Feedback for my first online dating profile

Mimbe393939 said:
Considering getting some edge to you, necklaces, rings, bracelets a watch. Look at Radicals style guide for more fashion advice, go on Pinterest and copy the masculine looking fashion models. Nothing about you screams player, you look very nice and pleasant. It isn't inherently a bad thing, but if your target audience is sexually available girls under age 26, I don't know if it's the most effective.

Good point. Thanks for your advice. I never paid too much attention on my wardrobe. I was just lucky enough to have female support most of the time when I went shopping :lol: . Getting better with fashion has currently a high priority. Therefore, I really appreciate your recommendation. I probably have to get used to the idea of wearing accessories first...

I like Radicals' suggestion of getting a tattoo.
I have wanted to get a tattoo for a long time, but have never put it into action. The motif I have already. Perhaps now it's not a bad time to getting this one done.

Do accessories really make such a big difference? I think I read a while ago, that this topic is also pretty controversial. It's not a big hassle to just try it out, though.
Janusch said:
Mimbe393939 said:
Considering getting some edge to you, necklaces, rings, bracelets a watch. Look at Radicals style guide for more fashion advice, go on Pinterest and copy the masculine looking fashion models. Nothing about you screams player, you look very nice and pleasant. It isn't inherently a bad thing, but if your target audience is sexually available girls under age 26, I don't know if it's the most effective.

Good point. Thanks for your advice. I never paid too much attention on my wardrobe. I was just lucky enough to have female support most of the time when I went shopping :lol: . Getting better with fashion has currently a high priority. Therefore, I really appreciate your recommendation. I probably have to get used to the idea of wearing accessories first...

I like Radicals' suggestion of getting a tattoo.
I have wanted to get a tattoo for a long time, but have never put it into action. The motif I have already. Perhaps now it's not a bad time to getting this one done.

Do accessories really make such a big difference? I think I read a while ago, that this topic is also pretty controversial. It's not a big hassle to just try it out, though.

I think accessories + player style in your photos screen for you, because you're attracting a certain archetype of woman from the vibe + how you look in your photos. Take this with a grain of salt, I don't have the experience to truly tell you if they make a big difference or not. See how some of the big hitters/veterans dress here + their accessories, and can decide for yourself.
Janusch said:
Do accessories really make such a big difference? I think I read a while ago, that this topic is also pretty controversial. It's not a big hassle to just try it out, though.
It makes a big enough of a difference that it's worth the cheap investment. I got a few dope necklaces off of amazon for like $40 or even cheaper.

With regards to shirtless pics, yes, they work. But I don't think your body is at the point where you should put one. It only helps if you're in really good aesthetic shape.
Asst said:
Why do you believe shirtless doesn't work, in which context did you try it? Natural beach pic, mirror selfie or posed photography? About 80% of individuals out there says it does work, and 20% which you belong to says it doesn't.
Check this post for example:

I also watch a recent video where I guy said that he had more matches with more BF and being less shredded in his shirtless pic.

Extremely contradicting information on this topic but favors shirtless if you have at least a decent body which doesn't scream "what an average experience". Would appreciate your input.

I personally believe it totally depends on the individual, the pic itself, the goal and the overall profile and should be A/B tested via boost same time 1 week later. Otherwise it wouldn't be so contradicting.

Also a really good point. Has anyone of you ever made a comparison and can say something from personal experience? I'm kind of a nerd with a background in Data Science. Analysing this "scientifically" sounds like an fun experiment / project to me :)
Janusch said:
Asst said:
Why do you believe shirtless doesn't work, in which context did you try it? Natural beach pic, mirror selfie or posed photography? About 80% of individuals out there says it does work, and 20% which you belong to says it doesn't.
Check this post for example:

I also watch a recent video where I guy said that he had more matches with more BF and being less shredded in his shirtless pic.

Extremely contradicting information on this topic but favors shirtless if you have at least a decent body which doesn't scream "what an average experience". Would appreciate your input.

I personally believe it totally depends on the individual, the pic itself, the goal and the overall profile and should be A/B tested via boost same time 1 week later. Otherwise it wouldn't be so contradicting.

Also a really good point. Has anyone of you ever made a comparison and can say something from personal experience? I'm kind of a nerd with a background in Data Science. Analysing this "scientifically" sounds like an fun experiment / project to me :)

Same here, fellow Deutscher. Data science is great, best practices are just best practices, I believe in real field tested data for individual circumstances, most guys just don't care about collecting that. Best practices were completely wrong just to many times in my business experience. I will do a shirtless test within the next few weeks, did A/B test for some things in the past and was able to find a killer bio, so it's totally worth it IMO.

You can either spoof your location in the chrome console, get a few free sim cards (I used O2 back in the day) and reset your dynamic IP after creating an account via new chrome profile - Or you can just run 1 tinder boost, collect results, add/remove the pic and just rerun 1 week later again. As long as the new profile boost has worn out (what should take only ~3 days) the data should be quite reliable. I would also count likes and matches separately since matches are worth way more and are your actual target audience.

Squilliam said:
Janusch said:
Do accessories really make such a big difference? I think I read a while ago, that this topic is also pretty controversial. It's not a big hassle to just try it out, though.
It only helps if you're in really good aesthetic shape.
I personally believe this is a myth since it's a multi layered issue. You can argue that "You have to compete with all these shredded guys" but there is more to it.

#1 What women perceive as attractive is on a spectrum, there are different types of physiques which different types of girls like. Meaning once you've reached that spectrum, it can improve your results. I believe he does reach it to be worth a field test. Point #4 explains why.

#2 Interpretation of the physique - Many women understand that shredded guys spend most of their time in the gym and might be obsessed with their body and have a lack of personality. Based on that understanding they can simply swipe left if you look to good. Not all, but some.

#3 Personal experience - We can go into the redpill argument that women love douchebags but let's just not do that. However, there is a correlation between douchebags and physical appearance. Meaning that having made this experience some women might swipe left if you look to good and you're better of looking decent.

#4 Misconception of average physique - Remember that most women have slept with average guys. Like, really average guys. 20% Body fat & 60kg bench press non chads. What I mean by that, I'm an average guy in the gym, however, not to the general public. Most people comment that I look nice once I take my shirt off. Not crazy, slightly visible abs but good and fit what is enough to get compliments from people who don't work out regularly.

#5 Women often look for something within their league. MPMD recently uploaded a video on this matter. It was noticed that the more extreme the physique of Kyle got, the more extreme was the physique of the girls he matched with and less of the "skinny fat" girls. We're talking about female bodybuilders here. So being in the womans range might actually help you to match with them.

#5 General profile perception - If you're on the edge to "douchebag left swipe" and a shirtless pic comes in, you're out. If you're profile is nice and you have a shirtless pic, you might push the boundaries but not push over the edge and get a right swipe in the end. How extreme you physique is also plays a role how many "douchebag" points you get.

In the end the data matters which can be only determined by trying out, there is just to much to it for a final conclusion without solid evidence and contradicting result reports from people. Which are in favor of a shirtless pic reading about 30 result statements on that matter.
Asst said:
I personally believe this is a myth since it's a multi layered issue. You can argue that "You have to compete with all these shredded guys" but there is more to it.
Okay, maybe "really good" is a bad description. What I meant was, your body should be aesthetically pleasing to the eye, at least under the proper lighting conditions.
Squilliam said:
Janusch said:
Do accessories really make such a big difference? I think I read a while ago, that this topic is also pretty controversial. It's not a big hassle to just try it out, though.
It makes a big enough of a difference that it's worth the cheap investment. I got a few dope necklaces off of amazon for like $40 or even cheaper.

With regards to shirtless pics, yes, they work. But I don't think your body is at the point where you should put one. It only helps if you're in really good aesthetic shape.

Okay, I'm convinced! I'll buy one and just give it a try.

Thanks for your feedback. I'm not putting this one on my profile, especially not with such bad lighting. I did not flex my muscles and the surrounding is way to bright. I like the picture, but it's now showing me in a good light :lol:

Btw, just had my first lay on Tinder (I created the account two weeks ago & this was the first time I met with somebody). Really cute 20yo girl. Everything went super smooth and she just wrote me how much fun she had. I had no prior knowledge about online dating. I basically only read Andy's articles and followed the recommendations I got from you in this threat. Thanks, you're an amazing community :D.
Squilliam said:
Asst said:
I personally believe this is a myth since it's a multi layered issue. You can argue that "You have to compete with all these shredded guys" but there is more to it.
Okay, maybe "really good" is a bad description. What I meant was, your body should be aesthetically pleasing to the eye, at least under the proper lighting conditions.

Agree, the pic should add value to the profile and not decrease it.
Asst said:
Janusch said:
Also a really good point. Has anyone of you ever made a comparison and can say something from personal experience? I'm kind of a nerd with a background in Data Science. Analysing this "scientifically" sounds like an fun experiment / project to me :)

Same here, fellow Deutscher. Data science is great, best practices are just best practices, I believe in real field tested data for individual circumstances, most guys just don't care about collecting that. Best practices were completely wrong just to many times in my business experience. I will do a shirtless test within the next few weeks, did A/B test for some things in the past and was able to find a killer bio, so it's totally worth it IMO.

You can either spoof your location in the chrome console, get a few free sim cards (I used O2 back in the day) and reset your dynamic IP after creating an account via new chrome profile - Or you can just run 1 tinder boost, collect results, add/remove the pic and just rerun 1 week later again. As long as the new profile boost has worn out (what should take only ~3 days) the data should be quite reliable. I would also count likes and matches separately since matches are worth way more and are your actual target audience.

Squilliam said:
It only helps if you're in really good aesthetic shape.
I personally believe this is a myth since it's a multi layered issue. You can argue that "You have to compete with all these shredded guys" but there is more to it.

#1 What women perceive as attractive is on a spectrum, there are different types of physiques which different types of girls like. Meaning once you've reached that spectrum, it can improve your results. I believe he does reach it to be worth a field test. Point #4 explains why.

#2 Interpretation of the physique - Many women understand that shredded guys spend most of their time in the gym and might be obsessed with their body and have a lack of personality. Based on that understanding they can simply swipe left if you look to good. Not all, but some.

#3 Personal experience - We can go into the redpill argument that women love douchebags but let's just not do that. However, there is a correlation between douchebags and physical appearance. Meaning that having made this experience some women might swipe left if you look to good and you're better of looking decent.

#4 Misconception of average physique - Remember that most women have slept with average guys. Like, really average guys. 20% Body fat & 60kg bench press non chads. What I mean by that, I'm an average guy in the gym, however, not to the general public. Most people comment that I look nice once I take my shirt off. Not crazy, slightly visible abs but good and fit what is enough to get compliments from people who don't work out regularly.

#5 Women often look for something within their league. MPMD recently uploaded a video on this matter. It was noticed that the more extreme the physique of Kyle got, the more extreme was the physique of the girls he matched with and less of the "skinny fat" girls. We're talking about female bodybuilders here. So being in the womans range might actually help you to match with them.

#5 General profile perception - If you're on the edge to "douchebag left swipe" and a shirtless pic comes in, you're out. If you're profile is nice and you have a shirtless pic, you might push the boundaries but not push over the edge and get a right swipe in the end. How extreme you physique is also plays a role how many "douchebag" points you get.

In the end the data matters which can be only determined by trying out, there is just to much to it for a final conclusion without solid evidence and contradicting result reports from people. Which are in favor of a shirtless pic reading about 30 result statements on that matter.

Die Deutschen sind schon überall :D. This is an incredible post with a lot of good thinking. Like you said, in the end you just have to compare it methodically. Using boosts seems to be the easiest option. However, does a second boost not have a reduced range, since fewer people are available, or is that now how they work. Sorry, if that's a silly question, but as one can see I'm quite a newbie when it comes to Tinder :lol:

I think I once saw a website where you could buy temporary phone numbers to validate your tinder account. It was around 10€, but I cannot find the link, anymore. This would be an option, too.
Asst said:
Vamos said:
Don't use the last two pics! Shirtless pics are cringe and will give you less matches, belive me. Besides, you're looking for a certain type of women, than it's ok. Sorry for the offense, but your body doesn't look like anything special, pale average joe body, it won't do you any good, don't upload it.

In the first pic you look semi attcative and it's a good shot, fine! But I'm sure that many women will swipe left directly on the second picture with the glasses. Don't you like wearing contact lenses? You definitely look a lot better without glasses. The outdoor pictures are very good.

Are you german btw?

Why do you believe shirtless doesn't work, in which context did you try it? Natural beach pic, mirror selfie or posed photography? About 80% of individuals out there says it does work, and 20% which you belong to says it doesn't.
Check this post for example:

I also watch a recent video where I guy said that he had more matches with more BF and being less shredded in his shirtless pic.

Extremely contradicting information on this topic but favors shirtless if you have at least a decent body which doesn't scream "what an average experience". Would appreciate your input.

I personally believe it totally depends on the individual, the pic itself, the goal and the overall profile and should be A/B tested via boost same time 1 week later. Otherwise it wouldn't be so contradicting.

Maybe I sounded too one-sided, like everything in life it depends. And yes, there are different kinds if shirtless pics. There are sources and people who say it helps them and others who say it hurts them. For example this one, but I'm sure we can find a completely different result, as always with stuff like this:

I think a modestly shirtless pic is all right, I personally wouldn't do anything more. By the way, I also have a slight shirtless pic with good feedback on Tinder, but I wouldn't show more than that. As you said "it totally depends on the individual, the pic itself, the goal and the overall profile"
Janusch said:
Die Deutschen sind schon überall :D. This is an incredible post with a lot of good thinking. Like you said, in the end you just have to compare it methodically. Using boosts seems to be the easiest option. However, does a second boost not have a reduced range, since fewer people are available, or is that now how they work. Sorry, if that's a silly question, but as one can see I'm quite a newbie when it comes to Tinder :lol:

I think I once saw a website where you could buy temporary phone numbers to validate your tinder account. It was around 10€, but I cannot find the link, anymore. This would be an option, too.

Problem with buying temporary phone numbers, tinder is quite good these days, catches up on it and requires verification. In the end you can punish your main profile via photo recognition so free sim cards are a safer way to go. It's also less of a headache because you never know the quality of the service and from experiences you have to go through a few to find a good one. It's also safer to sign up with you phone and reset it after each profile for a new device ID. Also the pics need to be cropped by 1 px or something to generate different hashes when uploaded to decrease chance of recognition.

Regarding boosts, usually it's fine if your new profile boost has worn out and the profile is in regular use. Because you are shown to women gradually if you don't boost you shouldn't run out of women to fast. Just to be safe you can run an ABA test over 3 weeks instead of AB in 2 and cross compare the results. I would use the shirtless pic second or third place to make the effect more prominent.

Which method you choose doesn't matter because none is perfect. For new profiles you'd have women who recognize your main pic on the second run and behave differently. You could choose a different region to avoid this but can you be sure the women in the other city behave the same regarding your profile? I'd go for the boost method and just try a few times to be sure results are correct. If the results with shirtless and shirt are the same, I would go with shirtless due to the screening bonus you have with these women. You can also use the preferred profile setup in the meantime after the first results and only switch pics out during boost time (+1 hour for wearing out). This way you will not miss out to much during the week.

Vamos said:
Maybe I sounded too one-sided, like everything in life it depends. And yes, there are different kinds if shirtless pics. There are sources and people who say it helps them and others who say it hurts them. For example this one, but I'm sure we can find a completely different result, as always with stuff like this:

I think a modestly shirtless pic is all right, I personally wouldn't do anything more. By the way, I also have a slight shirtless pic with good feedback on Tinder, but I wouldn't show more than that. As you said "it totally depends on the individual, the pic itself, the goal and the overall profile"
Agree on your opinion but believe the case study date is skewed. The issue with case studies, they can't catch up on nuances. I'd say that most shirtless pics on dating platforms are mirror selfies made by douchebags. Therefore the results in 25% drop in matches on non-hookup sites. This guy analyzes the issue with the hinge case study on how to pose for example, quite helpful to see the crux with case studies.

On the other hand, you have the screening effect where the women knows what she will get and likes it, which should also be at least 25% boost in dates. In the end I would argue that you have the edge with a shirtless pic. OKcupid also did a study (2010 - different times I know) on this and the younger the women were the better the impact of the shirtless pic was so it also depends on your target audience.

If your audience is 25 and below shirtless should work just fine, would be more careful with 30 year olds what kind of pic you use, if any. In the end it's screening vs tinder ELO for end results. ELO doesn't matter that much if you boost often, for free profiles it's smart to play safer and keep your ELO up and don't screen to hard.
Asst said:
#5 Women often look for something within their league. MPMD recently uploaded a video on this matter. It was noticed that the more extreme the physique of Kyle got, the more extreme was the physique of the girls he matched with and less of the "skinny fat" girls. We're talking about female bodybuilders here. So being in the womans range might actually help you to match with them.

Erstmal gehen Grüße raus, haha

Very legit point tbh, I think you can also transfer the physique part to other attractiveness features. In online subcumunities you can often read things like “Chad gets them all and nothing is left for the rest.” That is bullshit in my opinion, at least here in Germany most couples out there are more or less looksmatched. I am not talking about hookups here! My Ex gf told me, that many of her friends said, that they don't want a boyfriend "above" them, because they are afraid of not being able to keep up him.

A lot of offtopic now. @OP, how are your results here in Germany the pics you are currently using?
Asst said:
Janusch said:
Die Deutschen sind schon überall :D. This is an incredible post with a lot of good thinking. Like you said, in the end you just have to compare it methodically. Using boosts seems to be the easiest option. However, does a second boost not have a reduced range, since fewer people are available, or is that now how they work. Sorry, if that's a silly question, but as one can see I'm quite a newbie when it comes to Tinder :lol:

I think I once saw a website where you could buy temporary phone numbers to validate your tinder account. It was around 10€, but I cannot find the link, anymore. This would be an option, too.

Problem with buying temporary phone numbers, tinder is quite good these days, catches up on it and requires verification. In the end you can punish your main profile via photo recognition so free sim cards are a safer way to go. It's also less of a headache because you never know the quality of the service and from experiences you have to go through a few to find a good one. It's also safer to sign up with you phone and reset it after each profile for a new device ID. Also the pics need to be cropped by 1 px or something to generate different hashes when uploaded to decrease chance of recognition.

Regarding boosts, usually it's fine if your new profile boost has worn out and the profile is in regular use. Because you are shown to women gradually if you don't boost you shouldn't run out of women to fast. Just to be safe you can run an ABA test over 3 weeks instead of AB in 2 and cross compare the results. I would use the shirtless pic second or third place to make the effect more prominent.

Which method you choose doesn't matter because none is perfect. For new profiles you'd have women who recognize your main pic on the second run and behave differently. You could choose a different region to avoid this but can you be sure the women in the other city behave the same regarding your profile? I'd go for the boost method and just try a few times to be sure results are correct. If the results with shirtless and shirt are the same, I would go with shirtless due to the screening bonus you have with these women. You can also use the preferred profile setup in the meantime after the first results and only switch pics out during boost time (+1 hour for wearing out). This way you will not miss out to much during the week.

Vamos said:
Maybe I sounded too one-sided, like everything in life it depends. And yes, there are different kinds if shirtless pics. There are sources and people who say it helps them and others who say it hurts them. For example this one, but I'm sure we can find a completely different result, as always with stuff like this:

I think a modestly shirtless pic is all right, I personally wouldn't do anything more. By the way, I also have a slight shirtless pic with good feedback on Tinder, but I wouldn't show more than that. As you said "it totally depends on the individual, the pic itself, the goal and the overall profile"
Agree on your opinion but believe the case study date is skewed. The issue with case studies, they can't catch up on nuances. I'd say that most shirtless pics on dating platforms are mirror selfies made by douchebags. Therefore the results in 25% drop in matches on non-hookup sites. This guy analyzes the issue with the hinge case study on how to pose for example, quite helpful to see the crux with case studies.

On the other hand, you have the screening effect where the women knows what she will get and likes it, which should also be at least 25% boost in dates. In the end I would argue that you have the edge with a shirtless pic. OKcupid also did a study (2010 - different times I know) on this and the younger the women were the better the impact of the shirtless pic was so it also depends on your target audience.

If your audience is 25 and below shirtless should work just fine, would be more careful with 30 year olds what kind of pic you use, if any. In the end it's screening vs tinder ELO for end results. ELO doesn't matter that much if you boost often, for free profiles it's smart to play safer and keep your ELO up and don't screen to hard.

Wie sagt man so schön: Probieren geht über studieren :lol:

You're right, you don't have to make it overly complicated. I would prefer to gather some "quality data" but as you've mentioned, there are so many variables to consider, that you should just be happy if you have a profile that works well...

I will try the approach using boosts and evaluate how big of an difference it actually makes. I got so much great input already, that it will probably take a while to run out of ideas :)

I think Tinder is required to give you access to your data such es swipes and matches. Not going into that rabbit hole, but might be interesting if someone actually wants to experiment with it.

BTW, what other apps are you guys using in Germany? Any recommendations such as Lovoo or Bumble?
Vamos said:
Asst said:
#5 Women often look for something within their league. MPMD recently uploaded a video on this matter. It was noticed that the more extreme the physique of Kyle got, the more extreme was the physique of the girls he matched with and less of the "skinny fat" girls. We're talking about female bodybuilders here. So being in the womans range might actually help you to match with them.

Erstmal gehen Grüße raus, haha

Very legit point tbh, I think you can also transfer the physique part to other attractiveness features. In online subcumunities you can often read things like “Chad gets them all and nothing is left for the rest.” That is bullshit in my opinion, at least here in Germany most couples out there are more or less looksmatched. I am not talking about hookups here! My Ex gf told me, that many of her friends said, that they don't want a boyfriend "above" them, because they are afraid of not being able to keep up him.

A lot of offtopic now. @OP, how are your results here in Germany the pics you are currently using?

I'm currently in Middle America, therefore my results are totally screwed (I'm afraid for the better :lol:). I'm still trying to optimize my profile, but any "Feinschliff" I probably have to do when I'm back in Germany.
Will still work on the feedback I've gotten, or actually follow Asst's advice of changing my location to a German city once in a while to gather feedback using boosts, because I would like to already have a kind of solid profile once I'm back home.
Vamos said:
Erstmal gehen Grüße raus, haha

Very legit point tbh, I think you can also transfer the physique part to other attractiveness features. In online subcumunities you can often read things like “Chad gets them all and nothing is left for the rest.” That is bullshit in my opinion, at least here in Germany most couples out there are more or less looksmatched. I am not talking about hookups here! My Ex gf told me, that many of her friends said, that they don't want a boyfriend "above" them, because they are afraid of not being able to keep up him.

A lot of offtopic now. @OP, how are your results here in Germany the pics you are currently using?
Danke, danke 😁

Yes, I also heard this multiple times. I believe it may also apply to hookups in some sense but to a waaay lower degree.

Janusch said:
Wie sagt man so schön: Probieren geht über studieren :lol:

You're right, you don't have to make it overly complicated. I would prefer to gather some "quality data" but as you've mentioned, there are so many variables to consider, that you should just be happy if you have a profile that works well...

I will try the approach using boosts and evaluate how big of an difference it actually makes. I got so much great input already, that it will probably take a while to run out of ideas :)

I think Tinder is required to give you access to your data such es swipes and matches. Not going into that rabbit hole, but might be interesting if someone actually wants to experiment with it.

BTW, what other apps are you guys using in Germany? Any recommendations such as Lovoo or Bumble?
Lovoo is garbage. Like, real garbage and gets worse year by year, at least in my region. The discrepancy between quality of women and their expectations is just off the charts. And Bumble has way less people and chicks who are more into relationships. Made a test run on bumble and these chicks with quotes "What is important for a good relationship" - "Trust and equality" turned me off so bad I had to sign off. Nothing against relationships but straight into your face on that level is just an instant turn off for me. Also, about 50% off all women messaged me first and the other half expired, not a fan of this concept.

I believe Tinder is king in Germany just for sheer numbers it has, I'd say 5x more than on bumble. Friend of mine got Hinge ads on insta so they might try out the market which would be great for the future but it just hasn't the audience yet and is waaaay to small. I'd love this app to succeed here, but it may take another year or 2 until they might tackle it seriously and the audience size should be similar to bumble by then while taking away tinder, lovoo, badoo and bumble audience.

Janusch & Vamos, I used a shirtless pic and it was able to double my matches. I don't have a crazy physique but still above average, it's shown in my log post if you're curious.