Gabi's log

Post 17

TLDR : got my firsr ever nude from my hot friend and made an introspection about the way i manage my emotion. Which leaded me to find some new goals about social interactions and intimate relationship


Got my first ever nude from a girl to me, the chick is a solid 8, clean anonyme and nice pose
I just sent her a meme, out of the blue and for fun, asking for tits pic, then she was down for sending me some. It's a girl that was strongly into me from the past (she still is but she live few hundred km from me now)
Then i had a chill conversation about open relationship (she is into one and im interresting of the way theses works)

It was all natural and chill, so it validated a strong idea that i had on the way i communicate
The cunt i am comunicate in a way that i only want to be appreciate by the other talking to me. I dont use my emotion to interact and be in a flow state of communication. I build anxiety, and start manipulate what i say or i'm about to say to look good m.

This way of communicating has made my social life a fucking emotionnal hell ! I realised that 99 % of the time im put of my house, in the unknown, im feeling strong negative emotion and im struggeling toa managed theses negative emotion.

This make a strong feedback loop where i start feeling bad because i feel bad so i need to stop feel bad which make me feel bad but less...

Also i realise that i want more relationship, with chicks, that are based on sexual attraction. I want it to be easy and natural to ask for nudes or sex like a did with my old friend.


Fortunately, i was to a synphonic orchestra where i meditated on my emotions, i felt huge pain and stress everywhere on my body (emotionnal related pain) and had to let all that shit go. An experience that shown me that all my emotionnal system to react to the outside world is fucked. It s all over the place, nothing make sense, like im managing my emotion to what and why ? I have not a single valid answer to these questions. Which can explain why i can't connect to people. Because my anxiety of fucking up something that i dont know but try to avoid make me act like a retard

So, i decided to fix some new goals :
1. Connecting with people, from an emotionnal perspective
2. Learn how to behave as an sexual individual and as a man (bodylanguage and social tension)
3. Learn how to sexualise a relasionship
4. Learn how to pick girls up (bodylanguage, talking and touching)

Theses goals are not well defined so i will develop them in a soon futur

Sorry any grammar mistake, i didn't slept a lot
Post 18

I got my first lay through tinder, it was yesterday night with a chick that i had already met in the past but i had never really talked to her. I matched with her on tinder and we set a date.
The sex was terrible, i was to anxious, the logistic was the same, the condom was to small for me (and the dumbass i am only brought 1), the night was not compfy but there was a lot of cuddle so i guess it's ok ... And i don't mind that it was not good, i gave myself the permission to suck ... so i'm good

Also, i went 2weeks on holyday, where stuffs happended and it made me more comfortable touching women and flirting.

On the tinder side, my new set of picture i took around 1or2 months ago, are working pretty fine. I honestly can have 2-3 date a week without any boost (but there isn't really any screening except that i'm not looking for anything serious)
Post 19

Last post i talked about my firstlay, and the fact the sex was not that good. Between, i saw her multiple time, and it went better and better

Few days ago i had a date with a cute blond girl that i matched on tinder few days before. We talked during 2 hours sitting on a bench, and during all the date, there was little to no sexual tension and no physical touched. After the 2 hours, i just asked her if she wanted to go to my place and she said yes.
At my place, i just kissed her and when i asked her how she like it (rough or soft) she just said "im gona kill the mood, but its my first time". From there i just focused on her and made my best to make her feel comfortable and having a great time, which she did. It was all kissing, cuddling and going slow
At the end, she thanked me for being that caring

Had to finished off my self in the bathroom ...
Also, after she sucked me, it pained my dick so hard, her saliva didn't went well with my tip (idk why), it just burned
Overall, one of the best experience i had from now
post 20

I met a girl from an app called fruitz and it was one of the only few that i keep messaging more than few messages before a date.
We met once for a drink and nothing happened due to a lack of logistic. But we ended meeting again few days later at her parent place (she had to go back to her parent due to covid)
She is older than me and have way more experience than i have, so the sex was just easy and relaxing, she is more into sextoys and kinky stuff which was enjoyable.
Also, like every of my lay, i didn't had to "perform" to have sex, all i had to do was to show up, have a good time talking to the girls, and at the end of the date ask her to go to my place or set up a way to meet for funtime
And when there was little to no sexualisation/sexual tension, all i had to do for the situation to be more sexual was to go for a kiss. A great way to kiss a girl from no where during a date is to simply say "i really want to kiss you but i don't know if i can right now", if she say anything other than a "no" or smthing negative i can go in. What will mostly happen is that the girl will not know what to say, so i just go and say "let see if i can". had never failed me, and seem to be more "natural" than an all in.

Now that i'm looking back, i'm kind of bored of the generic patern of having sex like : oral -> pentration -> orgasm
even if it's my third lay, i want to change this set up asap

Having few lays really change the inner tension of "i didn't have sex for a while", or "i can't have sex", into "i have a way to have sex, so it's cool, no need to panic"

I'm actually satisfied with my result from tinder, around 15 dates, 3 lay and a good profile over the last 6 months, and with a fucked up logistic
So i'm going to pause tinder and posting for the upcoming 4 month until i'm getting my own place/starting working

8 years ago, when I was still in highschool, i was the typical average guy with no physics, an above average look, a lot of social anxiety, no connections with my emotions and obviously a virgin.
This situation was a real pain, because I knew I could be a better version of myself, and I wanted to have some female attention and eventually get laid.
So, I just worked on myself, and hoped that my situation would change. Obviously I didn’t knew what I was doing, so it was just trial and error for many years. Yet thanks to that, i massively improved my look, started working out, got rid of most of my social anxiety (with baby step i just kept talking to everyone i could), learned to groom my beard and hair, i learned how to write and talk and i became really connected with my emotion, i went from constant apathy to happy guy that is always aware of his feeling !
But, even with all thoses improvements, I still didn’t got laid until i was 22 because i live at home with my family, where there is literally no intimacy, i share my bedroom with my brother and there is ALWAYS someone at home, and this situation really block me in my sexual life. Whenever I have an opportunity with a girl, I just brush it off because I have this feeling of hopelessness, that even if the girl is DTF, I won't have the logistics, so I won’t be able to get laid. Plus, the resentment of “failing” so close would be more painful than just walking away at the beginning (before approaching). Obviously I’m wrong, because there is the possibility that the girl could be in charge of the logistics or “public” sex, but this doesn’t really bring any motivation for me, because I know that the next girl will probably not be able to take the responsibility and the frustration will still be there.
So, with this mentality, that I have since changed, I just focused on myself, improving in any domain while knowing that one day, all thoses sacrifices would eventually pay off.

Around a year ago, I joined this community, I red the tinder guide of Andy, and went all in. I improved my looks with accessories, improved my wardrobe with more “fuckboy” clothes, bought some light and a DSLR, then took a shit-ton of pictures, like +5K, which got me a good set of pictures. I installed the app, took the platinum membership, swiped like a madman for hours, got hundreds of matches, went to a dozen dates, got laid with 3 different girls (with one being a virgin) and went into a massive pause of a year to finish my master degree. And because I'm still in this situation of no intimacy, and have a lot of work to do for school, I just stopped dating and going on dates until I change my environment.

Finally, I have now finished my degree, I saved around 7K, got a job and I'm looking for a flat tomorrow ! All thoses years of disciplines resulted in me having a great situation, a good body, being good looking and being ready to just swipe, message and fuck girls as soon as i get a bed!
I did my homework, and I will soon enjoy the fruits of my work !
I went looking for a place this monday, and i found a small appartement, like 23m2 with furnitures for less than my budget. At first i wasn't motivated to get small place, but the fact that this place is really quiet, not to hot in the summer and litteraly in the middle of my city made me take it on the spot.
At the moment i got the keys, surely next week or the week after, i'm going all in on tinder again.

As i said in the previous post, i found an appartment in the hypercenter of my city.
After some administration, i'm ready to sign the lease tomorrow !

I also cut my hair and let my beard grow, i'm getting a lot more attention from women in the street, which clearly indicate me that i need to keep my beard and i need a fade
I just signed my lease, i now have my own place !!

I'm going to set up some date for next weeks !
So I enabled my tinder account and got a pretty good amount of matches (like 15 in a day and half), but it suddenly stopped (like no more matches for about 12 hours). I know it's how tinder work (usually for me it come by batch, like 5-6 matches in 2 or 3 hours then nothing for few hours) but it kind of frustating. I'm going to take better photos to improve my profil.

I got my first appartment a week ago, imediately after that, i went on tinder and started setting up dates. I dated this girl that was really into me, we talked for 3-4 days until we arranged a date.
She had 25 kilos more than her pictures, and wasn't really cute, but it wasn't that big of a deal. We talked for about an hour before going to my place, we took a shower and i fingered her for like 2-5 min, and she told me i made her cum like +5 times. It was just so easy, idk if it common but i just need to stimulate her clit a little and she will almost imediately cum.
So, knowing that, i played with it during all the evening and in total i made her cum at least 10 time (surely wayyy more, but 10 is a certainty). In the morning, she was just in love with my dick, which is probably the most ego boosting experience of my life.
She wanted me to come over the day after and the day after after, which i did but only the second day.
We have an agreement to be exclusif for oral, like she love sucking like mad but don't want to risk anything (STD) so, as long as i don't get/give oral from other people without protection, we can doing it (oral) without protection, and i'm ok with that.
She also got bruises on her palate from sucking me, which i find fucking hot lol

I also almost got laid from a girl i met at a town party, she was cute, and had a picture of me (from my tinder) on her phone (?!?). I got her numer and we had a date yesterday, she wasn't really into getting laid at the time, but would probably have accepted if i had pushed a little bit. But i'm not interrested into pushing anyone to have sex with me so, we just kept talking. She is really hot, like a solid 8.5/10 on my own standards. I'm really looking forward to meet her again.