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Feedback on current look


Aug 26, 2022
I am starting from the beginning here on KYIL and I would love any feedback about my look right now.

29yrs old - thin and looking to make gains. I feel pretty behind in all this but im dedicated to spending the next few years perfecting my look and reaching my goals. Here’s a link to my current photo set up on hinge - not using tinder until I feel ready - I’ve been using hinge for a couple years now. My topless selfie is not on there, just added for any helpful feedback.


Much appreciation!
Hey, nice meeting you.

Bit annoying to find out this way since it's not really stated anywhere, but people usually prefer that this type of post go into your personal progress log.

Your google drive link is dead btw.
Thanks! I will make another post in the progress log and fix that link! It says I am not allowed to delete this post, so if a moderator sees this - delete this thread, thanks!