Help Nerdy Brown Guy Get More Dates - Rate My Pictures


Jul 30, 2020
Hey everyone.

I've been working on my profile for OLD and wanted to get some feedback so I could take it to the next level. I liked the way RussianSlimGuy structured his feedback post so going to steal that format.

Current Tinder (9/17/22):

View attachment 2

Pictures in Order:
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View attachment 5

Candidates I Skipped:
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Appreciate any thoughts you guys have, thanks!
My god, you're a Chadpreet.

1. Make sure to crop your first photo so that the date isn't visible. Looks like you may have done this.

2. Men holding cats are not viewed as attractive.

3. Replace with B4.

4. Remove. Bad facial expression.

5. Meh. A bit gay.

6. Doesn't add much.

Replace 5 or 6 with B2 and/or B3.
pancakemouse said:
My god, you're a Chadpreet.

1. Make sure to crop your first photo so that the date isn't visible. Looks like you may have done this.

2. Men holding cats are not viewed as attractive.

3. Replace with B4.

4. Remove. Bad facial expression.

5. Meh. A bit gay.

6. Doesn't add much.

Replace 5 or 6 with B2 and/or B3.

Really helpful - thanks for the review. I’ll test it out, here’s the difference in profiles:

I kept the camera photo since it shows a hobby but can replace once I get something better.
Gotta say yes, a truckload of potential here

i would roll with these 5 ( although I would also add the one where you party with your friends instead of just girls and re shoot a "male" hobby one like lifting or kayaking but with a better facial expression or someone take a shot of you while looking focused and challanged
I would remove B3 with the one of you with your friends in swimsuit. Women often don't like photos of men with only one lady, they won't assume the potential competition (eager to have your minds on it mates). The swimsuit photo show one of your hobbies or at least that you try different things and have an active life, so it adds some point.

You have a lot of potential overall, I bet you'll have some nice results !
Took AskTheDom’s advice - replaced camera photo with gym pic below:

Thinking about replacing the last gym pic with one of these two photos. What do y’all think - should I replace the photo? Which option is better?

Option 1:
View attachment 1

Option 2:
wave said:
Thinking about replacing the last gym pic with one of these two photos. What do y’all think - should I replace the photo? Which option is better?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Great idea but I wouldn’t use these.

1) I think you look a lot better on your other pics

2) Dog pics inside don’t perform nearly as good as dog pics outside
kratjeuh Paid Renegade thank you both for the feedback, will keep the profile as is. Also didn’t know that about dog pics taken inside,
I honestly think you look better without a beard - the beard is hiding your jaw.
pancakemouse said:
I honestly think you look better without a beard - the beard is hiding your jaw.

Damn that’s tough to hear, I kinda like having the beard. Reception has been good from girls who’ve seen me without it, but people do often say I have a good jawline so I can see why the clean shaven look could be better. I feel I look really young with no beard, so having it gives me a little confidence boost.
wave said:
pancakemouse said:
I honestly think you look better without a beard - the beard is hiding your jaw.

Damn that’s tough to hear, I kinda like having the beard. Reception has been good from girls who’ve seen me without it, but people do often say I have a good jawline so I can see why the clean shaven look could be better. I feel I look really young with no beard, so having it gives me a little confidence boost.

Yeah, this could be male gaze vs. female gaze. I told a brown friend the same thing recently, and he said he agreed but simply found that women just loved the beard because it conveyed masculinity, even though it looked "worse".
I don't have much to add to the feedback others gave but I wanted to come in and say you're a great example for others here to look up to. Obviously photography is a hobby of yours so you've put work into your profile. Over time you can get good photos... good inspiration for people who aren't getting good photos yet.

Heck I fucking sucked at first, but got much much better over time. Ed_ said this to me (I've taken photos for him for 2 years so far) and KillYourInnerLoser said this on a podcast a while ago.

Just keep it up and you'll get results.
Considering replacing one of my photos with one of two new portrait shots below. Potentially replacing my first photo.

Any thoughts on if these photos are profile worthy? If so, which one is best?

Attached my current profile for reference too.
wave said:
Considering replacing one of my photos with one of two new portrait shots below. Potentially replacing my first photo.

Any thoughts on if these photos are profile worthy? If so, which one is best?

Attached my current profile for reference too.


Personally, I think you crush the clean shaven look, man. Looks like the beard really hides your jawline (which is really solid). How do you feel about parting ways with the beard and taking similar pictures?
natedawg - thanks man, I’m not totally opposed to shaving. I’m going to test this photo through Tinder and IG to see how it performs first. If I shave the beard, may try a moustache to see how it looks. Although guessing clean shaven is best.
I think it looks good.

If you shape the under-area and edge area, you can keep the benefits of the jawline + have the facial hair