Girls with masks


Jul 19, 2020
Higher quality girls
Los Angeles
Just curious to hear people's experiences with approaching girls who are wearing masks. Most girls in my city are still wearing masks while walking outside :roll: I want to get back into cold approach, but I feel like it wouldn't even be enjoyable to talk to girls when I can't see 60% of their face. Not to mention mask-wearers are probably less likely to be receptive to being approached by strangers.

I'm on the verge of deferring cold approach goals until the mask stuff blows over (I have other productive things I can do in the meantime) -- does anyone have experiences that could change my mind?
This sounds like a rationalization for procrastination on this.
Then again, where I live its much more lax, very few people wear masks outside.
I see you live in the US. The CDC said yesterday that vaccinated people don’t need to wear masks anymore. If someone is wearing a mask outside they are probably vaccinated too, so I don’t they would be freaked out if you approached them.
For what it's worth, I just approached four girls, and the one masked one was super nice. Also, one with AirPods in was super nice (I usually avoid those girls). I don't think I should let those keep me from approaching!
arcade_fireee said:
Just curious to hear people's experiences with approaching girls who are wearing masks. Most girls in my city are still wearing masks while walking outside :roll: I want to get back into cold approach, but I feel like it wouldn't even be enjoyable to talk to girls when I can't see 60% of their face. Not to mention mask-wearers are probably less likely to be receptive to being approached by strangers.

I'm on the verge of deferring cold approach goals until the mask stuff blows over (I have other productive things I can do in the meantime) -- does anyone have experiences that could change my mind?

I think that RogerRoger approached over 100 girls with masks in a day. So it's definitely not an excuse