gym pic for tinder feedback


Jan 14, 2023
OK I know this pic is not amazing but is it atleast "ok" for tinder etc? Got absolutely destroyed when asked my brother.
In general you don't want selfies on your profile. So yeah I'd say don't use this
Don't use.

For gym photos, a mirror selfie is only okay if you have an elite physique. It's a shitty photo for anyone, but if you have an elite physique it counterbalances it to make it acceptable.

Your physique is good. Not great, and not elite.

Get a friend or hire a professional to take a good gym pic of you. Here one Ed_ took of me and then one he hired me to take for good examples of what's possible.
View attachment 1
Thanks a lot for the advice everyone. Especially MILFandCookies, good video.