Gabi's log


Dec 31, 2020
Well, i wrote a big ass post for an hour but my session got expire and everything got all fucking erased, so like the cunt i am and in all my resentment , i will not even put half the time in this one .-. :D

So, i started my tinder jouney in November, when discovered the Andy's guide and a month later i had a DSLR with material, it all came together like the providence wanted me to fuck through tinder lmfao.
I learned all i could to make good portraits, took around 2000 shitty photos of me and learned how to self model.
My initial plan was to have the initial set and the tinder profile setup for the 1th March ... got it done last week, the 18 January"

The result of my first tinder week:
- Around 5 matches a day
- A total of 40 Matches, most of them are 6.5 to 7.5 which is a nice ego boost
- 9 chicks were down for a date (but i almost never specified a date, because i have a lot of work (school) and the covid situations is a nightmare where i live, in France)
- I have my first tinder date in 2 days

Imo my first set of picture is not bad, but i believe can do way better. I bought some clothes/shoes/accessories to take a make a new set
Gabi Welcome, fellow french guy here! I'm in Paris, where do you live?

Just so you know the covid situation is absolutely not a barrier to getting laid, to me it's a blessing: I can go straight to a girl's place or have her come straight to mine. Very convenient.

You clearly have some potential, you have a handsome face. Pic 3 and 4 especially are good I'd say. That pic of you shirtless though... don't know if it's doing you any favors, as your physique doesn't terribly stand out. I could be wrong though, you're the one doing the testing. That pic with the cat could probably be re-done from a more flattering angle too.
YOOOO is that a 3D printer??? That is soo siickkk. Is that the Creality Ender 3?? I want one so bad!

By the way, your looks have potential. Welcome.
Nice pics man - agreed with the other guys definitely seem to have potential. I don't really know shit but I guess some more variety/scenery in the pictures?
Thank you all for answering and support, i rarely have encouragement when i'm improving myself in a domain, so it means a lot to me.

Reservoir said:
Gabi Welcome, fellow french guy here! I'm in Paris, where do you live?

You clearly have some potential, you have a handsome face. Pic 3 and 4 especially are good I'd say. That pic of you shirtless though... don't know if it's doing you any favors, as your physique doesn't terribly stand out. I could be wrong though, you're the one doing the testing. That pic with the cat could probably be re-done from a more flattering angle too.

I live in Strasbourg, and i removed the shirtless pic, you were right, it was poorly craft .

SIGMA_1234 said:
YOOOO is that a 3D printer??? That is soo siickkk. Is that the Creality Ender 3?? I want one so bad!

Yes it's an ender 3, and it clearly worth it. The quality is lit
Post 2

Today i was suppose to go on my first tinder date, but the bitch flaked ...
And ... i couldn't care more. I wore my new clothes and got a lot of "passive attention", a lot of eye contact.I guess i rocked my outfit.

As Andy said in his guide, i prepared other activities. So i worked on modeling and self portrait , and got some good fucking result on my self modeling technic. I took more than 150 pics and learn some stuff
Post 3

I got a bit overwhelmed by myself about what I'm expecting from all that tinder thing, I felt really down and depressed. It was probably because I'm spending too much time on distraction and don't have any big short-term goal.
So i hyped myself up on my dayling evening workout, messaged every match i have let unmessaged. I let all that shit go ... now i feel more neutral (i highly suggest the book Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrenderr, by David Hawkins, it changed my life)

I'm kind of frustrated that my feelings are always doing this up and down pattern, even if i came from an always down, i thought i would finally be in a constant neutral or positive state (i used to repress or suppressed almost all of my feelings, i did a shit load of work to fixe that). But it's seems that I'm doing something that i shouldn't be doing, and i don't have a clue of what it is ... Some time, i feel like i'm on the top of the world, and a few days after that i would feel like shit.
I will probably return to study stoicism and do a bit introspective of my habits. For now, I'm blocking all distraction on my phone with an app (AppBlock), and blocked the app in the app so I can't cheat
Post 4

Did a lot of emotional work. I was stuck with this obsession to get a girl as soon as possible, and couldn't accept that it's not really the time for me to hard focus on that (I live at home, covid, can't go out after 6 p.m. and basically need to put all my time in my studies until I'm done in 1 or 1 and half years).
So I thought and observed my feeling, I understand that it was all about my environment: it's a fucking mess, everything is kind of chaotic and it's impacting my mental health.
I'm now putting some effort to clean and order thing as much as possible, which already improved how I feel.
I have an other tinder date this WE, probably my last until my new set of picture. Which I already started, got some sketches and ideas.
Post 5
Did a shooting with a friend, most of my pics were shitty, my camera setting were badly control and didn't had the result what i wanted
Anyway, i'm in a new situation where i don't need to focus on getting result with girls but i still feel the urge to get some result. This feeling is kind of burning me .. i'm trying to let that go
Post 6
My studies are taking most of my time, but i can't get really into it. Like i could work way more and be more productive. But the fact that i rekted my first semester (got 14/20, i think, i must be in the top 10 of my promo) just put me in too much comfort, i only need a 6/20 to pass the year. I'm having trouble to hustle because I'm not really under pressure ...

Anyway, i worked mainly on my outfit since my last post. Got new shoes and a lot of neck-less . I managed to build around 2 or 3 "elites" outfit, and man ... i got a shitload of female attention ! It's really weird, because i didn't expect such results with so much little effort (i already had most of the clothes, just needed to put some effort in the composition and add some accessories).
I'm starting to see the exponential results of 5 years of personal development, and it's fucking amazing.

I'm actually starting to learn composition, most of my photos sucks because i can't compose shit ...
Post 7
Update on my goals !
For few weeks, I'm feeling like i'm not doing any big goals or things that really matter ...
So, i will full focus on my studies, and my primary goal is now to major this semester, or at least be in the top 5. I'm doing it by pure arrogance, i could just focus on having a gpa around 12, but i think this will help me to be more serious about my studies.

As a secondary goal, I want to become better at photography, but i don't really have a way to monitor it.
Post 8

Reactivated tinder as a motivation to practice taking photos (which i did, practicing photo).
Got a little less than 15 matches in a day, most of them replied and are down for a date and i missed a dtf girl because i still don't have my own place ( i know i could have get an hotel/airbnb but i'm just passing for this time)

It's weird, i'm following the slight edge principle, working a little bit on my goals everyday. Even if at the end i alway end up finishing my goal, i don't feel like i progressed. It's so small and not noticable that it just feel like normal ...
Post 9

Got my first tinder date today, we just talked for about an hour, nothing really interesting .
And i still didn't shot my new picsµ
Post 10

Doing well at school, i had to make a synthesis of informations from a paper
took me a fucking long time to do it, because i freaking suck at writting, but i really did it for myself, not to satisfy some teacher or get a good grade. I'm really happy about it, even if i get a shitty grade.


Re-started to take time for taking photos

I discovered that i can take multiple shot at once (is it called burst ? idk), it will really change the way i take photo.
Also, i'm starting to question myself about the way i see things, like, have i really incorporate the fact that if i work on something, it will most likely work at some degree, and i will get what i want ?
Because i don't feel like it's true, i don't really feel like i can have whatever i want if i simply try and dont quit. It's just a feeling, but it kind of impact my actions


I'm putting more effort in my home workout, i really want to gain muscle, i'm starting to get the same motivation that i had when i started working out .
It really feel good to put my hearth into things, i'm looking to do this with everything i do
Post 11

I'm studying more than before but still not enough

I went visit my mate in an other small city, so i let this fucker swiped freely on tinder to see how are the girls in the area, he ended up using one of my boost -_- (i'm not using them because i first need to focus on my studies)
So i set my location to my home and got around 16 matches for all the evening, it was this saturday at 21h so it's okay

I messaged all of them and i have 3 dates planned for this week, i want to focus on enjoying myself around chicks, it's probably why i fucked up so many time in the past. Because I was always so focused on "how can i make this girl to like me " and it ended up poorly , but every time that i was chilling and enjoying the moment i got really good results.

PS : i clicked on some random button "bump topic", don't know what it does, didn't mean to do it
Post 12

Yoo boïs
Just ended my second tinder date ! She wasn't dtf so we just kissed, and she wasn't really into meeting full stranger so i just get back home asap and texted her. As i said, i made all i can to enjoy myself during this date and it was exactly what i needed to do !
Have a second date tomorrow with another girl, she sent me a confirmation text during this date haha

Also i have subscribed to tinder plat, and it really increased my match, around 1 every 1 - 2 hours. Maybe i'm just boosted because i just sub ... idk

Anyway go back to my studies. Because i reckted my first semester, i just feel like i don't really need to pressure myself to work, so i don't work that much (even if it remain 1-2 houres a day out of courses)

And finally, i bought accessories for my dslr (umbrella, light and reflector) i'm going to go all-in my new set after this semester !
Post 13

Did my second date, we talked for around an hour and half, kissed but she wasn't dtf.
I will just go for an second date to get my first lay !
post 14

Didn't updated my log for more than a month now
Since my last 2 dates, i didn't do anything tinder related, no photo or date. I just bought some lights and umbrella to fix the light of my pics
i don't have logistics, so i just don't enjoy the last part of the process of meeting women, like i enjoy the date, i enjoy making out, but i hate the part where the only way to have intimacy is that the girl has her place and is ok that we go to her place. It make everything more hard and time consuming ...
Because of that, i prefer to pause everything and just wait for about a year until i can move out.

Even if i stopped on tinder, i still put a lot of effort on my other goals, i finished most of my project for my school and will soon be done with this year. Kind of rocking the first year of my degree

I will probably not post in my log before few month or early summer, because i won't have any new stuff tinder related and i keep a personal journal on my phone for my other personal goals
Post 15

Last week i had a "party" with some classmates, and i was really bored. I realised that i wasn't in an "fuck yes" attitude toward meeting other people. So i forced my self to have the right attitude , and it's really changing the way i interact with the world now

Yesterday i hangout with one of my mate, got drunk, activated tinder, got a shitload of matchs during few hours and set up a date for this monday.
I also matched and chatted with a girl i had already met in person, she seems to be really interested for a date, unfortunately this can't happen until few weeks. But it's fine, like i said in some of my previous posts, i don't have any logistic so i don't hope to get laid or date.

But the fact that it is now so easy for me to have a date, yet i can't enjoy it because of my lack of logisitic, turn me crazy. I know i could just go along and date girls which has already their own place, or find some alternative like hotel or rb&b, but i'm not interested in that, it just make me feel powerless or some shit like that.

Anyway, got a date for this monday, and my semester is over so i can go back taking pics