[Foducossy42] Date Logs

pancakemouse said:
Piano works great for @Squilliam. I find it a bit awkward but it works for him.
Yeah. The excuse doesn't really matter that much in my experience, as long as it's not something stupid or cringe. I typically use either the piano one or teasing her about mario kart. Or with my last lay I asked her to play chess. So really a lot of things can work foducossy42

Ultimately whether you’re successful comes down mostly to your vibe and if she likes you. The excuse is merely that, an excuse. The real reason you want to go to your place remains the same regardless
pancakemouse said:
Piano works great for @Squilliam. I find it a bit awkward but it works for him.

Squilliam said:
The excuse doesn't really matter that much in my experience, as long as it's not something stupid or cringe. I typically use either the piano one or teasing her about mario kart.

Alright so I’ve come up with something fairly simple. I travel quite a bit and I usually have some kind of interesting food from other countries, usually dessert. Limoncello chocolate, pistachio cream, mochi, weird flavoured M&Ms from America (am in London), blah blah. I have in some sense tested this but only with girls I already slept with, they always find it exciting. The only investment here is to make sure I always have something, and then I need to make sure to gauge her interest in it (probably talk about recent travels, and mention the thing I have at home from that trip). I also make a really good hot chocolate which can work in a pinch, may just need to stock cream. pancakemouse I can also throw up obstacles easily as there will be limited quantities of stuff I got from travels — I genuinely don’t want to just give it away to randoms lol.

I’m feeling optimistic about this one so I’m gonna go with this for now. But I can be flexible and use the piano or whatever, depends. I’ve even pulled girls who said they wanted food by saying that there’s a good fried chicken burger place near my house.

I have a date tonight with a girl off Feeld. Bio says "looking for casual but not cold". We discussed kinks on text. She’s very communicative, asked before meeting if I’m ok with just seeing if we vibe and not have sex (good sign imo if the girl initiates talking about sex). I said I need chemistry so I can’t guarantee sex anyway, but if the vibe is right I’m not going to promise I won’t try.

Following from my failure the previous date (which still makes me mad because I really fucked it up and I’m 90% sure I could have gotten laid then) I have told today’s girl to meet me at a bar 30min walk from my place, at 7:30. I know where she lives, it’s 1h from me, and I know she has to go to office tomorrow. I don’t know when her work starts but it doesn’t matter. 7:30-8:30 or 9 we’ll chat over a drink, 9-9:30 pull home, 9:30-11 escalate and sex and then she can leave. During the dateI will focus on a few things that I am weak at:
1. Seeding the pull, it depends on her interest in the piano or my travels and food.
2. Seeding second date ideas. Most likely restaurants that she might like.
3a. Verbal escalation part 1: physical compliment sometime in the middle of the date when we are vibing. I almost never ever do this, I'm very sparing with compliments, and part of it is that I feel uncomfortable with it. But I notice that girls like it when I compliment them, and it is also a way of ensuring it's a man-woman interaction. The goal here is to just be more comfortable expressing my sexuality verbally, but I'm also good-looking so it shouldn't come across as simpy. This might be controversial though.
3b. Verbal escalation part 2. Keeping it very simple here. Zug previously mentioned the below, which I will do. Again the goal here is to be comfortable verbalising my sexuality.
Sexual escalation via conversation really isn't that hard. How are the apps treating you > Worst message youve ever gotten > Worst date youve ever been on > When was your last relationship > What was good about it, what was bad about it > Ask if the sex was any good > Ask her what she is looking for > Ask her if she has any fun kinks. Between each of these, touch base on some platonic stuff she mentions and deep dive a bit, then pivot back. Try to force yourself into a mindset of having fun and actively trying to tease her in a way she also finds funny. Pull back to your place when you get the feeling she will say yes, when you hit a specific time limit, or when you run out of convo options in public; whichever comes first. If you can get the convo into sexual territory and she asks you something that's not appropriate to answer in public, tell her you'll answer, but you should continue this convo in private.

On kino
I don't have a significant issue with kino so this is not a focus for me -- it happens naturally if I'm interested in the girl. To me, it's gotten to the point where my act of kinoing tells me how comfortable *I* feel with a girl, and how much *I* want her. If I'm not kinoing her, I don't want her and should just end the date sooner. I'll also avoid making out with her -- I think building tension can work with some eye contact and looking at her lips.
However, Vice mentioned
I've found that legs touching is more than enough of a signal for me to take them to my place. At this point in my game I almost consider it to be PDA at the bar I take them on dates to.
Previously I framed this as "she's comfortable and attracted". But I will try to reframe this to mean that she's ready to be pulled.

By 9pm or if we have legs touching for 5-10min, I'll go for the pull by saying "let's bounce", walk and chat for 5 min, then say "hey, I'm enjoying your company, let's go to my place and you can try the chocolate I got from France". If she makes up excuses, I'll persist until I get a firm no. I have persisted before by making it clear to the girl that the logistics can work. In this case I'm planning the date to be logistically manageable. If I do get the no, I'll say, "alright, maybe we'll see each other another time" and leave it at that. The goal: be non-needy about getting the second date. Not sure what I should be texting after a date to get a second date, maybe we'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Date Report

Ok so I totally failed to do anything I set out to do. This shit is hard.

First I want to preface with an analysis of my 6 lays which were all single date lays.
1: she was on holiday
2: Fri night
3: Tues night but she was WFH the next day, and it needed me to disarm logical objectives.
4: Saturday night
5: Fri night
6: Monday night but we were both on holiday
There was one girl I managed to pull home but didn't get laid, that was a Wednesday. She didn't need that much convincing but possibly was just a bit of a night owl.

The girl from Sunday night I failed to pull because it was Sunday night. Today I failed to pull because she has to go into work tomorrow.

That said, all is not lost. During the last bit of the date *she* said she wanted to see me again and *she* asked me when I'm next free. pancakemouse said don't schedule the date unless she's begging for it, which she was, so I did. We set a date, she's coming over for sex in a few days. She is very upfront about what she wants, just something casual which I like.

She arrived 20min late, which did slightly affect my logistics but it really is all my fault that it didn't go the way I intended it to.

My failures: I didn't seed the pull. I didn't attempt to pull. After about 40min at 8:30pm she insisted on getting a second drink, I tried suggesting going to another bar and she didn't want to. I really tried -- I told her that I'd feel cold and it would be her fault. I ended up being very cold and shivering. Her fault entirely, but also mine for losing control of the frame. I also felt like it wasn't enough time yet at 40min to pull -- maybe I should have tried regardless. Also, if it was too soon to pull, I could have just said "get a takeaway drink and let's walk cos I'm gonna get cold if I sit here too long".
Failure 2: at 9:15pm she asked me how far away I live. I KNEW it was a massive signal to pull. Yet I didn't. Why? Because I'm a wimp. FUCK!
Failure 3: I finally insisted on bouncing at 9:40pm. But by then logistics were pretty fucked, though still doable if I was hasty about it. Sadly I was not. And I did not ask the magic question until 10:10pm, when she said she was tempted, and she had considered bringing a spare change of clothes for going to work the next day but she didn't (girls are stupid, number 6 above invited me to her hotel bar to drink but she hadn't prepared any condoms and had also considered buying some but decided against it). This was when she asked me when I was free and we scheduled the second date.

My thoughts are that perhaps I failed successfully. Or I get flaked on.

Regardless I think this has prompted a lot of reflection on why exactly my attempts to pull have gone poorly. I need to move faster and pull faster on weeknight dates because time is very tight. And if I don't feel confident enough to pull her home yet, I can always bridge the gap with a takeaway drink and a walk which gets me closer to my place. Otherwise I need to have them start much nearer to my place.

On that note, I have another girl from Feeld coming on Tues night, I have told her to meet at a bar that's 15min walk from my place, at 7:30pm. This one has much better logistics, but as it's a weeknight date I still need to be incredibly aware of the time and pull faster.

Tomorrow is Friday so I have more time, I have dinner at 6:30 with an acquaintance who has been bugging me for the past 2 months to meet up and everytime I replied to try to schedule something, she ghosted for weeks until she saw another Instagram DHV of mine and sent yet another text. This time I booked restaurant reservations and told her to just be there. She agreed. Then I decided the logistics were bad, in terms of seating and also distance from my place (too far), and as per Zug I decided I would "pay any price to sit closer to her" -- in this case I paid the price of awkwardly telling her I changed my mind about the restaurant and to go to another restaurant a 37min walk from my place. There aren't good restaurants closer to me, so I will have to bridge this gap if I want to get laid, thinking I will just focus on seeding the pull and then give her a very strong reason to make that trip to my place (special chocolates).
Your analysis is spot-on and very prescient. You recognize that it's possible to win while performing poorly, which is a good outcome, but not a useful one.

Much of Game is "frame control": recognizing when the frame is a bad one and knowing at which power level to call it out, and if it doesn't work, when to threaten to walk away. Women will usually follow a man's lead if he is strong enough.
pancakemouse said:
recognizing when the frame is a bad one and knowing at which power level to call it out, and if it doesn't work, when to threaten to walk away.

Really good point. For future readers: the date I had last Sunday had a pivotal frame control moment. I lost control. We were done with the first drink and she asked a question and my throat was parched and I coughed/choked — she found it hilarious, and *immediately* got up to buy us more drinks. Good signal that she liked me, except that it fucked up the pull. I sat there wondering how the hell I’d pull if I was going to waste 30-45 more minutes at the bar. I knew this was a problem and I let it happen without doing anything about it.

I think I need to be willing to “pay any price” at pivotal moments. Like stopping her from getting a drink. Or insisting on a takeaway drink + walk. And if I can’t do it in a smooth way, just do it because I need to get it in my head that 95% of the time I’m gonna lose the girl if I don’t bang her that night. This literally just happens once or twice in the 2-3h with a girl, so I just need to man up for like 2 minutes to steer the date in the right direction. I almost wish yesterday’s girl would flake on me to teach me this lesson. Let’s see.

Boosted Tinder yesterday, got a bunch of matches so abundance is high. One girl was into me off the bat, after some banter I said I was looking for “ongoing but fairly casual” and she said that that sounds great, especially if it’s “extremely casual”. I arranged the date to be near my place, she found out later that it was near where I lived and said “that explains the pub choice”. Lol.
foducossy42 said:
I think I need to be willing to “pay any price” at pivotal moments. Like stopping her from getting a drink. Or insisting on a takeaway drink + walk. And if I can’t do it in a smooth way, just do it because I need to get it in my head that 95% of the time I’m gonna lose the girl if I don’t bang her that night.

I came to the same conclusion. The "2nd drink" moment is a key turning point where you need to make a fast decision to pull right there or go through the motions for a second drink. Sometimes, your chances at successful pull right then are low, but they will be absolutely 0 if you stay for a second drink, so you need to commit to pulling sub optimally.

Also, I realized I hate myself a lot less for a girl saying no then I do for being too pussy to ask. That wasn't always true. But everytime I failed from being too cowardly to ask it got more painful until the math eventually changed.
Zug said:
Sometimes, your chances at successful pull right then are low, but they will be absolutely 0 if you stay for a second drink, so you need to commit to pulling sub optimally.

Agree. However, each new lay teaches me something new so takeaway drink is one thing I “invented” but want to bring back. Story time, this is my first girl this year: it’s 12:30am, girl matches me, is a tourist and wants to get a drink. She kinda insists on getting a drink and I’m not gonna chance just asking her to come over cos I might blow what is already a 100% thing just to save some time, so I have to find a place that’s open at that hour, nearest is a 30min walk from me. Thank fuck the place had turned into a noisy club, so I thought fast and said let’s get a takeaway drink and walk. Walked 10min before she asked where we are walking, and I said “towards my area”. Kept walking and chatting then when we got to my street I said “my place is there, do you want to come in?”. Etc.

This is why I keep talking about takeaway drinks. I’ve only used it once, but in the time it takes to drink the drink, you can literally walk 2km + build extra comfort that leads to a more likely pull and lower LMR. And it’s a nice in between step, if the first drink is drunk too quickly you can just bounce with a takeaway drink and bring her within striking distance of your place. When you’re basically at your place you can go for the pull and it is literally 1min away by then.

In theory this should work. Gonna try it.

Update on the Acquaintance Girl. I couldn’t pull, not my fault, bad logistics (she already had plans that evening and she showed me the messages to prove it, we were meeting as acquaintances so whatever, it wasn’t meant to be a date). However it was a success as far as is possible with the time I had. Initial hug was strong, lots of physical compliance. Didn’t kino much, just 3-4 touches (seated opposite each other at a restaurant), focused on strong eye contact and vibing, some physical compliments and flirty push-pull + qualification. So actually good practice for learning to create attraction without touch. Also she said she can’t imagine having a boyfriend, so I made sure she knows I’m looking for casual only. I also seeded a full second date + pull. She will bake a cake and bring it to my place, and I’ll cook her some food (also followed pancakemouse seeding guide by saying my dish is really difficult to prepare so I’m not sure if she/her cake is worth it — she qualified so I said fine. And she suggested watching some movie after the dinner. At the end when we parted she said she’d text me and I said “yeah sure text me”. I was incredibly tempted to be a pussy and try to schedule the date there and then, but pancakemouse has seen to it that I will never initiate doing that in person. So far being incredibly non-needy (literally no double texting even after 3 weeks) has worked very well, so main thing is to continue to be non-needy, post DHVs on Instagram stories and I’m fairly confident that I’ll get laid with her eventually. I also have the benefit of knowing that she asks guys out, so I know that she will make her interest known and I don’t need to chase her. This one’s exciting because of the ambiguity of not coming from a dating app.
Let’s say I have abundance and lots of dates lined up but I still like the girl from last week at https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=62851#p62851.
And I want to at least try re-engaging her since the cost to me is low, just a text at some point in time. What do I do? Send a Feeler or a Resurrection text? If so, when — should I be waiting a week or two weeks? No I am not being needy here — I have dates lined up the whole week, two second dates which will likely be sex, one first date which is “extremely casual”. My mental state now is that I’m no longer pining after her or kicking myself too much for my mistake. I just found this girl hilarious and don’t want to just give up without at least trying to salvage it.
foducossy42 said:
Let’s say I have abundance and lots of dates lined up but I still like the girl from last week at https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=62851#p62851.
And I want to at least try re-engaging her since the cost to me is low, just a text at some point in time. What do I do? Send a Feeler or a Resurrection text? If so, when — should I be waiting a week or two weeks? No I am not being needy here — I have dates lined up the whole week, two second dates which will likely be sex, one first date which is “extremely casual”. My mental state now is that I’m no longer pining after her or kicking myself too much for my mistake. I just found this girl hilarious and don’t want to just give up without at least trying to salvage it.

Anti-frame will stir the most emotion

"didn't realise you got scared off that easily ;)" or something.
pancakemouse said:

Thanks! What is anti-frame or what is the more colloquial term for it? Tried googling but couldn’t find out information about it. Do you mean reframe? Also, what’s the frame here we are trying to establish?

Edit: still good to learn but I just sent that text you came up with cos there’s no point in thinking too much about this. Onto the next girl, did what I could.
Anti-frame means you frame her as something negative, something she thinks she is the opposite of.

If you walk out of a supermarket and the guard says STOP YOU'RE A THIEF you're gonna be like "wtf are you talking about no I'm not?" It provokes a strong emotional response.

Same concept.