Ghosted mid date


Jan 8, 2023
Went out with a girl off Tinder. Went back to my place after an hour and half. Started to make out with her but she stopped me in the middle and said “sorry I’m really not feeling it” and left. Unmatched me immediately afterwards lol.

Has that happened to anybody else? I’ve got other dates lined up but ngl that kind of undermines my confidence.
tdan187 said:
I've had it happen to me during sex even.

One time I was chillin with this pretty attractive girl. Thought it was 100% in the bag. She was naked doggy style in my bed. But my dick wasn't hard. Asked her to suck it. And then she told me this same shit.

"Sorry I'm not really feeling it" - "I can't do this".

I was stoned as fuck too and then had to drive her like 45 min to an hour home. I was pretty pissed.

It's totally normal man. Just keep grinding and pay no attention to it.

Thanks! Yeah, just made me wonder if I was catfishing or something, but I think my pics are a fair representation. I’ve got other dates lined up, thankfully. But yeah, it shook me a bit.

Maybe I made a move too fast? We went back to my place we sat down on the couch I put on a show and then immediately started making out with her, maybe I should’ve waited a few minutes? Idk, just speculating, but if she wasn’t attracted to me at all you’d think she wouldn’t go back to my place…
Yeah happened to me like a month ago. Met on Hinge. Had a solid date. Made out outside the place and made out when we got back to my apartment. Girl was breathing heavily too, so I know she was turned on. Got a call from her roommate saying she was "locked out" of their apartment. Yeah sure. And girl left. I txted her saying I had a good time but didn't want to see her again.

The reasons for why they dip are myriad. You reminded them of an ex; You came on too strong (so she felt slutyt); you didn't come on hard enough (wasn't turned on enough for her social brain to switch off); etc., etc.

I didn't make much of it when it happened. Just laughed and went out to hit on more girls.
Yggdrasil13 said:
Went out with a girl off Tinder. Went back to my place after an hour and half. Started to make out with her but she stopped me in the middle and said “sorry I’m really not feeling it” and left. Unmatched me immediately afterwards lol.

Has that happened to anybody else? I’ve got other dates lined up but ngl that kind of undermines my confidence.

Yeah its happened to me, perhaps more than once even. I recall one girl saying 'i don't like you' when getting into my place and another i had half naked in bed then she just suddenly got dressed out of nowhere and said she doesn't feel like having sex then left never to be seen again.

Like Tdan said, as an isolated incident i wouldn't overthink it and just chalk it up to the game, these things happen and most likely it has nothing to do with something you did or didn't do. If it happens multiple times in a row then it would be time to analyse things more.