:
I like the outfit in the snow photo, but you're way too close to the camera and the pose is odd.

It is a good outfit, will be taking it for a new photo shoot when I find a better location.

pancakemouse said:
The context of all of these photos is strange. Girls will be able to tell you're just taking them of yourself in some rural area outside your house... which I'm guessing is what you're doing.

True for 2 of them, went on a drive for a few hours trying to find a better photo shooting location yesterday but just found some castle ruins for picture 2. I will take the next photoshoot to a more urbanised area, are there any other good areas to shoot in? Also I guessing blurring the background might help a bit?
Agree with pancakemouse and iwillbebetter.

My 2 cents:

- Get a decent haircut and style it a bit, right now it looks like you simply rolled out of bed before going out.
Hard2Focus said:
Agree with pancakemouse and iwillbebetter.

My 2 cents:

- Get a decent haircut and style it a bit, right now it looks like you simply rolled out of bed before going out.

Time booked for a new barber

Just came back from the barber, gave the dude free rein to do as he saw fit and this is the result. I'm hella on the fence on this one, not sure if it is just me being use to something else. Your thoughts would be much appreciated.
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How exactly do you determine your face shape? I'm having a hard time judging mine? (excuse the thread hijack)
I think it's a good start, not a huge fan of bangs my self (used to rock it in the past), but I imagine you could pull it off if you can improve your style in conjunction with it.
And don't worry about feeling insecure about it, that will fade over time as your ego/identity adjusts to your new look.
Think of it this way: nobody around you except your family and potentially close friends are going to notice and/or comment on you changing your style.

Some pics for inspo:

A bit shorter cut on this guy


I used this exact guide and got out a tape measure, writing down the different ratios they talk about (face length compared to face with and so forth)

My shape with regards to this guide is oval. In the past I would think I had a more square face, but from what I've understood you can have an oval overall shape with say, a more squared jawline, or any combo of that nature.
Heisenberg said:
This ernest "male-model" expression, looks very forced and unnatural. If I was you, I'd go the other direction and try to aim for a profile that shows a sympathetic and funny guy and less of a bad boy.
Add one better pic lifting some heavy weights in the gym, but it should look naturally not posed.
Replace the Amsterdam picture with another one that shows you in a social context.

The funny part is that non smile is my default state (trying to cbt my way out of it). Planing reshoot the photos after losing the glasses with more active smiling photos, that is also gonna solve the problem that pancakemouse mentioned about the context of the photos. Probably gonna keep the bdsm picture tho it has gotten me quite a few matches with girls who im planning dates with.

Hard2Focus said:
I think it's a good start, not a huge fan of bangs my self (used to rock it in the past), but I imagine you could pull it off if you can improve your style in conjunction with it.
And don't worry about feeling insecure about it, that will fade over time as your ego/identity adjusts to your new look.
Think of it this way: nobody around you except your family and potentially close friends are going to notice and/or comment on you changing your style.

I think bangs is a good ide, just not a terrible big fan of the bangs I got. If it was styled more like the photos you provided i feel like I would probably like it alot more. But there is a adjustment period to deal with either way.