Feedback on these pics


Feb 3, 2023
Took a bunch of pics this week. These were some of my best ones but I'm still not really getting any matches. Please let me know your thoughts on these.






I'm going to take more a litter later today. What should I change? Better clothes? Should I smile more?

I def think I'm going to grow my hair out.
The last one is the only borderline usable, the rest are actively bad for many reasons (small tip: looking down is always bad as it indicates submissiveness)

Recreate the last one with a more aesthetic background.
pancakemouse said:
The last one is the only borderline usable, the rest are actively bad for many reasons (small tip: looking down is always bad as it indicates submissiveness)

Recreate the last one with a more aesthetic background.

Thanks for the feedback. I took a few more yesterday. I didn't see your post about the background so they are with the same background. I will take more today with a different background.

In the meantime, can you take a look at the additional ones from yesterday?

Are any of these any good? Do I look better smiling looking at the camera or looking away?









Took more today. Any of these good?









I went to the dogpark to try to get some pictures with dogs but they all came out like shit I think.




You don't have the physique for a shirtless photo. The only acceptable dog photo is where a dog is smothering you with affection (not a selfie).

Your fashion needs work even in the first photos. Like... a seatbelt belt is corny. Looking away and smiling seems about equal.
pancakemouse said:
You don't have the physique for a shirtless photo. The only acceptable dog photo is where a dog is smothering you with affection (not a selfie).

Your fashion needs work even in the first photos. Like... a seatbelt belt is corny. Looking away and smiling seems about equal.

Thank you.

Yeah, the seat belt belt is corny. I'll try to get some fashion ideas and take more pics against a better background.

I'm on a low carb diet and I'm increasing my exercising. I'll re-take the shirtless ones as soon as I'm sub 15% bodyfat.
I got another dog pic yesterday. It's still bad but it is less worse than the others.

I used it and some of the pics from above and re-created my tinder. I got 14 likes in 36 hours. The ones I swiped right on and matched with I wasn't attracted to.




I bought new clothes and some accessories today. I've got an idea of how to setup for good pics now so I will definitely be taking more this week and hopefully it'll be a more efficient process. I'll keep you all updated.

Any additional suggestions in the mean time I'm open to more feedback.
Definitely think your second should be your first.

You badly need a new hat.
Got new clothes, shoes, and some accessories. Went out yesterday and took some more. I think these turned out much better. The quality of these is much better on my phone, but when I upload to Tinder (or even on here), the quality drops way off. These were taken in Portrait mode on an iPhone 13.









I'm going to try to take 2 more good ones, at the beach and either with a dog or a motorcycle. In the mean time, for the sake of optimization, any feedback on the latest batch is welcome.
This one:

Good expression with masculine look. Decent background. A little posed, but is the best of the bunch and useable.

Great work on getting some new threads and taking pictures with them. Keep iterating.
Bman said:
This one:

Good expression with masculine look. Decent background. A little posed, but is the best of the bunch and useable.

Great work on getting some new threads and taking pictures with them. Keep iterating.

Thank you. I was debating between that one and the very last one. So, I'll go with the one you picked.

I'll keep iterating. More to come.
Took more pics this last week. I went to some railroad tracks and found a train and thought it would be a good background image. Also managed to get some pics with a dog. I thought some of these were pretty good but I'm still not happy with the matches I'm getting. They're mostly unattractive, older, or single moms. What do you guys think? I can always go back and take more so what should I change for the next shoot?









None of the above are usable. The last one is the closest to being good, but not quite there.

You really just need to get a pro photoshoot at this point. It might take you too long to teach yourself photography and the equipment you need for success is too expensive.
pancakemouse said:
None of the above are usable. The last one is the closest to being good, but not quite there.

You really just need to get a pro photoshoot at this point. It might take you too long to teach yourself photography and the equipment you need for success is too expensive.

Alright I'll look into it. Would any professional photographer work?
Revtach said:
Got new clothes, shoes, and some accessories. Went out yesterday and took some more. I think these turned out much better. The quality of these is much better on my phone, but when I upload to Tinder (or even on here), the quality drops way off. These were taken in Portrait mode on an iPhone 13.



I'm going to try to take 2 more good ones, at the beach and either with a dog or a motorcycle. In the mean time, for the sake of optimization, any feedback on the latest batch is welcome.

I like the 5th and 6th (pictured above)

They don't say much about who you are or what dating you would feel like so I'd go ahead and get shots that show more of you. Your hobbies, etc.
Revtach said:
Would any professional photographer work?

No. Most professional photographers get shots that are too posed and also don't show anything about you. Girls swipe not because you look cool, but because they read into your photos and get a feel for what it would be like with you. That means showing your strengths, your lifestyle, your personality through the photos. Dating profile photographers do this. I'm one myself and have thought way longer than any normal human should about these things 😂

Some examples of the type of photos I'm talking about below: