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Help with BDSM profile


Dec 9, 2021
So I’m trying to switch my Tinder from “find relationship” to “as much kinky sex as possible.” I have no idea how to do this, and I have no clue how to top. So I really need experience and help getting there. I’ve got at least 60 lbs to lose: from 208 to 148. Also, Andy, since I don’t know what I’m doing at all, I just copied some of your photos and bio ideas. I hope you don’t mind, but you’re so damn good at this, and I don’t know where to start.

Photos: https://tinder.com/@jakenicholls


Don’t be afraid to say hey. I’ll take care of the rest. Blindfolds are much more fun than turning the lights off.

- Dominant
- Open to all shapes and sizes
- Ethically non-monogamous
- Coach, podcast lover, guitar player
- Loves animals, the Earth, and lazy days
- 2021 cuddle champion

Proud Hitachi wand owner. Aftercare is important to me. Sense of humor is a must. Last photo is my homie.

Hope I can get myself to remotely fuckable soon, because this is fucking miserable. Current diet should be losing 3-4 lbs a week, so I’ll hit my goal in 4-5 months. Way too long for my tastes, but I fucked my body up with ice cream and Jack in the Box, so nobody to blame but myself.

Thanks, guys.
How much BDSM experience do you have? Your main log says 6 lays so unless you had some spicy LTRs you might not be experienced enough to run a BDSM profile. It’s not just profile quality, it’s that you risk having an off vibe in person if you’re talking more shit than you can back up. You also have 3 bios, which IMO reads a little odd.
ytlord said:
How much BDSM experience do you have? Your main log says 6 lays so unless you had some spicy LTRs you might not be experienced enough to run a BDSM profile. It’s not just profile quality, it’s that you risk having an off vibe in person if you’re talking more shit than you can back up. You also have 3 bios, which IMO reads a little odd.
6 lays isn't the main issue I see here. The biggest sticking point is the lack of quality photos, OP needs to looksmaxx and retake photos with better expressions. In my opinion, that should be taken care of first before trying to add niche BDSM photos.

The congruence issue is interesting though, because I feel like I have the same problem portraying myself as a nice guy when my behavior is becoming more fuckboy like.
Your profile lacks congruency imo.

Pic 1 - Quality is good, but the facial expression can be a bit better. Maybe try smirking?
Pic 2 - Quite the jump going from serious, dominant BDSM guy to you cheesing it. Lacks consistency.
Pic 3 - Stock photo of a girl in handcuffs right after your smiling photo. Just sends mixed signals as to what you're gunning for.
Pic 4 - Just an odd expression almost as if you're confused.
Pic 5 - Feels like you just threw this one here to have another "hobby" pic. Doesn't really show much.
Pic 6 - Not really sure what's going with the fashion here. Is this a halloween pic? Why is one arm of yours orange?
Pic 7 - Seems meh.
You're not ready for this.

Your photos don't portray you as someone who is going to deliver a sexy fun BDSM experience, it feels bolted on to a normal profile. I would work on the regular style profile until you can get to 20 then a lot of your questions about optimizing will answer themselves for you.
so I can assure you that you don't need to have a truly "congruent" set of photos to pull of a dominant bdsm profile. All of my pictures show me smiling with no BDSM imagery and its not a big deal at all, I get plenty of date with submissive women. It's how you qualify in text game that will take care of that issue.

as Squilliam alluded to your picture quality is really quite poor to be honest buddy.

Here my feedback.

pic 1: okay, probably you best one
pic 2: I understand you're trying to replicate Andy's pic but you're comes across serial killerish. Its not a good vibe. Remove it asap. In general don't take pics with your glasses and use contacts if possible.
pic 3: not my favorite but I guess its okay
pic 4: Your worst pic by far. That needs to get removed asap
pic 5: doesn't add value. I get you're going for an activity photo but dump it
pic 6: the outfit is really bad in this pic. dump it
pic 7: try cropping out your friend. You don't want to appear short in your picture which you do in this one.

Overall you need to scrap most of these pictures and actually put effort into getting better photos if you want better results. I am currently at 19% body fat and am not even close to look maxed and I get tons of matches because I maximize my picture quality. My point is its not your weight that's hurting your results. Its how you portray yourself in your profile.

Also remember, less is more. I would rather you have 2-3 pictures that were okay / solid versus 7 where 5 were awful which is what you have right now.

Other thoughts about the bio. Tech at Tech is not intriguing. I would need to know what you do more to make it more provocative but I would change that for sure. DM me your actual job if you want help on fixing that.

The Bio needs work too.

Here's mine

5’11” | (my location)

Passionate about building my business, adventuring the world & my weight loss journey

- Dominant but a gentleman
- Brave enough to deal with spiders
- Master home chef cooking epic Italian & Mexican dishes
- Expert cuddler

Weaknesses: Great Ass, Longer Hair, Cute Accents, Intelligence and Hoodie Thieves

PS: Blindfolds are much more fun than turning the lights off (insert devil emoji)

and here are my suggested changes to yours

Insert Height (unless you're below 5'10, if you're within 2 inches or 5'10 then just put 5'10 and be aware of it if you go on a date with a taller girl above 5'7) / insert your location

Insert something very short about yourself that makes you unique or qualifies you . See my example from my bio but just reply with some of your interests and things your proud of and I will help you with it. Other examples would be like

examples could be
Passionate about whispering sexy (insert foreign language you know) sayings in your ear, Traveling the world, becoming a podcast mogul, changing the world with my magical fingers (if you program / code). Stuff like that that will be polarizing and provocative without being over the top sexual)

- The ideal blend of Dominant & Romantic
- Spontaneous Guitar Serenades
- Adventurous Explorer
- Expert cuddler

Weaknesses: (put in a few qualities you like in a partner. don't put in all shapes and sizes, it makes girls think you will take anything which doesn't make them feel desirable or unique). Here are some of my suggestions, pick like 4 only from below (or add your own if you like other traits)

Flirty sense of humor, open minded, down to earth, adventurous spirit, stylish, cute accents, nice ass, hoodie thieves, longer hair, mischievous smiles

PS: Blindfolds are much more fun than turning the lights off (insert smiling devil emoji)