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Hard2Focus' tinder-profile; 06.26.22 What am I missing? Better photos but lackluster results

Hard2Focus said:
Allright boys, here's a small selection of usable pics out of the 400 or so that my buddy got of me.
Atm I feel like I'm going to go for the one I'm using for my profile pic, only in higher resolution and smoother editing tho..


The fifth one where you're holding the camera (with your mouth closed) is great!

You're a very good looking guy and you can have whatever type of dating life you want if you are willing to jump on the opportunities life gives you. That being said, these guys are right in that you can greatly increase the number of opportunities life throws at you by being around more women (in a bigger city) and improving your online dating pictures.
Manly Cockfellow said:
You're a very good looking guy and you can have whatever type of dating life you want if you are willing to jump on the opportunities life gives you. That being said, these guys are right in that you can greatly increase the number of opportunities life throws at you by being around more women (in a bigger city) and improving your online dating pictures.

Thank you. That's some of the nicest words I've had thrown in my direction on this journey this far.
In December I recently moved to a bigger (35k) town for work, so currently one of my main goals is to improve my pictures
Also thanks for the feedback, I'll take it into consideration.

MakingAComeback said:
These images are very good!

You' look good - masculine, chiselled.

Have you read Radical's style guide? Many of us LOVE it, and some of the most successful men here swear by it.


Thanks Mac, I appreciate the kind words.
Yes, bought the long version even.
Just thought of one more thing that you might consider: there's a great book called Date-onomics that talks about how important gender ratios are to a population's dating culture. In a nutshell, when there are less men and more women, attitudes about sex are more relaxed and sex mostly happens in one night stands and hookups; when there are more men and less women, attitudes about sex are more restricted and sex mostly happens in long term relationships. So a college town (most are 60% women, 40% men) can be a great place to get laid, but a town where men significantly outnumber women (like a military base or mining/oil center) would be the opposite!

Any idea what your city's ratios might be? Either way keep trying to show the world your best self (online and off), but if you improve and don't see the results you'd like, the above phenomenon may be a factor.

PS - I'm at least half Norwegian heritage-wise

(Link below is to the book I mentioned)

Someone mentioned posing. I found this YouTube channel in the forum and after watching these videos and practising like, twice, I went from being a total zero posing to landing a few modelling gigs. I'm not an expert nor influencer, but it can improve your posing game a lot:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFIjfXCnipE
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pujjc27_t6A
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIzVFRLn5Mg

This one is for women but I think it's worth watching:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYyny2VMOz8

It's funny because in my old pictures I look like the "Before" in every single video 🤣
Laurelius said:
Someone mentioned posing.

Thanx for this! My photo-buddy didn't really seem to be much into posing and kind of rushed most of the photos so I had to wing it to the best of of my ability.
yea your new profile pic is the best one out of the set. try to recreate the camera pic next time in a different jacket and with you actually pretending to take the photo instead of looking at your friend
Final set of edited photos I'm choosing between.


Would love some quick feedback on:

- Do they look overly edited?
Tried going soft but at the same time kind of in love with a bit of grain and lens-effects.

-Do I come off as intimidating in a bad way in pic 1?

-On a scale from 1-wrecked, how tired do I look?

-In the camera-photo I'm using the same outfit as the other ones, yay or not THAT noticeable?

I obviously need photos of me actually doing some cool shit or hanging out with people, but that's for future shoots.
Hey man, I'm no expert but here's what I think.

For this set of pics.
1.png : seems the highest quality one to me, but not necessarily the one where you look the best. Maybe it has to do with distortion or lighting, I'm not sure.
2.png : looks like pic 3, but slightly inferior I think
3.png : is the one you look the best out of these 4, but the light background color kinda fades with your light skin color. There's no contrast. You don't "pop".
4.png : Useless pic. The camera hides your face.

Btw I like the pic in your last set of pics in nature where you hold the camera at belly-level (DSC01503.ARW). You look hot in this one.
Aku said:
Hey man, I'm no expert but here's what I think.

For this set of pics.
1.png : seems the highest quality one to me, but not necessarily the one where you look the best. Maybe it has to do with distortion or lighting, I'm not sure.
2.png : looks like pic 3, but slightly inferior I think
3.png : is the one you look the best out of these 4, but the light background color kinda fades with your light skin color. There's no contrast. You don't "pop".
4.png : Useless pic. The camera hides your face.

Btw I like the pic in your last set of pics in nature where you hold the camera at belly-level (DSC01503.ARW). You look hot in this one.

I agree. 3rd one from this set is the best one, but my favorite overall is the second one of you holding the camera at waist level (from your previous set of pics).
Aku Manly Cockfellow Thanx for the feedback guys! I haven't considered the camera at waist level pic because I don't like my expression in it. Gonna have a go at editing it and tuning it up in up in faceapp to see how it turns out.
disagree with the above comments but could be wrong of course

i’d try this edit as main pic

View attachment 2

then you can still use the action photo of you with the camera as 3rd or 4th

wouldn’t use the camera at waist level photo at all

edit..couple of my focus group girls agree
Rags2Bitches said:
disagree with the above comments but could be wrong of course

i’d try this edit as main pic


then you can still use the action photo of you with the camera as 3rd or 4th

wouldn’t use the camera at waist level photo at all

edit..couple of my focus group girls agree

Andrey, thanks a bunch for this! I really, really appreciate you taking some out off your day to tweak that photo!
Don't hesitate to hit me up if you need any favor in return 👌🏻
I've been meaning to ask these other tinder-related question also:

Is setting up dates one week in advance dead from the get go? Andys guide obviously tells you to schedule dates as soon as humanly possible, but seeing how I'm working till 10-11pm every day going forward through saturday, dates are basically on hold this entire week.

Backstory is that I matched randomly with a hotter-than-my-usual matches over the weekend, and lo and behold she's actually very responsive - even texted me questions like "so what do you like to do for fun?" and after I told her that I produce music sent me "You should let me hear your music one day" and the likes.

I fear that she'll go cold and lose interest during the week, and I realize this fear is coming from my current relative lack of options.
One part of me is thinking "Whatever, who cares if she lose interest? You've recently updated your profile with new, high quality pics, new matches will come, just have some patience"
and the other part is "

I feel as though my text-game and the vibe I'm giving off through my profile isn't really congruent, as in I'm being perceived as being way more forward and direct - and that my text game tells chicks I'm actually more soft and "nice" like most other men.


More often than not I'll text a girl a variant of "Hey sexy, I'm Thomas. What are you up to?" +template posted below if they have any kind of bikini/body pics.

For girls I feel are not as body-oriented, I'll go more soft. For these girls my go-to opener is usually NAME! and followed by the template of "What are you up to?" *she replies* "cool, so what do you like to do for fun?" *she replies* "You sound like fun to be around, lets grab a coffee to see if we click"

Profile text translation:

You know what they say when you find a four-leaf clover 🍀 (referencing my tattoo, (idea is she got lucky having me showing up in her feed, basically), shown in pic 4).

When I was young girls didn't like that I pulled their hair, funny how some things change.

32 / Capricorn (some chicks dig astrology and I'm semi-into it).
Setting up dates 1 week in advance doesn't mean that all girls will definitely flake, however it drastically increases the chances. Girls are bombarded with options in dating apps. It's easy for them to loose interest.

If you definitely can't work around your schedule, I'd suggest you swipe 2 days before your free time or hold on your matches and send the first message 2 days before your free time.

I wouldn't overthink that much on texting game. I personally tell them I don't like it and we should wait until our date to talk. You could send some texts here and there to remind her of your existence, though.
Finally got my long awaited tripod, so I went ahead and shot a small bunch of photos before the sun went down today.
Spent some time editing in lightroom + made some teeny adjustments in FaceApp. See the comparison yourselves and tell me if I'm catfishing or probably in the clear.
Any feedback is highly welcome. Going forward it's only a matter of setting aside time for shooting more pics + buying some new clothes so that I don't wear the same outfit in every shoot.
you're not catfishing

hand positioning in first pic is a bit feminine, 2nd is better

this outfit would benefit from some accessories

but most importantly, why are you wearing a double rider leather jacket in the forest? gotta reshoot with an urban background, esp since most of your other pics are in nature.
Rags2Bitches said:
you're not catfishing

hand positioning in first pic is a bit feminine, 2nd is better

this outfit would benefit from some accessories

but most importantly, why are you wearing a double rider leather jacket in the forest? gotta reshoot with an urban background, esp since most of your other pics are in nature.

Thanx for the feedback.

Agree on the accessories 100%.

Took it outside my apartment (big ass bushes to hinder sight), hence the background. Didn't really think it through, just threw on that leather jacket and wanted to see if I could get some decent shots in. Gonna leave them unused and find time for a shoot in a more urban environment.

Thrice said:
Great pictures! You only miss accessories, what camera and lenses are you using?

Thanx! I'm using the Canon EOS RP with a 50mm portrait lens
And yes, I haven't gotten around to order any decent accessories just now.
Hard2Focus said:
Took it outside my apartment (big ass bushes to hinder sight), hence the background. Didn't really think it through, just threw on that leather jacket and wanted to see if I could get some decent shots in. Gonna leave them unused and find time for a shoot in a more urban environment

I don't think the background is a huge deal as long as the photos are an overall positive addition to your profile. I didn't notice until Rags2bitches commented on it, and I'm usually pretty sensitive to photo context, having reviewed thousands of Tinder profile over the years. Throw them up for now and upgrade when you can.