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GN's Progress Log - Self-Love Arc: Deleting the Apps, Fixing Low Self Confidence


Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 2/3
->Today's Calories: 2507cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 70g
->Today's Protein Intake: 141g

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 2/3
->Today's Calories: 2275cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 86g
->Today's Protein Intake: 135g


Its been more than 3 weeks since I got banned from the apps and it just seems like ever since life has just been one massive slump. My mental state has seemed to be getting worse so now i am gonna just try to claw myself out of this shithole bit by bit.

For the hard reset of my apps I condensed Loki's guide into a simple checklist so hopefully I do not fail this time. Just gonna write it here in case it helps anyone else w/ an Iphone. september if you want me to gatekeep it instead just lmk.

1. Encrypt Backup Iphone to Imazing

2. Create Imazing file of the backup and open file explorer

3. In File Explorer delete the Keychain domain file

4. Factory Reset your Iphone

5. Restore data w/ Keychain deleted to iphone

6. Confirm reset from having to re-log in to all apps

7. Go to a location 5+ miles away from current location (Just in case make sure phone is on data plan)

8. Create/Get a new email address

9. Create a new AppleID

10. Get a new phone number

11. Sign in to the app store with the new AppleID

12. Download the dating apps

13. Upload NEW photos. Alter name, basic info (slightly), prompts, etc. (Possible you could upload old photos later w/ metadata deleted+other alterations)

I initially resisted the idea of taking new photos out of laziness but instead of taking them for the purpose of replacements to prevent a ban I want to do it so I can just have better quality photos than I had before. Currently for a new stack I have one photo that did really well on PF at an 8.8 (attached below) which makes up for the photo I had as my lowest rated (7.1). I had a new pic (first one) I thought was good for a hobby/action photography photo but it didn't rate nearly as good as the og (second) which got like an 8.7. It will work as a temporary replacement and if Loki is right then after a few days of being in the clear I should be able to reuse the og as I have made alterations.

I showed the two pics to a female friend just to get her perspective on which she liked and she said the second because it looks more natural too. Interesting, I did not consider that.

Im going back home for spring break to California so I have better lighting and backgrounds to work with there which should help me get a new headshot. I get to see my dog so I can get a good picture with my dog too. My current headshot looks too over-edited the more I look at it so I just want to replace it for the purpose of not catfishing. The background is also just not ideal.

I also bought a ticket to a singles mixer because ProgressEvolution heavily encouraged me to try out a dating event like speed dating. I initially thought I was too young for it but I realize now I will only grow as a man if I put myself in situations that aren't ideal or where I "shouldn't be". It is an hour away from where I live as well as a month from now (because it was the only event that worked with my logistics) but I will make it work. I did some research into the event hosts and they are very active on Instagram. The events look legit and very high volume with a lot of people in their 20s.

On the front of fat loss and fitness it seems like my body is just rebelling against me and just does not want to cut anymore. I did some research into fat loss and came across some youtube videos. Some of the mistakes people make in fat loss read exactly like my situation. Calorie slashing too hard was actually a horrible idea and even so can cause weight plateu after long enougb time. I confirmed this when I weighed myself the other day and I am at 155 versus two weeks ago I was at 156. Not sure what to do but from what I read a 1-2 week "re-feed" at maintenance calories was a way to "reset" your metabolism. I searched up my maintainence and it turns out its like 2660. What the fuck have I been doing at 1800. Past two-three days I have been eating like normal and trying to re-integrate actually eating breakfast vs skipping it. It feels odd, like I am eating too much but this is also normal to feel.

I keep being like "oh I want more muscle" but I look at my body and think that I still have too much bodyfat. On the other hand though I should probably just listen to my body. Maybe its true that I would be better off with a lot of muscle but with a belly vs lacking muscle and having odd proportions. I booked an appointment with a personal trainer back home at 24 hour fitness to hopefully gain some more clarity for my situation and maybe have a plan for when I graduate and return. Plus I can just do it cyclically. Bulk for a few months then cut. Rinse and repeat until I am satisfied. There is also the whole thing about my gyno surgery which I am continuously bugging my parents about so they don't forget about it. We have a few financial options for what we can do to pay for the surgery so the discussion will be on which one. I just hope they don't get bogged down about side effects because every surgery has potential side effects, even the life saving ones.

For the tutoring I haven't been putting as much stock into this as I am more concerned about dating and my physical health. I have been getting requests on Reddit but either I get ghosted when they seem interested or they are asking me to help them cheat because he wouldn't be able to graduate if he failed the class.

I can't lie this shit is frustrating. I was considering helping them and maybe charge them a ton of money but I don't want to risk my career. Shit he now has my name and phone number because he made himself seem like he genuinely wanted tutoring. He told me he hasn't read a single lecture since the semester started. I am just thinking "you put yourself in this situation, take some fucking responsibility before you come crying to other people to do your work you waste of oxygen". From now on I am gonna paste on my ads that I am not helping people cheat.

I would honestly be happy with just one client right now. I am thinking I should just try high school students for tutoring but I am not sure where to start with getting some parents to trust me enough to tutor their kids.

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 2/3
->Today's Calories: 1939cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 100g
->Today's Protein Intake: 78g


Flew back in to Cali today. My flight landed super late and I was in dire need of good sleep so I wasn't able to hit my protein goal. Being back home for a while is nice, I really needed the break from uni.

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 3/3
->Today's Calories: 2636 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 119g
->Today's Protein Intake: 96g


My retarded ass forgot I had no protein powder so I had to place an order, should arrive soon.

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 3/3
->Today's Calories: 2649 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 78g
->Today's Protein Intake: 153g

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 2677 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 83g
->Today's Protein Intake: 163g


Went to the gym earlier this morning cuz my mom wanted to go. Had a pretty solid chest workout, usually I hate working out in the morning but it seems if I have good sleep it doesn't matter. My sleep has been amazing since I came back home for spring break.

I got my eyebrows threaded again the other day and how badly that session hurt finally prompted me to go buy an eyebrow trimmer after procrastinating on it too long. After all that pain my eyebrows still look too blocky, but at least now I save money and can make any changes I want. It should arrive very soon. Also bought a new diffuser for my hair because my other one broke. Fragile plastic POS.

I went all the way to Stanford for a meet and greet with the lab team I work with. I kinda zoned out a lot during the more technical stuff but we got dinner afterwards and that was fun talking to everyone and seeing some new and old faces.

Finally got that new protein powder (as of yesterday technically) but got a new flavor of the brand I like since it was the only one that would come quick asf on amazon. I tried it and it tasted awful, but I will just put up with it until I finish it.

I also wrote and submitted my Hinge complaint to the BBB. Not expecting this to work (maybe a 5% chance at most), but I *should* have most of what I need to hard reset anyways. I just need two more pictures to swap out, having a difficult time making time for the pics due to other obligations i have this week but I only have so much time. Hard resetting here at my house is good since my IP is so different from the one back in my uni.

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 2515 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 105g
->Today's Protein Intake: 140g


Backed up my phone to my laptop and deleted the keychain file. Gonna wait till my parents asleep tonight to restart my phone and put in the keychainless backup because last time I did it during the day I got a text from my dad asking me why my phone went dead. Luckily he asked if I just put it in DND mode and I said "yeah", so all was well. I confirmed the spare phone in the house we have works so ideally I can finish the reset either today or tomorrow. I have a semi-good feeling that if all the new info registers as legit to the systems Hinge/Tinder have in place they probably won't ask me to verify myself. My only issue is that Tinder seems to have more security measures in place so I am wondering if downloading tinder is even worth it when even one of the apps banning me can get me banned off the other. Hinge has yielded me far better results anyways.

Eyebrow trimmer showed up so now I am just testing it. Definitely feels odd doing this since I have never done my own brows but so far I haven't fucked up so I am good. I am working on shaping it to something more masculine.

My sugar intake was weirdly high today despite the fact I only ate maybe 1-2 chocolates and 1-2 cookies. Turns out mejdool dates are super high in sugar. SMH I love these but I need to cut back.

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 2381 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 94g
->Today's Protein Intake: 138g

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 2381 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 80g
->Today's Protein Intake: 117g

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 1910 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 100g
->Today's Protein Intake: 85g


Had a test I had to take to apply for the Masters program I am trying to get into. The facility was about 2 hours away from home so I had to head out early. I went with my dad. Directions were a bit confusing but luckily we arrived an hour early so we could figure it out and I could eat lunch before the test. The test went really good, I got much above the score most programs cutoff at so I probably don't need to take it again. My dad treated me to some boba afterwards which was sweet.

Made a huge change to my eyebrows (after on top before is on bottom). foducossy42 TYSM for the advice.

I also finished the hard reset even though I ran into a roadblock last night. Got 1 like on Hinge so far and I have been able to conversate with her so at least so far that is proof its running smoothly. New profile looks kinda doo doo though because I had to use replacements and a lot of the pics I liked got cut off BAD on Hinge. I think someone online said to use the square-fit app to deal with that. Either that or I will just need to take new pics but keep my camera further away from me when I am shooting so my pics don't get as badly cut off. Part of me doesn't want to use my old photos again because I don't want to risk anything that could set off a ban again. Sucks to start from scratch for the second (or third) time but oh well. Since I am also being risk averse I am also not going to tamper with what I have up for a few days and I am not redownloading Tinder as that app has more security measures in place for some odd reason.

I sold off a pair of Basketball shoes I have barely worn. I only got 75$ for it but I think I will just save it over as money for boosts. I need the experience. I set up a date with a girl from Bumble who seems like one of those quirky types of girls for Monday. Again, gotta get my reps in.

I will be flying back to uni on Sunday morning and arriving Sunday evening so Monday I made a promise to myself to start cold approaching again. At least one set. I expect nothing from cold approach now. I just want to improve my game and conversational skills.
GN44 said:
Made a huge change to my eyebrows (after on top before is on bottom). @foducossy42 TYSM for the advice.

This is a total gamechanger. They legitimately looked like a costume prop before. Dem brown hair genetics

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 1890 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 56g
->Today's Protein Intake: 85g

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 1313 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 62g
->Today's Protein Intake: 97g

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 0/3
->Today's Calories: 3116 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 74g
->Today's Protein Intake: 176g


Started my bulk today. I am gonna eat in a calorie surplus of around +300 calories. Aside from dinner it didn't feel all that difficult. I found some burrito bowl recipe online that was 1000 calories and I made it but it was kinda complicated and my kitchen looks like a war zone. I am gonna stick to simpler meals from here on out. I also made a protein shake using the protein powder I found disgusting and it actually tasted really good, so I at least now have an easy way to get 700 calories in for a day.

The date I was supposed to have cancelled on me and unmatched so safe to say that is not happening now. Annoyed but I was very busy as I have two exams next week I need to lock in for. Worst part is I lost all my notes for the classes because I logged out of my apple ID on my ipad to make a new one so I can get my Hinge back. I forgot I hadn't fully backed up my notes. I don't know if I will be able to get them back. Good thing at least is these lost notes won't matter after next week as we will be starting a new unit and the finals aren't cumulative (except one class but I don't think it will be a huge deal).

This part feels like a larger deal to me but I feel like I am very slightly slipping back into porns clutches. I thought I was free but sometimes when I am scrolling instagram and I come across a hot girl I don't find myself immediately swiping off. Sometimes I click to their profile, scroll a little, then leave. I sometimes think about porn a little but I don't have the desire to watch it, mainly just to experience those scenarios. I think its just a reaction to my life stress + stagnant dating life. I think the problem will become not as bad once I start getting dates again.

I have had my Hinge on pause to focus and also because I am paranoid about getting banned again. I am not risking using old photos. Out of the 4 pics I have up only 2 are good, one is decent, and the other is bad. My temporary headshot is the bad one and my prompts suck too. I want to fix these things then unpause. I have to fix them slowly though so it doesn't set off their system. So far though the girl I have been messaging has been going normal. I am not attracted to her but I am just using the convo as a way to test if things are working normally.

I also wanted to start cold approaching again so I went up to a girl at a cafe I was leaving and we talked about research stuff since we were near the building I work in. I got her number, not expecting anything.

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 2995 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 84g
->Today's Protein Intake: 178g


I don't know if this counts as a set but I approached a girl outside my apartment today who had a dog with her. I said her dog was cute and asked what their name was. She told me and I asked if I could pet him. She said no and just walked off. Whole time no eye contact, complete blowout. I think this is the first time I have been ignored this hard in set, most other sets even if they seem disinterested I can at least get a little conversation. Im not taking it personal though, cuz its really not.

Bulk is going good so far, but it gets really difficult towards the end of the day since I eat a big dinner and a 700 calorie shake. I was struggling to finish my dinner. Since I am still very new idk how much I should be concerned about macros and what I eat as long as it isn't total shit. I have set ground rules though which are to minimize ultra-processed + deep fried food (chips, candy, soda, fast food, etc). I have more energy now since I am not skipping breakfast and I can actually focus a lot better in the morning.

I have also started taking skincare more seriously. My mom put me on a few new products which I am using and I started using Cerave retinol serum. Ik its not prescription but I wanna get started on this stuff and get consistent with it before I invest in the more expensive stuff. I also started using "The Ordinary" lactic acid for exfoliating.

That tutoring client who ghosted me about a month ago hit me up again and said she needed two sessions this week. Both 2 hours each. Happy asf maybe I will feel a little less broke and have money for boosts+Hinge premium.

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 2/3
->Today's Calories: 3013 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 92g
->Today's Protein Intake: 172g
->Approach: Yes
->Skincare: No (forgot to apply retinol)

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 2/3
->Today's Calories: 3074 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 102g
->Today's Protein Intake: 166g
->Approach: Yes
->Skincare: Yes

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 2/3
->Today's Calories: 2802 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 76g
->Today's Protein Intake: 130g
->Approach: Yes
->Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 2/3
->Today's Calories: 2700 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 120g
->Today's Protein Intake: 144g
->Approach: Yes
->Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 3/3
->Today's Calories: 3074 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 128g
->Today's Protein Intake: 163g
->Approach: No
->Skincare: Yes

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 0/3
->Today's Calories: 2226 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 43g
->Today's Protein Intake: 102g
->Approach: Yes
->Skincare: No


Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 0/3
->Today's Calories: 3057 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 98g
->Today's Protein Intake: 152g
->Approach: No
->Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 0/3
->Today's Calories: 2691 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 83g
->Today's Protein Intake: 137g
->Approach: No
->Skincare: No

Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 0/3
->Today's Calories: 3060 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 79g
->Today's Protein Intake: 157g
->Approach: Yes
->Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 0/3
->Today's Calories: 3380 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 91g
->Today's Protein Intake: 160g
->Approach: No
->Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 0/3
->Today's Calories: 3153 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 158g
->Today's Protein Intake: 160g
->Approach: No
->Skincare: Yes


Daily Actions:

->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 2489 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 139g
->Today's Protein Intake: 121g
->Approach: No
->Skincare: Yes