Happy Christmas KYIL Community


Jan 19, 2021
Hey brothers,

From me, a deep and heartfelt thanks for being here and supporting each other in the path to elite lives.

Thank you Andy and Radical for developing and maintaining the community.

Thank you everyone for helping me, for helping each other, and for getting up and going to work on yourself every single freakin day of your lives. I am inspired by so many of you here and look forward to the day where I myself will have transformed myself. It is an honour and privilege to be here, and I am grateful I found this space.

The absolute grind so many of us have put into our journeys and the work we have put into ourselves day in is a beautiful thing and will echo into eternity.

What we're doing here is incredible. I want to commend every single one of you. You deserve happiness and a legendary life.

Stepping up every single day of our lives and applying ourselves, stepping into discomfort and living there, going through the highs, the lows, and navigating the challenges that come, embracing everything that comes as us no matter how positive or negative. There will come a day when it all pays off and we will know true victory in this life.

For an underdog like me, somebody who should have been a statistic, who should have been finished years ago, you do not know how much it means to me to just be in the fight for a better life. When I came here, I was fucking broken into a million pieces and had nothing left.

Often I am in awe of how far I have come. Losing my virginity, losing 52lbs, going from 0 lifetime dates to 8 in a matter of months, incrementally improving online dating, starting content creation, moving out of my parents place and getting a flat in London, taking on my approach anxiety, changing my career, making new friends, improving my style and grooming, improving my looks, becoming more confident and capable, learning more about myself and the world. I actually burst into tears when I was driving into London last week to move into my new place. I have changed my life, a life which was on it's way to becoming a tragedy, in 9 fucking months.

From the fucking gutter of despair and hopelessness, to being on the path to something better, in just 9 months.

And it was because of this forum and Andy ONLY.

I have not got the time in the day to tell you how many things I tried, how much time I wasted, and how much energy and effort I put into trying to fix myself. I was working so fucking hard for 12 years, and failing every god damn time.

Without your help, my life would have been a tragedy.

For those of you who follow my log, you'll know I had a range of shit to deal with since early childhood, which ultimately built up into severe, severe anxiety and health problems from about the age of 24 - 26. I descended into the deepest pits of Hell itself, and got myself back up through a process of conditioning, wellness, neuralplasticity and structure carried out over years of truly inhuman level grinding, just to be healthy enough to sustain myself. 26-29 I worked my ass off and proved myself in the world of work, progressively lowering my high anxiety over time and getting healthier and healthier.

And at 29, a few months before my 30th birthday, I had a crisis at work one day when I was on my break, and it dawned on me that I was going to turn 30 still a virgin, and having never been on a date, after 12 freaking years of trying to find a girlfriend. I entered severe panic and threw up all over the place, I thought I truly fucked up my whole life and that it was over. I went home and scoured the internet and just pleaded for there to be some way, somehow to fix myself. I was badly fucked with low self esteem and extreme self limiting beliefs at the time, and was 250lbs of obese mess. I had saved The Bastard's story years before as that was my beacon of hope for many years, and in reading through it online in that moment of extreme panic, I found Andy, read his story, broke down and cried like I did when I read The Bastard's story, and came to this forum so desperate, begging for help because I was so, so sick of where I was in life and absolutely hated the person I saw in the mirror every day. But with true determination and willingness to grind myself into a fine powder.

I worked my fucking ass off to be here able to write this post to you all in total, total gratitude.

So many quit this journey, it's sad. Guys with great potential, who are so far above me I couldn't even begin to imagine what their life could be like if they didn't quit.

You guys have not quit, and nor will you ever. That is big for me. I really respect that.

I am still very early on in my journey, and I have big dreams. 2022 will be a true test, and my goals are really fucking ambitious. I am terrified by them and have no idea how I am going to do them. But as I have proven many times now, I will put forth every ounce of energy in my brain and body to become a better man, every second of every minute of every day from now until I am no longer on this earth.




Thank you for this man. Merry christmas to you & the rest of the forums!

We're all gonna make it,

I wouldn't be the man I am today without these forums. Thanks guys.
Now off to dance to psychedelics under the moonlight like the pagan I am.
I'm equally as thankful. All this shit is so effortless when there is a clear path and roadmap. Actual actionable steps instead of nonsense platitudes like 'be yourself and your time will come'. I'm not even confident about it anymore, it feels more like certainty. All I have to do just go through the motions.