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GN's Progress Log


Early Update. Have not done a cold approach today due to being super busy and needing to catch up on studies (Anatomy is kicking my ass). I messaged the girl I approached yesterday at like 10 AM but no response. I have a club meet tonight, lots of girls show up to this specific club. My friend from the other club also attends this one (I actually met him through this club) as well as a few other homies.

This one I may or may not have done something stupid. Last semester around finals week I got a girls number who I met from a warm approach and during the height of finals studying I messaged her. She responded once but nothing back after that. I assumed it was because I messaged at a bad time. I ended up texting her again today (maybe out of desperation, or idk maybe to see if this was truly a failure), just a generic "how was your summer, its been a while". She sent me a text back a few hours later saying that she had a good but busy summer, then asked me how mines went.

I said I was studying for the MCAT and I went abroad, did not say where to create a little mystery and that my summer was good. Hopefully if I get a response in the next few texts I will ask if she wants to get food at this one place I want to visit.

Hoping for the best, so far I haven't even been getting responses back in my cold approaches which sucks.

UPDATE: No approach today, far too busy. Will give my best attempt to squeeze two in tomorrow. I am going to Target and another store so hopefully I should be able to approach someone.

Went to the first clubmeet of one of my other clubs, but for some reason I felt to anxious and out of place to go up to new girls and speak with them. I just stuck with my group. I need to somehow get myself to be more proactive about it since I did say I prefer warm approach.

Did some schoolwork in the morning then went to Target and bought ingredients for my meal tonight. I am trying to save money by not buying takeout. I love fried chicken but its expensive these days so I save money whenever possible. My friend I was supposed to hang with tonight cancelled on me because he caught the flu so we will probably meet next week.

At target I approached some redhead, gave her a basic compliment, but did not take her number as she did not seem too interested. Oh well.

I found a website for a store in my city for buying used cameras or renting them. The ones in the 100-200 range are really old, like 2010. I found one for 250 thats like a 2016 model, a Canon T6 DSLR. I have currently 127$ on me. I could try to get a new Social security card so I can legally donate plasma and get some money from that. Either that or try to find a tutoring client.

On a more serious note cold approaching seems to make me more vulnerable to my porn watching urges. I have been struggling to quit for a while. I took it very seriously from the months of Jan to early April, then stopped giving a shit from April to now. I am trying to take it seriously again.

UPDATE: Approached another girl after I hit the gym, she had a dog with her so I asked if I could pet the dog. We just talked about pets and stuff, and I got her number.

The issue I am having is that I always keep thinking how when I get rejected so often from cold approach, I can turn to porn as my head goes "porn won't reject me". I talked with my therapist about it and through some CBT I am trying to change my mindset to how porn kills my confidence and will probably prevent me from enjoying a good sex life.

David Goggins had a great bit on this about how we have two voices, one is comfort while the other is the reality of things. The comfort always wants to speak up after I get rejected by another cold approach but I try to get the reality to speak louder, that while the rejection hurts, it gets me acquainted with what I have to go through to get what I want.

Sorry no update for the weekend. I generally do not approach on the Weekend as there are not too many girls around. I also am more productive in my work so I spend the weekends grinding schoolwork.

I have kind of realized something about myself. I don't think I actually want casual sex. I think my beliefs are that I need to do casual things before I am able to attract the girls I am attracted to. Cold approaching gets really draining so if I find someone I am 1000x percent sure I could see myself in a relationship with, I am locking that shit down immediately, but I need to keep a clear head so that I don't settle for the first woman that shows me romantic interest.

I still want to get laid, I would love to lose my virginity as soon as I can make it happen w/o paying.

At least according to Andy, as a newbie who only started taking self improvement and dating seriously literally last year, I am probably not going to attract the girls I want and will probably have to start out with "average" girls. So my belief is I need experience, currently I have only been on a few dates and had a LDR when I was a teenager for a few months. IDK if thats how life actually works but it makes sense to a degree because for example unlike in those old teen movies where the socially awkward guy gets the popular girl, life does not work that way. Usually socially popular people date other socially popular people and socially awkward people date other socially awkward people if they are even dating. There are exceptions though, not too many.

TBF I am not THAT socially awkward anymore. I do have some anxiety i but usually I am good at conversation and most people are respectful of me. I am on the spectrum but most people don't even think I am, even my therapist says I act more neurotypical.
GN44 said:
I have kind of realized something about myself. I don't think I actually want casual sex.

GN44 said:
I still want to get laid, I would love to lose my virginity as soon as I can make it happen w/o paying.

These 2 aren't adding up. If you never had casual sex, you can't say you don't want it. Feels to me like you're saying this so you have a quick out if you find your first girl so you can just stay with her.

Totally cool if you want to live your average Joe's life. Heck, even I had thoughts of just getting a girlfriend because society makes you believe it's weird not to have a partner after X amount of time of being single.

You're not even close to your potential. Work your ass of for 1 year (looksmax + hobbies + talking to girls) and then reread your post. I got a feeling you'll think differently in a year ;)
kratjeuh said:
GN44 said:
I have kind of realized something about myself. I don't think I actually want casual sex.

GN44 said:
I still want to get laid, I would love to lose my virginity as soon as I can make it happen w/o paying.

These 2 aren't adding up. If you never had casual sex, you can't say you don't want it. Feels to me like you're saying this so you have a quick out if you find your first girl so you can just stay with her.

Totally cool if you want to live your average Joe's life. Heck, even I had thoughts of just getting a girlfriend because society makes you believe it's weird not to have a partner after X amount of time of being single.

You're not even close to your potential. Work your ass of for 1 year (looksmax + hobbies + talking to girls) and then reread your post. I got a feeling you'll think differently in a year ;)

I think a part of this entry is that I have been feeling really discouraged since so far I have had not even a text back from a cold approach. I also think I feel slightly bitter about my race+body and can't stop comparing myself to other guys and keep thinking its the reason why girls are rejecting me even though I have no way to prove it. Sure there is bias towards white people in dating but being not-white is not a death sentence. Besides if being white was such a cheat-code to dating then theoretically there would be little to no white incels.

I know some Indian guys who do very well in dating because they either put a lot of effort into their appearance, have great social skills, are incredibly funny, are high status, etc. It does not seem as visible though because most Indian guys don't do these things since our culture and upbringing usually pushes being good in school above all else. The traits I listed above are all the same traits that anyone who is successful in dating has. Maybe I am just not where I want to be, but I am trying to stay positive as I am taking the action to get there. I have been in the gym over a year and lost 30 pounds, am able to talk to people way better, have a little bit of humor, and am in several clubs+do research for my university and Stanford. Plus if I get the job I want I will secure easily 200k+.

Body image wise I feel like I can't take myself seriously due to gyno. I look at my face and think "okay he looks masculine", then get to my torso and see my moobs and feel like my masculinity drops some. I see other guys with gyno and they seem to be fine, but it doesn't really make me feel better. But i guess it is nice to not get bullied for it like I did in middle school and high school. Sometimes I think that women think the same way, they like my face but then see the gyno and are immediately turned off. Again, no way to prove this plus I have had women interested in me despite it so its also not a death sentence.

On the bright side, I ordered some compression shirts and they are like magic, I look WAY more masculine in them. Only downside is they are really uncomfortable and hard to take off. I wonder if this is what corsets feel like for women.

Casual sex has never really appealed to me is what the idea is. I can say I don't want something without trying it. Like I can say I don't want to try eating Durian because being told something smells bad is an instant turnoff if true.

And no, I don't want the first girl who shows me interest unless I am 1000x percent attracted to her personality and looks. I have had some girls into me before but I never pursued anything with them because I either found them boring or was not that attracted to them.

In an ideal world as I keep doing this cold approach and meeting girls stuff, I find one girl who I feel super strong about and she feels the same about me and we have a LTR. However, I don't think it will work like that until I level up some more. Besides I don't want a gf for the sake of it or to look good to others.

I am still pursuing casual relationships, I guess maybe what I am trying to say is I am not the kind of person who wants to do this for years on end
Im planning to book a professional photographer for a photoshoot.


This is her portfolio, do you guys think she would be good for getting photos of me? I have heard some say professional photos can be too stiff. I want to get my moneys worth.
Looks good enough, but I will let our resident forum photographers opine. Attractive women usually know what makes guys look good.

How much money?
pancakemouse said:
Looks good enough, but I will let our resident forum photographers opine. Attractive women usually know what makes guys look good.

How much money?

97$, my budget is about 128$. I picked a budget option and they give me 3 edited photos of my choosing. I can pay 10$ per extra photo. Currently I have two good photos so I need about four.

Ill mainly be taking the photos around my university unless the photographer knows better locations.

No approach today. Just felt like total shit and was super angry at myself for relapsing to porn all weekend. That and having no success in warm approach or cold approach. I hate that I still use it as a coping mechanism despite knowing how bad it is for me. I am beginning to realize that its probably why my physical standards for women are sub-conciously way higher than I would like them to be.

I have a very simple approach to dealing with this though, throughout the week it seemed pretty effective but I would say on the Weekend where I got too lazy to leave my room it failed, so no more being lazy. In short, after I have breakfast I go to the library, basically spend my entire day outside, and only come back for dinner or after club meet since all my clubs meet late at night. I usually am not horny when I am tired, if I focus my effort into my current life, I will be able to not even think about porn.

My friend and I were talking today and he says my standards are too high and that I need to lower them for a while until I get more experience. TBF most of the girls I approach are like 7s, maybe like two girls I approached were insanely attractive, one I literally froze in front of. I think I am a 7 on a good day and am still working on getting better. Issue is they are almost all white. White girls are more stubborn to dating out. There are a lot of negative stereotypes associated with Indian men. Now me personally I am far from a stereotypical Indian guy, but some may not even gaf. There aren't a ton of non-white girls on campus and most of the attractive ones are already taken, so basically I am working a stubborn crowd. I may have to go for 5-low 7s for some time, get some experience, then maybe increase my standards a bit.

I also really want to stop using Reddit. I think it messes with my head a lot and a lot of users have an incredibly "crabs in a bucket" like mentality. A few losers who have given up on themselves spread their negativity and others think they are hopeless too. I need to stop seeking out communities that bond over physical flaws like gyno, hair loss, or skin color. Lots of guys say how they can't get a date cuz they aren't white, 6ft, etc you know the idea basically diet blackpill or full blackpill. I want to stop using that site. The only useful subreddit on that godforsaken app for me is r/Pornfree and there are a few people I like chatting with there too. If anyone has tips for staying away from/cutting out social media lmk, I was able to cut down Instagram usage and deleted Snap, Twitter, and Facebook. Reddit is the last one standing.

In other news I did find a photographer who can do a 1 hour shoot for 97$. Once I get my shit in order i will contact her and send her the example good photos from this website. The person from the site contacted me and I sent her those photos and she said they are good and can do something like that for me. I have to pick a good time, some good outfits, etc. Wish me luck

I need to calm down, remind myself the beginning is suffering and have a growth mindset about all this. Accept I will initially fail badly, but as long as I take action I will get what I want.

tl;dr felt too angry w/ myself to approach a woman, if I did it probably would have put her off. Angry because relapse to porn, lack of success, and Reddit basically saying I am unlovable for having physical flaws. But good news I found a potential photographer.
GN44 said:
My friend and I were talking today and he says my standards are too high and that I need to lower them for a while until I get more experience. TBF most of the girls I approach are like 7s, maybe like two girls I approached were insanely attractive, one I literally froze in front of. I think I am a 7 on a good day and am still working on getting better. Issue is they are almost all white. White girls are more stubborn to dating out. There are a lot of negative stereotypes associated with Indian men. Now me personally I am far from a stereotypical Indian guy, but some may not even gaf. There aren't a ton of non-white girls on campus and most of the attractive ones are already taken, so basically I am working a stubborn crowd. I may have to go for 5-low 7s for some time, get some experience, then maybe increase my standards a bit

I agree with your friend.

I hate to break it to you, but a man's rating is roughly equivalent to the quality of woman he can attract. If you can't attract 7s, you're not 7. And that's OK.

When I first started out with trying to get laid, I fucked an actual obese chick. It was my first Tinder lay ever. After that, a string of 5s. Then I started slowly raising my standards. There's no shame in that.
pancakemouse said:
GN44 said:
My friend and I were talking today and he says my standards are too high and that I need to lower them for a while until I get more experience. TBF most of the girls I approach are like 7s, maybe like two girls I approached were insanely attractive, one I literally froze in front of. I think I am a 7 on a good day and am still working on getting better. Issue is they are almost all white. White girls are more stubborn to dating out. There are a lot of negative stereotypes associated with Indian men. Now me personally I am far from a stereotypical Indian guy, but some may not even gaf. There aren't a ton of non-white girls on campus and most of the attractive ones are already taken, so basically I am working a stubborn crowd. I may have to go for 5-low 7s for some time, get some experience, then maybe increase my standards a bit

I agree with your friend.

I hate to break it to you, but a man's rating is roughly equivalent to the quality of woman he can attract. If you can't attract 7s, you're not 7. And that's OK.

When I first started out with trying to get laid, I fucked an actual obese chick. It was my first Tinder lay ever. After that, a string of 5s. Then I started slowly raising my standards. There's no shame in that.

I have had a girl who I considered a 7 interested in me but we didn't have much chemistry so that fizzled out. Another girl I went on a date with I would say was a 6 same problem. Both of these girls I met through warm approach means. Cold approach I have barely even done so building really any attraction is difficult from one interaction alone. I have to get better at it.

Speaking of warm approach, one of my clubs split up their meeting times and I signed up for an early slot so I can hit the gym afterwards. I don't think my friends are signing up for that slot so I can use this as an excuse to go mingle with some girls.

When I was 18 I had some girl I thought was a 7-8 ask ME out on a date. I was like a 4-5 at the time and I thought it was a prank but we talked some after and it didn't seem like it was. I accepted but we never met up as I left her on read, she had like no hobbies besides Netflix and "traveling" so I just said f that I hate being around boring people.

I am not fucking someone I have zero attraction to, but Ill cast a wide net. I just have to keep my head on straight so I don't end up settling for one of those girls.

Woke up better today. I think I did a good job processing my emotions yesterday. I have only been at cold approach for like two weeks getting upset over no success while normal, can't be something I get hung up on. The start is always hard, I need to accept that. At the same time I want to work towards not blaming my race for lack of dating success. I have no real way to prove that true. Really I just try not to fit the stereotypes and become as masculine and confident as I can. I have a lot to offer, but dating is like sales and I need to get good at selling myself.

Way I see it is that the studies saying Indian men are the least desirable usually base them off of the average male of that race. From what I have observed the average Indian guy does not take care of his skin, doesn't go to the gym, get good socially, groom himself, etc. Its not entirely his fault, usually they are raised to not care for these things and just be a worker droid. I do not mean this to be harsh to any other Indians reading this, but I realize I gotta break away from the "norm" if I want bigger things. Really I try to find some silver lining and think "okay thats average, so just be above average right?". I know Indian guys who put in the work or were really funny and charismatic and became really successful with women, so its very doable and the disadvantage probably isn't as crazy severe as I make it out to be.

Quitting porn and social media is going to be hard. So far I have spent basically all of today outside so I don't touch porn, though I had my breakfast too late and just worked inside my room for a few hours. Had to fight off urges to watch one of my favorite videos and luckily won the battle.

I went to CVS a bit earlier and approached two girls there. One I complimented her necklace and tried to start a convo but she wasn't making eye contact with me, so I backed off. Another girl had an interesting look to her hair so I complimented that. We had some convo but the vibes were kinda off so I didn't go for the number. Im glad I made up for yesterday. Maybe cold approach won't get me a date but it will get me additional confidence in more appropriate scenarios to increase my likelihood of a date, sex, or relationship.

Also I need some legit advice. How do I exactly lower my standards? Do I just say "eh fuck it whatever" if I am able to get interest from a girl who is like a 5-6 and try and sleep with her (honestly of course)?

This may sound creepy but what I have been trying to do is take notice of all the women in an area i am in, not staring, just quick look, and try to see what features about them I find attractive. I try to focus this on the average girls so I can give myself motivation. If this is creepy I am open to alternatives.
GN44 said:
Also I need some legit advice. How do I exactly lower my standards? Do I just say "eh fuck it whatever" if I am able to get interest from a girl who is like a 5-6 and try and sleep with her (honestly of course)?

yeah man as long as you don't lie about wanting something serious then you're all good
I’m getting the money for a photo shoot ready. I’m drafting ideas for what kinds of photos to do.

My ideas currently are:
Photo ideas:
-Walking shot
-Photo of me cutting vegetables or doing some cooking
-Sitting down photo
-Full body photo
-Salsa dancing photo? If photographer consents

The cooking and the dancing photo are mandatory for me, to show off my hobbies and what I have to offer her, what makes me unique to all her other options. A lot of guys can’t dance and neither can they cook so I can stand out. I don’t know a girl I can borrow for the Salsa dancing photo so I may ask my photographer (who is a woman) to pose with me and have the camera on a tripod.

The cooking photo worries me a bit too since the lighting in my kitchen kinda sucks, could this be worked around with the right editing and shit?

pancakemouse MILFandCookies

Woke Up and had to go to the research lab for two hours. I got introduced to the lab by this one grad student and she basically just showed me how to do basic stuff like cleaning and all. She was nice. This research thing is gonna be really time consuming but really I have to do it for a letter of rec for my Masters Application. My day was super busy overall.

I met with my therapist today and gave her the general update on life. Its helpful she keeps me accountable and she also understands my views on porn and why I want to stop. She also agreed to help me for a few weeks manage my academics because I told her I have been stressed out about it. Most of our session was dedicated to me talking about how I want to stop blaming my race for rejection and how I hate giving myself a victim mentality. I have actually indirectly brought up KYIL with her and told her the stuff I learned from Andy and she thinks its pretty good stuff. I am not sure if we reached a conclusion on a possible solution but it was nice to vent and just get it off my chest.

I listened to an episode on Andy's podcast about how there is a payoff to believing certain things. Like if you are fat believing you are too lazy allows you to have no discipline with your food and eat whatever garbage you like. I think for me blaming my race gives me easy justification for rejection and makes me seem like I am "good" and women are "bad" for not generally preferring Indian guys. I think if I keep thinking like this I will just grow bitter.

What I want to do is when I get rejected just assume NOTHING. Like being bummed about rejection is fine and all, I need to accept I will feel bummed when I do. But what I want to do is just think is I have no full proof my race is the reason she rejected me, so don't even go looking for an answer. And at the same time don't think rejection is a reflection of me or me being bad or whatever. Instead, I will just keep hitting the numbers game and talking to women. Some people just won't prefer me and that is fine.

I had a club meet today which was split into two sections, I took an earlier slot because I initially wanted to go to the gym after. I went at 7 and the activity as usual was in a group. At my table there were four girls and one guy. All the girls were first years. Two of them I found hella cute, one looked a little shy, slightly alt, but nothing crazy. I found her the most attractive. I didn't end up getting any of their numbers because I felt like the whole time I was carrying the conversation. I was putting my best foot forward but they were not interested. Thats fine, I guess the difference between a senior and a freshman is too large to truly form any sort of connection. Usually with girls who are into you if they are interested they make a lot of effort in conversation too. The meeting ended at 8:30 which was coincidentally the start time of another club I attend, dance club. I usually go to their Monday meetings since I have time, and I wanted to try my luck at the second club meet since I know a few girls there and they are really friendly. I also just wanted to clear my head as I have been just generally stressed.

One thing I really had a hard time shaking was feeling like I betrayed my friends and I was pushing them aside for women and stuff/to meet my approach goals. They all signed up for the 8:30 meeting. At the second club there is a guy who is friends with my friend and I am a little scared he will tell him I went to that meeting and my friend will feel like I am blowing him off like some Mordecai and Rigby scenario (any Regular Show watchers here? Lol).

But anyways at the second club meet I am pretty friendly with the girls there. There is this one dirty blonde gal with glasses and kinda short. She is pretty cute and friendly, I was honestly considering getting her number. There was a second girl who I met last semester, she is a redhead and because redheads are kryptonite for my dumbass, who was there today. I never had the balls to ask her for her number but today I said fuck it and did it. I can't lie though I feel lowk like an orbiter because I did wait a bit till some people cleared out after the meet before I asked her. She is a cool person, I danced with her many times and she is really patient and cooperative. I am not sure if I will actually get anything out of this but I will try and make a break for it. Just hoping she didn't notice the whole "orbiter" thing.

I also noticed something really stupid about me. I tend to say more than I need to. When I got her number I said the whole "lets stay in touch can I get your number" thing, and while she was typing I said something about how I met her last sem and we barely spoke but she seemed cool. Right after I was like in my head "AHHHHH why did you say that?!". I need to figure this out.

If it doesn't work out I will just ask the other gal and get friendlier with her.

In terms of approaches and talking to girls today was a huge success for me taking a step forward, talked to four new girls today and two more old ones.

BTW peep the motto change, based it off my favorite quote by Osamu Dazai
Messaged the girl who's number I got yesterday. I was expecting no response but she did respond and explicitly turned me down. I kept it respectful as usual. First thing she said in her text was that I "seem nice", idk if that means she thinks I am a "nice guy" or it was just pleasantry. I don't think it is something I should overthink. Hopefully nothing becomes awkward between us and I will just play it cool if I see her. Kinda sucks but whatever, I will go talk to more girls.

Of course there is the whole regret stage after, I feel like I should have gone for the dirty blonde girl instead. She was not as cute as the one I asked out yesterday but still kinda cute. Hopefully after enough time away from porn I can get my head screwed back on straight.

I may have to play the long game if the next session I show up at both of those girls show up. It will get annoying if gossip spreads about me just showing up to hit on girls. Best case scenario next session only the dirty blonde girl shows up, but the now issue is my good friend. I also need tips on how to look less like an orbiter.

Not much happened today. Was super busy and had like three homework assignments due. Managed to submit all of them by 5:30 after I finished helping around my research lab. Still need to get a project situated for that.

I was too busy to approach today so I did as many as I could yesterday. My parents showed up for parent weekend game day so I’m staying in their hotel room for a night. They visited my room and commented about how I had a bad diecast car spending addiction, I told them I haven’t been spending much of any money lately on diecast since I have been busy focusing on my goals. They said they were proud of me for it but it does kind of annoy me they give me shit for spending money on diecast but my brother buys some very expensive clothing pieces and they don’t care. Like spending 100$ on a single jacket.

Yeah you could say diecast has no practical use but it’s not like you need incredibly fashionable clothing to survive. Oh well, I’ll try to get a client for tutoring but my schedule is so busy I probably only have one spare hour per week.
Repost from a thread I made earlier:

Should I save up for a DSLR or use an Iphone 11+Tripod and teach myself photography

I have about 128$ I can spare, I was considering doing a photoshoot but my finances are under hard scrutiny due to my parents finding out about my horrible spending addiction. The guys who's service I want to use only accepts Credit/Debit which is what my parents are monitoring. No matter what I tell them they will think spending money on a photoshoot to try and get laid on OLD is stupid. Almost everyone thinks OLD is stupid hell I think it is too but I need to increase my odds of getting laid as much as possible. I am only transparent about stuff other people think is "stupid" here.

If they took Paypal, Venmo, Cash, etc I would have been fine. It is hard to find a cheaper photoshoot. These guys had a pretty solid budget deal. I have 3 usable photos for OLD so I need another 3. Well actually I have some okay photos I can start with but I wanna come out guns blazing with OLD since an above average profile is mandatory to succeed in OLD.

I had another idea though, I have a tripod I bought last year, and I have an Iphone 11 (wish it was a 13 or 14, those have great cameras).

The other idea is save up for a DSLR, I still have a bunch of stuff I am trying to sell off and hopefully I can make 100$+ from it. I refuse to list it on ebay since the fees will eat a lot of the money I can make. I sold stuff there before and the fees were nauseating.

I found a few websites selling used cameras locally. But the ones from 100-200 are all pre-2011 so they probably suck. I found this one though which should be <300 after tax. https://www.ebay.com/itm/266403790037?c ... gLtXPD_BwE

It was made in 2018 so highly likely it is good.

Would the 11+Tripod be a good enough phone to do my own shoot or should I save up for a DSLR?
Most of my results came from photos taken on a Canon Digital Rebel XT, which was manufactured in 2005 and looks like is currently selling for around $50, and a Canon 50mm 1.8 lens, which I is also around $50. Both of these you could probably sell for the same price you paid, or maybe even more, if you wanted to upgrade.

Regarding eBay, you're hemming and hawing about ~$13. You could make $13 in a quarter of an hour shoveling your neighbor's driveway. List your stuff on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, and OfferUp, and if it's not gone in three days, list on eBay.