Daily Actions:
->Weekly Gym: 2/3
->Today's Calories: 2252 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 88g
->Today's Protein Intake: 90g
->Approach: No
->Skincare: Yes
Daily Actions:
->Weekly Gym: 3/3
->Today's Calories: 3038 cal
->Today's Sugar intake: 113g
->Today's Protein Intake: 181g
->Approach: Yes
->Skincare: Yes
I was supposed to have a date on Saturday but at the last minute she told me she had expired tags and since she drives a slightly modified car, her getting pulled over with expired tags would mean her car gets impounded. She ended up canceling last minute and basically groveled to me saying she is sorry and a bunch of other stuff. She flaked on me before because of a hair appointment and promised to pay for my food when we met. At this point I am learning to not really take what women say seriously until and unless they prove to me their words and actions match up. Hell honestly that could apply to anyone I meet tbh.
On Sunday I met up with a guy I met at the singles mixer. The day before I asked if he wanted to daygame with me around 3-ish since I would be free then, and he said sure. We met up near my apartment and walked around campus as well as the closeby street. We talked a bit about cold approach while we were walking and he described his experiences with it. He deals with pretty bad AA and sometimes its like 3 hours before he is able to go up to a girl. I said no shame in that because many ppl deal with AA, but a majority don't even try to overcome it. I did also learn that he did have a 6-month fling with a girl he cold approached and said the sex was really fucking good, but also mentioned how since it happened kinda early into his cold approach journey it gave him unrealistic expectations of CA for a while. A couple of times while we were walking I tried to be a second pair of eyes and point out possible sets he could do, but I did see him pussy out. I don't know if maybe I should do more to encourage him to just go do it anyways, or just let it play out. He also said a couple of times the missed sets were "not his type". I told him when you aren't very experienced with cold approach you should just try to approach any available girl thats at least a low 5 or so, which is what I do. He said that I shouldn't take him seriously when he says that because he is just "coping" although it is occasionally true.
When it came to what I did during the sesh I did 5 sets while the other guy did 2. First set I thought she looked like a student from a distance but looked much older when I went up to her, wanted to back out but I was like "welp i am already here might as well finish what I started". I also stepped out of my comfort zone in terms of openers. Decided to just say "Hey, I saw you while I was walking past and thought you were cute so I just wanted to say Hey". I asked her her name and all and then she tells me she isn't interested since she has a daughter. I leave kindly, no issues there. Second set was some girl I saw walking to the library, same opener as the first, but got blown off really hard cuz she had somewhere to be. Third set was another girl walking past, said "thank you" kindly when I called her cute but she told me she had a bf and wasn't interested. Fourth set was a girl I saw idling near a crosswalk. I was talking her up nicely but some dudes drove past and interrupted us. I got mad anxious that that was her bf or someone she is close with in the car as they knew her name, so I aborted that set. Fifth and last set was some dirty blonde I stopped while she was walking in the opposite direction. I would say this is my best set of the day as we had some decent conversation+she was really sweet before she told me she had to go somewhere. I asked for her number since I had the opportunity but she said no thanks and that she had a bf. It was getting close to when I needed to go do some work, but I was happy that I ended the session on a high note.
Another thing that felt great for this session was I felt I was providing value to him as he told me a lot how my sets were good and that I was being very proactive. He did also give me some social feedback as I had a tendency to point towards girls when I spotted an available set, he said that can scare them off. Understandable. I did try my best to encourage him for his sets and that he had his beliefs reinforced with me that CA isn't weird like some other ppl try to make it seem.
After the session I did some school work and then went out and decided to take some pictures for my Hinge profile. Nothing came out super great tbh but I think I got some ok shots I can use as filler until I get something better. Its getting pretty busy on my end now so I may have to park taking photos until I get back to cali in which case I can ask my brother to use my camera. Or I can ask this guy I met if he and I wanted to take photos of each other. After that I picked up dinner and went to the gym, didn't finish my routine as it was getting super late but I did the major exercises at least.