Hard2Focus' tinder-profile; 06.26.22 What am I missing? Better photos but lackluster results

06.26.22 Update - In need of a review of my profile

What's up slayers. I've been slowly working on improving my profile, and have drifted from my original post.
I've swapped out all but one of the photos from my original post, but I'm not seeing any major improvements in terms of matches, responses or overall quality of the chicks that like my profile.

This leaves me questioning what I'm doing wrong; is it my photos? The lack of photos with other people? My profile text? Basically: what am I missing?

Current profile pics (let me know if you want to see high-res versions):

Current profile text:

32 / 180 / City

You and me baby, together we're gonna get filthy rich on OF.

Interested in: working out, techno and photography.

Weaknesses: great ass, confidence, a pretty smile and good sense of humor.
Man that 4th pic of you reading in bed is so good. It could be a stock photo for “hot guy reading a book”

Overall profile looks good but I think too put together. A bit staged, like a bit too clean.

My suggestions drop the 5th photo and get photo with some friends or doing something or that’s actually candid + taken on a phone.
Your photos are fucking great man ! You just lack a group picture, but your profile looks rock solid otherwise.

You already know what your problem is : your location.
That's the bottleneck of your success on Tinder, nothing will help you as much as moving to a truly big city (at least 500K pops).

I have never been to Norway, but I think it's similar to Switzerland : rich country + low density population = garbage-tier dating market.
I lived all my life in the Alps (a region with small cities of 20K to 35K pops) and I never got laid on Tinder there, even after getting into self-improvement and with Andy's coaching. All my Tinder lays are from abroad.

Now, I currently live in Poland, in a city of nearly 800K pops. I can use the exact same profile I used in Switzerland and get laid pretty easily here. I actually did that last year, got 3 girls in a week. I could have gotten even more but logistics of vacations with my friends prevented that haha. :lol:

So, I strongly recommend you to try Tinder elsewhere. Maybe you could use your vacation to try Tinder in a big city this summer ?
I agree with Maestro, that's really good advice. There is really no reason to have so many portrait photos, specially if there is not an activity involved.

Personally I would try with less photos and would change the order like in my attachment:
Agree with the above, exactly how i would do it. Then adding more activity photos and a group picture.
Adrizzle said:
Man that 4th pic of you reading in bed is so good. It could be a stock photo for “hot guy reading a book”

Overall profile looks good but I think too put together. A bit staged, like a bit too clean.

Thanks a lot man! And yes, I agree that it does look a bit too clean with no low-quality social pics.

Lord Rey said:
Your photos are fucking great man ! You just lack a group picture, but your profile looks rock solid otherwise.

You already know what your problem is : your location.
That's the bottleneck of your success on Tinder, nothing will help you as much as moving to a truly big city (at least 500K pops).

I have never been to Norway, but I think it's similar to Switzerland : rich country + low density population = garbage-tier dating market.
I lived all my life in the Alps (a region with small cities of 20K to 35K pops) and I never got laid on Tinder there, even after getting into self-improvement and with Andy's coaching. All my Tinder lays are from abroad.

Yeah, I imagine it's basically the same. I've gotten laid 3 times off Tinder where I currently live, with a population of around 35k. But overall the action I'm getting from apps have been slowly dying down over the last couple of months.

Now, I currently live in Poland, in a city of nearly 800K pops. I can use the exact same profile I used in Switzerland and get laid pretty easily here. I actually did that last year, got 3 girls in a week. I could have gotten even more but logistics of vacations with my friends prevented that haha. :lol:

So, I strongly recommend you to try Tinder elsewhere. Maybe you could use your vacation to try Tinder in a big city this summer ?

100% gonna have it running this summer while I travel the states (LA, Vegas and SF), and try to get some more normal-looking photos in, esp. with a group or what have you.

maestro said:
Now, I have not read the whole thread, so pardon me if I missed something relevant.

I would delete pics 3, 5, and 8. 3&5 just do not add any value additionally, so they are more risk then reward. 8 you look kinda goofy in my opinion. Streamline your profile a little. I personaly have more results now after I deleted a few pics and run on 4 pics only.

Solid advice. My thoughts up to this point have been "more high quality pics = better profile".

IMO you lack dimension in your profile. You seem too serious. If I were a girl I would think "Is this guy having fun aswell? Does he have friends?" There is just a little bit of warmth and lightheartedness missing.

Ah fuck, yes, This has been in the back of my mind for some time. I have this idea that pics of me smiling will devalue my overall vibe, in a sense. Trying to follow Manganiello s advice I read some time back that was something like "You need to look like a total fuckboy".

But sure, the pics are amazing. I will probably try to recreate the reading photo you dit, it is just fantastic.

Consider putting the shirtless pic a bit more back. It is a little too much too early IMO.

My reasoning to have it early on has been to screen for girls that are DTF, basically, but I also imagine it might scare some girls off. Gonna bump it back to 4th place and see if there's any changes.
I also am considering swapping it out with another one where my face doesn't look so weird. I have a bunch in the same style but there again, I'm thinking things like "Weird face and great looking body, or better face and not so jacked-looking pose?"

Ocean said:
I agree with Maestro, that's really good advice. There is really no reason to have so many portrait photos, specially if there is not an activity involved.

Personally I would try with less photos and would change the order like in my attachment:

Thanks for the input!
Gonna try out your suggestion and set my location to LA, to where I'll be traveling next week.

Olafsmash said:
Agree with the above, exactly how i would do it. Then adding more activity photos and a group picture.

Yeah, the activity photos are hard to shoot by myself but I'll be making it a priority going forward. I actually shot some 700 photos of myself on Saturday while I was alone at work. As in, posing behind the mixer, sitting/standing on the stage we've got set up at the moment and such.

stuff like this, any good?:

Figured I wanted a photo of me in my work-environment, but at the same time, in my eyes it's clear that it's staged. Also, I get caught up about looking into the camera or not: if I do, it looks more staged. If I don't, I tend to have my go-to super-serious face and the vibe is more aggressive etc.
Wow, this picture with the mixing console is sick ! It's undoubtedly a great addition to your profile man.

Otherwise, great idea to change your Tinder location before moving, you can already get leads to save you time when you'll be there. Don't forget to change your bio accordingly: "Chad viking from Norway arriving in your pussy soon" haha :lol:
Lord Rey said:
Wow, this picture with the mixing console is sick ! It's undoubtedly a great addition to your profile man.

Otherwise, great idea to change your Tinder location before moving, you can already get leads to save you time when you'll be there. Don't forget to change your bio accordingly: "Chad viking from Norway arriving in your pussy soon" haha :lol:

Ay, thanks again for the input.
Lol! Idk if I even am going to try to get laid while abroad, seeing how I'm traveling with my brother.
Your profile is looking great so far for Tinder you will see a lot of easy success in the US. Can you also share your hinged profile and your prompts?

You need to figure out if LA is a Tinder Town or a Hinged city (god forbid Bumble Village). While I was over in Denver and talking to the locals there was a very anti tinder sentiment as a dirty hook up app where as hinged was the one everyone should be on (the one people would admit to their friends they were on). Do a bit of research and figure out where your target audience are advertising themselves and don't neglect everything for just 1 app.

Lastly, the photo on the decks are super important to your line up. It adds colour to your profile without you dressing like a clown to include it. If you look at the tones of your photos they're all dark which looks stylish but lacks anything that jumps out. The lights on the decks adds something that's missing from your profile without you compromising your style and image for it. Don't forget to include it I'm confident it will perform for you.
Hard2Focus said:
Ah fuck, yes, This has been in the back of my mind for some time. I have this idea that pics of me smiling will devalue my overall vibe, in a sense. Trying to follow @Manganiello s advice I read some time back that was something like "You need to look like a total fuckboy".

Diversity is important too. Like you can't seem totally one dimensional.

Once you have the fuckboy vibe established on your profile you need to show depth and diversity.

As in like "Oh he's a hot guy that likes reading"

Like Chris had a good article on it called.

Mr. Juxtaposition on GLL. Google it.

Anyway I was replying to say I have a picture of me smiling in my profile. And its interesting because I know some girls have matched with me because of that smiling pic.
Ahh the pimp with a sweet side.
From an archetype point of view, you need to show that the beast has a potential sweet side too

And I might not have enough data to support my theory here, but I wouldn't stress about "group" photos unless they are extremely cool - like if you show cool stuff outside, it's implicit that you have a social life (again, it falls in the bucket of archetypes, if you have the dj mixing photo and other 3-4 killers photos, girls will think that you are a cool dj with a great body, not a boring basement dweller)
Manganiello said:
Anyway I was replying to say I have a picture of me smiling in my profile. And its interesting because I know some girls have matched with me because of that smiling pic.

Yeah for what it’s worth smiling pics have worked good for me so far too.
Brother_Tucker said:
Can you also share your hinged profile and your prompts?

I haven't put as much energy into my Hinge profile as my Tinder account, but here it is:

Prompts for pictures are
1: Felt cute might delete later
2: My life behind the scenes
3: My weekends look like
4: Caught in the act
5: B-side of my camera roll
6: Comment if you've been there (tbf I'd prefer to delete this pic but Hinge wont let me)

Also, I'm going to put in several voice prompts, with the idea being I'll stand out more and that it's exciting to hear my voice.

Manganiello said:
Once you have the fuckboy vibe established on your profile you need to show depth and diversity.

Noted! I'm running the reading pic + the one I posted earlier where I'm fiddling with the mixer in addition to my main intense photo.

AskTheDom said:
And I might not have enough data to support my theory here, but I wouldn't stress about "group" photos unless they are extremely cool - like if you show cool stuff outside, it's implicit that you have a social life

Whenever I try to get people to snap photos of me while I'm out drinking or what have you they end up looking like dog-shit tbf. Also I don't really have a social life yet, seeing how I've only lived in my current town for 6 months and have been swamped at work most of the time.
Hard2Focus said:
Lol! Idk if I even am going to try to get laid while abroad, seeing how I'm traveling with my brother.

Why not ? What's the problem ? When I got my lays in Poland, I was traveling with 3 friends. I just needed my own room to be able to have the sexy sex, nothing more.
Obviously, scheduling dates when on vacation with someone else can be a logistical issue sometimes (that's why I limited myself to 3 girls when I could easily meet at least 5), but your brother can surely understand that you'll need some time alone when you'll have a date, can't he ?
Hard2Focus said:
Brother_Tucker said:
Can you also share your hinged profile and your prompts?

I haven't put as much energy into my Hinge profile as my Tinder account, but here it is:

Prompts for pictures are
1: Felt cute might delete later
2: My life behind the scenes
3: My weekends look like
4: Caught in the act
5: B-side of my camera roll
6: Comment if you've been there (tbf I'd prefer to delete this pic but Hinge wont let me)

Also, I'm going to put in several voice prompts, with the idea being I'll stand out more and that it's exciting to hear my voice.

Manganiello said:
Once you have the fuckboy vibe established on your profile you need to show depth and diversity.

Noted! I'm running the reading pic + the one I posted earlier where I'm fiddling with the mixer in addition to my main intense photo.

AskTheDom said:
And I might not have enough data to support my theory here, but I wouldn't stress about "group" photos unless they are extremely cool - like if you show cool stuff outside, it's implicit that you have a social life

Whenever I try to get people to snap photos of me while I'm out drinking or what have you they end up looking like dog-shit tbf. Also I don't really have a social life yet, seeing how I've only lived in my current town for 6 months and have been swamped at work most of the time.

Yeah for me me "good" group photos are with a sport team for example, or with a music band, dancing salsa/bachata, or some other things that involve a social circle that is fun, bunch of buddies getting wasted or going fishing i don't think would work.
Funny thing a friend of mine is a super good dancer, and he has photos of him dancing or together with other girls in "competition" outfits and he kills it.. makes me question a lot of the classic advices you hear "don't do this, do that" advice that is out there
Lord Rey said:
Hard2Focus said:
Lol! Idk if I even am going to try to get laid while abroad, seeing how I'm traveling with my brother.

Why not ? What's the problem ? When I got my lays in Poland, I was traveling with 3 friends. I just needed my own room to be able to have the sexy sex, nothing more.
Obviously, scheduling dates when on vacation with someone else can be a logistical issue sometimes (that's why I limited myself to 3 girls when I could easily meet at least 5), but your brother can surely understand that you'll need some time alone when you'll have a date, can't he ?

This is getting pretty deep pretty fast, but for what it's worth: Theoretically this wouldn't be a problem, when I think about it.

It's just that I'm used to having my brother making me feel guilty as hell if I'd like to do something he has a problem with. As in - if I match with some hot cuties and he don't, and I'd like to go on a date while he has to wait around it would be "unfair".

And I imagine he would talk me out of dating / trying to get laid by saying shit like "You only ever think with your dick" or "Is sex all you care about?" etc.

Same goes for me wanting to try Kratom while I'm there. He's pretty "anti drugs" kinda guy, and I can only imagine the condescending looks and sighs he'd give me if I were to take him to a vape-shop that sells that stuff.
Hard2Focus said:
It's just that I'm used to having my brother making me feel guilty as hell if I'd like to do something he has a problem with. As in - if I match with some hot cuties and he don't, and I'd like to go on a date while he has to wait around it would be "unfair".

He can do the same if he wants it. Or do I miss something ? I mean, if he really wants to get laid, he can join these forums and take the self-improvement path like you did.

Hard2Focus said:
And I imagine he would talk me out of dating / trying to get laid by saying shit like "You only ever think with your dick" or "Is sex all you care about?" etc.

Oh man, you should watch this video from Andy on this matter :

Hard2Focus said:
Same goes for me wanting to try Kratom while I'm there. He's pretty "anti drugs" kinda guy, and I can only imagine the condescending looks and sighs he'd give me if I were to take him to a vape-shop that sells that stuff.

TBH, I don't know if Kratom is good or not, never took it. I have an anti drug stance too by default, but I don't see the problem if you use it with moderation and know what you're doing.
Hard2Focus said:
Lord Rey said:
Why not ? What's the problem ? When I got my lays in Poland, I was traveling with 3 friends. I just needed my own room to be able to have the sexy sex, nothing more.
Obviously, scheduling dates when on vacation with someone else can be a logistical issue sometimes (that's why I limited myself to 3 girls when I could easily meet at least 5), but your brother can surely understand that you'll need some time alone when you'll have a date, can't he ?

This is getting pretty deep pretty fast, but for what it's worth: Theoretically this wouldn't be a problem, when I think about it.

It's just that I'm used to having my brother making me feel guilty as hell if I'd like to do something he has a problem with. As in - if I match with some hot cuties and he don't, and I'd like to go on a date while he has to wait around it would be "unfair".

And I imagine he would talk me out of dating / trying to get laid by saying shit like "You only ever think with your dick" or "Is sex all you care about?" etc.

Same goes for me wanting to try Kratom while I'm there. He's pretty "anti drugs" kinda guy, and I can only imagine the condescending looks and sighs he'd give me if I were to take him to a vape-shop that sells that stuff.

In my opinion, your brother uses shame to cope with his envy/jealousy.

Tell him to grow up and support you instead of trying to teach you what is best for you without being you.

I saw this plenty of times with my friends
Hard2Focus said:
Brother_Tucker said:
Can you also share your hinged profile and your prompts?

I haven't put as much energy into my Hinge profile as my Tinder account, but here it is:

Prompts for pictures are
1: Felt cute might delete later
2: My life behind the scenes
3: My weekends look like
4: Caught in the act
5: B-side of my camera roll
6: Comment if you've been there (tbf I'd prefer to delete this pic but Hinge wont let me)

Also, I'm going to put in several voice prompts, with the idea being I'll stand out more and that it's exciting to hear my voice.

Manganiello said:
Once you have the fuckboy vibe established on your profile you need to show depth and diversity.

Noted! I'm running the reading pic + the one I posted earlier where I'm fiddling with the mixer in addition to my main intense photo.

AskTheDom said:
And I might not have enough data to support my theory here, but I wouldn't stress about "group" photos unless they are extremely cool - like if you show cool stuff outside, it's implicit that you have a social life

Whenever I try to get people to snap photos of me while I'm out drinking or what have you they end up looking like dog-shit tbf. Also I don't really have a social life yet, seeing how I've only lived in my current town for 6 months and have been swamped at work most of the time.

Voice prompts are super strong, you can bring across so much more with one than normal prompts. Your Hinged profile is looking pretty good. Don't neglect it while you're in LA