Has anyone gotten a microneedling or laser treatment for acne scars?


Nov 29, 2021
Has anyone gotten microneedling or laser treatment for acne scars?

In my early 20s, I broke out hard with nasty cystic acne, mainly on my cheeks. While that's long gone now, I was left with lots of deep scars. This was one of my biggest sources of insecurity, and still is, though, I've learned to live with it better.

I've been doing some research and looks like besides getting full on plastic surgery on my face, microneedling and/or laser treatment look promising. I recently went to the dermatologist for a routine visit and I asked to speak with their cosmetologist. She said she'd recommend me 6 sessions at $600/pop of microneedling + peptides.

Does anyone have experience with either of these treatments?
Yeah I actually had it done when I was a teenager. Think it was called a fractal laser if memory serves. It did seem to help.
Paid Renegade said:
Yeah I actually had it done when I was a teenager. Think it was called a fractal laser if memory serves. It did seem to help.

I think I'll bite the bullet and get at least 2 sessions done then see if it's worth completing more sessions.