Good Looking Loser's Approach Anxiety Program INFIELD VIDEOS - ALL DAYS [Watch Me Do It]


Feb 19, 2023

What's going on brothers. It's Stephanos here from the beautiful hidden leaf village in the mountains of Serbia.

Short backstory: In 2016-2017 I struggled HEAVILY with Approach Anxiety and really - Social Anxiety. To put it in normal terms - I was fucked up. But from the outside I was better than 99% of people after 1 year of game.

This challenge helped a ton and got me to a pretty good place socially.

Inspired by GLL's comeback and Andy's new wave of dating videos, I decided to go out and film myself doing the whole GLL's AA Program INFIELD and share it with you For FREE with lessons embedded inside.

You'll see, it is basically like a $5000 Coaching Program for FREE on Youtube.

Let me know what you think.

Stay on the path.

DAY 4 & 5

Context: Day 1,2 and 3 of the challenge were Join The Forums, Start Your Online Dating Profiles and Start Your AA Log. Since you're already here, you have probably done this already.

Day 4 is the first day where you are actually doing drills.

Watch me do it. Take in the lessons and then go out and do it yourself.

Stay tuned for further days:

[link removed as per forum rules]
Hey mate,

We don't allow promotion from beginners. You're welcome to include a link to your YouTube in your signature. And you can post vlogs of you doing the challenge, but with no CTA to join your YT channel.

Lastly, we'd like you to use a real photo, not one edited by AI. The photo can be cropped or blurred.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Yep - the forums aren't a place for building up your YT channel. Happy for you to post vlogs, but only if it's in the spirit of the forums (no "I offer coaching" in your video descriptions, no "subscribe to my channel!" etc) - especially as you've literally JUST signed up for the forums to post your YT vids.

If you were a long-time member of the forums who'd already contributed a ton of value here, maybe we'd be cool with you doing this, but as it stands - you've literally just signed up. So either post the vids with no mention of coaching/"please subscribe!" etc, or become a senior member of the community here first (post for a year or two, give a ton of value).

Same thing about your profile pic - please use an ACTUAL pic of you, otherwise the mods will terminate your account as per the rules you agreed to on signup.

(All that said, this is a fucking AMAZING project mate - you'd add a ton of value if you do it (just without the mention of coaching/subscribing to your channel). Just like I said, we have strict rules here to stop people just signing up and immediately spamming their content to build their audience; we're trying to keep this place "pure").

Changed the pic.

What do you mean about the promotion?

I said that the intention of the value provided with these videos is going to be more than a $5000 coaching program. I didn't mention to people to subscribe or to sign up for anything in the post.

As for within the video, of course I will mention to people to subscribe to the channel.

If that is an issue, then the only thing happening is that this forum loses on the value I was about to provide since I am not really getting much exposure here other than just purely offering people a visible proof of how easy it is to do the challenge.

I don't even do Cold Approach coaching. I work as a therapist.

Anyhow, let me know if it is cool to continue posting the value videos and the updates here, without any mention of "Subscribe" or "Sign Up" ofc.

Hopefully you say yes, because this is just pure value to the guys. I get nothing from this other than additional 50 views.

stephanos said:
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Yep - the forums aren't a place for building up your YT channel. Happy for you to post vlogs, but only if it's in the spirit of the forums (no "I offer coaching" in your video descriptions, no "subscribe to my channel!" etc) - especially as you've literally JUST signed up for the forums to post your YT vids.

If you were a long-time member of the forums who'd already contributed a ton of value here, maybe we'd be cool with you doing this, but as it stands - you've literally just signed up. So either post the vids with no mention of coaching/"please subscribe!" etc, or become a senior member of the community here first (post for a year or two, give a ton of value).

Same thing about your profile pic - please use an ACTUAL pic of you, otherwise the mods will terminate your account as per the rules you agreed to on signup.

(All that said, this is a fucking AMAZING project mate - you'd add a ton of value if you do it (just without the mention of coaching/subscribing to your channel). Just like I said, we have strict rules here to stop people just signing up and immediately spamming their content to build their audience; we're trying to keep this place "pure").

Changed the pic.

What do you mean about the promotion?

I said that the intention of the value provided with these videos is going to be more than a $5000 coaching program. I didn't mention to people to subscribe or to sign up for anything in the post.

As for within the video, of course I will mention to people to subscribe to the channel.

If that is an issue, then the only thing happening is that this forum loses on the value I was about to provide since I am not really getting much exposure here other than just purely offering people a visible proof of how easy it is to do the challenge.

I don't even do Cold Approach coaching. I work as a therapist.

Anyhow, let me know if it is cool to continue posting the value videos and the updates here, without any mention of "Subscribe" or "Sign Up" ofc.

Hopefully you say yes, because this is just pure value to the guys. I get nothing from this other than additional 50 views.


Andy's steered us on track, I have nothing to add.

Totally appreciate your energy, dude, and it's great.

That aside.....

To illustrate with an example, when it comes to member-posted videos, we tend to orient guys towards posting vlogs of the journey.

Here is such an example:

This is far more supportive of the long-term sustainability of the forum, as it focuses members on purely sharing their self-improvement journey. It's neat, clean, and stops these discussions that can meander and get into shades of grey.

The precedent we've set of vlogs of the journey only has been useful. There is a separate allowance for you to post a link to one of your personal videos in response to a specific question on the forum, if it answers that question.

Totally understand what you're doing here, but when running a community, we do need to be mindful of actions which could adversely impact the forum, ie, new users signing up and spamming their content due to a precedent set elsewhere.

It's case by case sometimes, and the moderation team takes a lot into account, such as how long you've posted, how much value you're trying to provide, if you do offer other services, if the video is part of a funnel, etc.

There are also issues with the recording of approaches here, dude, as we can see people's faces/audios. This can, again, be messy, and we typically advise that guys do not share any images/videos of girls unless they've provided consent beforehand. This caused some issues at GLL, and we've learned from it.

As you guys see by the previous posts. My intention is to share the INFIELDs of the whole AA Program to show you how easy and simple it is to do. (You can watch the INFIELDS by clicking the link in my signature, it will lead you to the playlist).

In these posts I will be sharing the key takeaways I got from each day.

Important Note is that I have done this program already QUITE INTENSIVELY WITH MANY REPEATED DAYS back in 2017 and have done between 5000-10000 Approaches since then.

This time around I am doing it as a seasoned veteran in approaching. So you have some context.

For example, I still feel nervousness. This is not coming from a guy who just did his first 100 or 1000 approaches.

Approach Anxiety Program Days 4 & 5 Key Takeaways:

- Initial Nervousness Is To Be Expected. Don't Be Surprised By It.
- Just Stick To The Process & Do The Drills
- There Is No Such Thing As "Rejection".
Especially Doing These Drills
- Your Voice Should Be Social But Confident
- Have FUN With These
- Be Not A Perfectionist. Focus On The Process.
- The World Is Your Playground
- RELAX Into Game
- Minimize The Time Between Interactions.
- Think Less. Act More.
- It's Not Weird If YOU DON'T THINK It Is.

If you have any questions, ask away.

If you want to watch the infields, they are in my signature link, since that's where I'm allowed to put them.

Also let me know if you're starting to do the Program being inspired by the Infields since that is my intention and will additionally motivate me to finish uploading the whole program infields.

stephanos said:
As you guys see by the previous posts. My intention is to share the INFIELDs of the whole AA Program to show you how easy and simple it is to do. (You can watch the INFIELDS by clicking the link in my signature, it will lead you to the playlist).

In these posts I will be sharing the key takeaways I got from each day.

Important Note is that I have done this program already QUITE INTENSIVELY WITH MANY REPEATED DAYS back in 2017 and have done between 5000-10000 Approaches since then.

This time around I am doing it as a seasoned veteran in approaching. So you have some context.

For example, I still feel nervousness. This is not coming from a guy who just did his first 100 or 1000 approaches.

Approach Anxiety Program Days 4 & 5 Key Takeaways:

- Initial Nervousness Is To Be Expected. Don't Be Surprised By It.
- Just Stick To The Process & Do The Drills
- There Is No Such Thing As "Rejection".
Especially Doing These Drills
- Your Voice Should Be Social But Confident
- Have FUN With These
- Be Not A Perfectionist. Focus On The Process.
- The World Is Your Playground
- RELAX Into Game
- Minimize The Time Between Interactions.
- Think Less. Act More.
- It's Not Weird If YOU DON'T THINK It Is.

If you have any questions, ask away.

If you want to watch the infields, they are in my signature link, since that's where I'm allowed to put them.

Also let me know if you're starting to do the Program being inspired by the Infields since that is my intention and will additionally motivate me to finish uploading the whole program infields.


What were your results from your first 5,000 sets, out of interest?
Sonofagun said:
stephanos said:
As you guys see by the previous posts. My intention is to share the INFIELDs of the whole AA Program to show you how easy and simple it is to do. (You can watch the INFIELDS by clicking the link in my signature, it will lead you to the playlist).

In these posts I will be sharing the key takeaways I got from each day.

Important Note is that I have done this program already QUITE INTENSIVELY WITH MANY REPEATED DAYS back in 2017 and have done between 5000-10000 Approaches since then.

This time around I am doing it as a seasoned veteran in approaching. So you have some context.

For example, I still feel nervousness. This is not coming from a guy who just did his first 100 or 1000 approaches.

Approach Anxiety Program Days 4 & 5 Key Takeaways:

- Initial Nervousness Is To Be Expected. Don't Be Surprised By It.
- Just Stick To The Process & Do The Drills
- There Is No Such Thing As "Rejection".
Especially Doing These Drills
- Your Voice Should Be Social But Confident
- Have FUN With These
- Be Not A Perfectionist. Focus On The Process.
- The World Is Your Playground
- RELAX Into Game
- Minimize The Time Between Interactions.
- Think Less. Act More.
- It's Not Weird If YOU DON'T THINK It Is.

If you have any questions, ask away.

If you want to watch the infields, they are in my signature link, since that's where I'm allowed to put them.

Also let me know if you're starting to do the Program being inspired by the Infields since that is my intention and will additionally motivate me to finish uploading the whole program infields.


What were your results from your first 5,000 sets, out of interest?

For sure man.

Just because I am sharing all of my details here (IG, YT, Face) I will not share the exact numbers, but if you are very very interested in that, I don't mind disclosing it in person, or over zoom or whatever.


I have to say that my first year of daygame (since most of my approaches were daygame) was me just learning.

I am REALLY GOOD at proper and strong Opening in DayGame.

Hooking the set etc.

Very Talkative and I can get even Huge groups to stop and listen to me and be positive.

I can't remember the exact numbers of when, but within the first 1000 approaches, I maybe had 1 lay or 2 (In the beginning).

We were, in those days, more into just getting the numbers and feeling the validation from even doing this and this being possible to do. You know, as 17 year old kids.

So then one guy got laid within the first year and we were all like "FUCK, HE DID IT" so... We all started pushing for that happening xD Guess what? Within like a few months everyone from the group who was a 17-18 year old virgin got laid.

But that's like a first year or so.

Then it improved.

The biggest thing that I get from cold approach is MANY THINGS ASIDE the actual lays. Which then help me get more lays from my general life, if that makes sense?

But without those MANY THINGS which I Receive from doing Cold Approach, my stats outside of cold approach fall down.

So I still do it weekly 10-20 approaches as a routine.

As of recently, my friend and I started a 300 Approaches Project, just to see - Approaching 300 Girls with a Basic Guy Game and Physical Screening, how many lays.

I have to say that I got a hot date and a REALLY HOT RUSSIAN Insta-Date which could've been a pull or something if I went for it then and there (She flaked later) if I had the time - within the first 13 approaches.

I am at 19 approaches within that challenge right now, so eventually, down the line I will do a statistics video and/or a post here. Mainly because I am curious as well.

Anyhow I have bunch of ideas to rant on from here, but I realized this is already too long. If you do wish for me to expand on something else, ask away, I don't mind.

stephanos said:
Sonofagun said:
What were your results from your first 5,000 sets, out of interest?

For sure man.

Just because I am sharing all of my details here (IG, YT, Face) I will not share the exact numbers, but if you are very very interested in that, I don't mind disclosing it in person, or over zoom or whatever.


I have to say that my first year of daygame (since most of my approaches were daygame) was me just learning.

I am REALLY GOOD at proper and strong Opening in DayGame.

Hooking the set etc.

Very Talkative and I can get even Huge groups to stop and listen to me and be positive.

I can't remember the exact numbers of when, but within the first 1000 approaches, I maybe had 1 lay or 2 (In the beginning).

We were, in those days, more into just getting the numbers and feeling the validation from even doing this and this being possible to do. You know, as 17 year old kids.

So then one guy got laid within the first year and we were all like "FUCK, HE DID IT" so... We all started pushing for that happening xD Guess what? Within like a few months everyone from the group who was a 17-18 year old virgin got laid.

But that's like a first year or so.

Then it improved.

The biggest thing that I get from cold approach is MANY THINGS ASIDE the actual lays. Which then help me get more lays from my general life, if that makes sense?

But without those MANY THINGS which I Receive from doing Cold Approach, my stats outside of cold approach fall down.

So I still do it weekly 10-20 approaches as a routine.

As of recently, my friend and I started a 300 Approaches Project, just to see - Approaching 300 Girls with a Basic Guy Game and Physical Screening, how many lays.

I have to say that I got a hot date and a REALLY HOT RUSSIAN Insta-Date which could've been a pull or something if I went for it then and there (She flaked later) if I had the time - within the first 13 approaches.

I am at 19 approaches within that challenge right now, so eventually, down the line I will do a statistics video and/or a post here. Mainly because I am curious as well.

Anyhow I have bunch of ideas to rant on from here, but I realized this is already too long. If you do wish for me to expand on something else, ask away, I don't mind.


Ok, not sure why you can't just say straight up what your results were, but best of luck!
stephanos said:
I can't remember the exact numbers of when, but within the first 1000 approaches, I maybe had 1 lay or 2 (In the beginning).

Yup, that's consistent with my experience and other beginners I've met that started DG in the past 2-3 years. Anywhere from 1 to 5 (if you're really lucky and got your shit together, for a beginner)

Early on I think most of us simply don't know how to capitalize the situation or be forward enough, we don't know exactly what we're doing so plenty of missed opportunities.

Well, good luck with your youtube channel and the infield videos, keep up with it.
tdan187 said:
I've always wondered why no one did something like this. Floated the idea before.

I think it's a really good idea. Looking forward to seeing all of it, especially the tougher days. Not watching them until i'm on those days myself though.

It'd be crazy to see these like for aggressive game too. I know we are getting on the line of illegal here though.

I like how you posted this at 3:33AM. #synchronicities

Yes, I have thought about it as well.

Well now, I have done it. Already filmed the 4 weeks.

For me, all of these drills are quite easy at this point. I was even thinking of recording a "forbidden" week 8 where you basically just hug the girl.

I could pull it off with sub-communications and insta-hug the girl. But just "groping" her, the way Chris did in one of his old videos (which then got roasted by h3h3 if anyone remembers) is too much.

It is definitely doable, but I don't see the point and definitely it is not something for youtube.

But just insta-hugging girls is easy. I do it when I get in the flow all the time. There is a micro-communication that goes on with the eyes and the sub-communication which makes it fun for girls.

But the way Chris did it in that one video way back is debatable. From what I remember the girl still ends up liking it, but yeah... A gamble for sure.

Day 6 should be up today :) I will share the key takeaways here.

Sonofagun said:
Ok, not sure why you can't just say straight up what your results were, but best of luck!

The two main reasons are:

1. I don't know exactly. My game mixed with my social circle, some of them got back later etc etc etc. It is not linear like that.

2. I will not share my guesstimates in a forum for the reasons I already stated. I find my original answer to be quite sufficient for the question. Unfortunate if you do not see it that way. Again, in person, I don't mind sharing the guesstimate :)

Thank You.

Fuckboy Aspirant said:
stephanos said:
I can't remember the exact numbers of when, but within the first 1000 approaches, I maybe had 1 lay or 2 (In the beginning).

Yup, that's consistent with my experience and other beginners I've met that started DG in the past 2-3 years. Anywhere from 1 to 5 (if you're really lucky and got your shit together, for a beginner)

Early on I think most of us simply don't know how to capitalize the situation or be forward enough, we don't know exactly what we're doing so plenty of missed opportunities.

Well, good luck with your youtube channel and the infield videos, keep up with it.

Thank You.

Yes, it's all of it. The first 1000-2000 Approaches is just like the first 6 months of lifting. You are just learning the basics.

That's also why I believe that signing up for coaching with someone like Andy is beneficial because it can help speed up the learning curve.

But, I was young, had more time than money, so I learned by doing and courses. Although I did do 2 LIVE few hour bootcamps, one at the beginning of my journey, because I just couldn't get over my anxiety at the start. And then once later, to push my limiting beliefs around what's possible.

So even though "I learned by myself" I still did have to take up some coaching and BUNCH of videos and courses. Much easier and faster to just pay someone to coach you.

I do not really do "approach coaching" but that's why I wanted to create these videos, to just share what helped me.

I am still learning as well, although in some areas much farther than most guys.

I will share more.

Day 6 Key Takeaways:

- Use Progressive Overload / Desensitization To Build Up Your Social Muscle
- Start With What You CAN Do And Then Push The Limit Slightly
- There Are No "Harder" or "Easier" Drills. It's All In Your Head.
- Observe How I Carry Myself With Ease And Relaxation.
- Nobody Cares
- Nobody Cares
- Nobody Cares

If you would like to check out the INFIELD of me doing the Day 6 (For Free, No Agenda or Sign-Ups), check out the link in my signature :)

Had an daygame insta-date, insta-pull. I will update after first 100 approaches are done from my new challenge.

If you have any questions, ask away.

Hey, it's been some months. Many guys have been asking me to finish the whole challenge because it helps them get through it. So here it goes, new day of the drills is up on my channel.

I love these series already because I MYSELF watch my own videos (especially the first one and the takeaways) before going out. That's amazing :D

Day 7 Key Takeaways:

- Golden Rule: When you are out, approach the VERY FIRST girl you see.

- Pro Tip: Do this for each new venue you go to during the day or night. By approaching the very first girl you see, you give your brain proof that it's alright and you start building the positive social momentum which makes everything much easier. (Never break this rule, or if you do, as I explained in the video, do the very next one.)

- Your subcommunciation / approach doesn't have to be perfect, you just need to do it and then iterate on the next one. Aim to have it perfect on the first one, but if it isn't, no big deal, on to the next.

- That is why you warmup, it is expected to have a little nervousness and not be perfect as soon as you go out. This is what the Day 7 teaches you.

- Once you have developed your process of warming up, you are ahead of 99% of guys (Including many pickup coaches).

If you would like to check out the INFIELD of me doing the Day 7 (For Free, No Agenda or Sign-Ups), check out the link in my signature :)

I have been gaming quite a bit these past few weeks, my game improved a lot and I am aiming to share as much of it as possible in these future posts and videos. To help you guys, of course, but more selfishly to have a reminder for the next time I go back into my cave to work on my business and then decide to come back to game ;)

If you have any questions, ask away.

glad this is back it's an interesting concept.

what caused you to come back with this series?
I remember I watched your Day 4&5 and another one. I loved the videos man and am quite happy that you're back to help us guys get more comfortable with approaching with the videos.

I mean on the new video, when you approached the woman, busy, in the store with other ladies, you asked her if she knew where the starbucks was.
She said no.
Then you asked her if she's ever been there, all of a sudden she points and gives you the direction where the starbucks is. WTF.

All of this stuff is in our minds, our anxiety, that small voice telling us that we can't do it, and here you are showing something insightful.

Thanks Stephanos!
bonzo34 said:
glad this is back it's an interesting concept.

what caused you to come back with this series?

Hey my man, I started it, that's why. Gotta finish it as well.

Comments and messages from guys whom it helped asking when am I going to continue the series helped me get back to it as well.
Hydro said:
I remember I watched your Day 4&5 and another one. I loved the videos man and am quite happy that you're back to help us guys get more comfortable with approaching with the videos.

I mean on the new video, when you approached the woman, busy, in the store with other ladies, you asked her if she knew where the starbucks was.
She said no.
Then you asked her if she's ever been there, all of a sudden she points and gives you the direction where the starbucks is. WTF.

All of this stuff is in our minds, our anxiety, that small voice telling us that we can't do it, and here you are showing something insightful.

Thanks Stephanos!

Yes, when you ask women something, sometimes they will initially say 'No' until their brain actually processes what you said.

Men do this as well in specific situations.

Just do the drill and continue with your frame.

Future videos and lessons within them are BOMB. Stay tuned.
THANKS BOSS! Definitely looking forward for the future installments.
I recently was just dicking around on the internet and was reading the comments on this post:

Thanks for making this type of content available at zero-cost. Most guys are struggling and then you have some guys taking action and trying.