Help with Tinder photos


Jan 18, 2022
Hey everyone, I contacted a couple photographers today to get some Tinder photos on the first few days of February, however I'm wondering what should I try to portray, here's my current Tinder Pics

I know they're awful, as those are when I was trying to meet people by advice from my therapist, I'm not sure where to begin with tbh, I currently have 0 friends, which is why I'm hiring a photographer, not sure what should I even be doing in the photos, any advice will be much appreciated (already contacted a barber to see what they can help with hairstyle and so on too, however I really dislike short hair on me)
Have you already read the tinder guide?

As mentioned in there & like what Manganiello says in this post, you need to come across as a confident douchebag. It might seem counter-intuitive since you're looking for a girlfriend but nice guy pics aren't going to cut it on apps where girls have 100s if not 1000s of guys to sift through.

Read the picture part of this post as well.

You may want to tone down how much of a douche you look if you're aiming to go out with girls around your age range, may set off some societal programming alarms in their head and make them think you'll only be around for a short time rather than that you were looking for a girlfriend but experiment and see what works.
TimmyTurner agree with everything, but I'd say aim for a douche still. Cuz I have plenty of relationship seekers that match with me and my profile is pretty douchy.


What helped me was going through instagram and finding guys with mostly girl followers.

Ed Westwick
Justin Bieber
Zac Efron

I would go through each picture. And try and guess how many likes that picture got. Then I'd look at the guess and see how accurate my guess was.

That really gave me a sense of what girls were reacting to.

I did that a lot.

Honestly I pretty.much devoted two weeks to understand what girls likes in a photograph.

So when I loaded my tinder profile it pretty much launched straight into results.
(I had 4 lays within 2 weeks of starting tinder)

The look and feel of the persona you're creating in your profile is largely what will net you high conversions.
TimmyTurner said:
Have you already read the tinder guide?

As mentioned in there & like what @Manganiello says in this post, you need to come across as a confident douchebag. It might seem counter-intuitive since you're looking for a girlfriend but nice guy pics aren't going to cut it on apps where girls have 100s if not 1000s of guys to sift through.

Read the picture part of this post as well.

You may want to tone down how much of a douche you look if you're aiming to go out with girls around your age range, may set off some societal programming alarms in their head and make them think you'll only be around for a short time rather than that you were looking for a girlfriend but experiment and see what works.

Yup first thing I did was read the guide, that's also why I wanna get a new phone and hire a photographer, I'm not quite sure what it means look like a dougebag, what exactly should I replicate, the guide also starts by saying to focus on your goal, which to me is get a girlfriend, I don't really care about getting laid, Ijust went to Zach Efron's Ig and funny enough, the ones were he's having a good time being silly seems to have more likes (even the girl I hanged out with liked that one lol!), so I'm quite confused here about how should I portray myself, I read Manganiello's guide but it being mostly text, I couldn't really make up a mental image so I can replicate something, is there any good visual reference I can look for?
Balanzing said:
TimmyTurner said:
Have you already read the tinder guide?

As mentioned in there & like what @Manganiello says in this post, you need to come across as a confident douchebag. It might seem counter-intuitive since you're looking for a girlfriend but nice guy pics aren't going to cut it on apps where girls have 100s if not 1000s of guys to sift through.

Read the picture part of this post as well.

You may want to tone down how much of a douche you look if you're aiming to go out with girls around your age range, may set off some societal programming alarms in their head and make them think you'll only be around for a short time rather than that you were looking for a girlfriend but experiment and see what works.

Yup first thing I did was read the guide, that's also why I wanna get a new phone and hire a photographer, I'm not quite sure what it means look like a dougebag, what exactly should I replicate, the guide also starts by saying to focus on your goal, which to me is get a girlfriend, I don't really care about getting laid, Ijust went to Zach Efron's Ig and funny enough, the ones were he's having a good time being silly seems to have more likes (even the girl I hanged out with liked that one lol!), so I'm quite confused here about how should I portray myself, I read Manganiello's guide but it being mostly text, I couldn't really make up a mental image so I can replicate something, is there any good visual reference I can look for?

Hmm trying to give a good answer.

Tbh I spent a lot of time paying attention to hot girls boyfriends. And who girls would eye fuck when a guy walked by.

Backwards hat. Lean. Sometimes tattoos. Dressed pretty cool.

This isn't a 5 minute task. Like I literally spent hours upon hours trying to get a feel for it.

Go look at the tatted up guys on any bachelorette or love island show.

Like just start paying attention.

If I describe it, you'll be lost. Cuz you need to get a sense of it yourself.

You need to go out there. Do your own research and start feeling it out. Like you should be able to see a guy on the street and think: that guy gets stared at by girls...and then literally see girls at that same guy a moment later.

There's no shortcut.

Go and do the research on it and deeply get a feel for it.

It wasn't obvious to me at the start either.

lacroix and colgate tagging you guys because you asked me about this before about Tinder pics.

Do research on it and set aside time to get a feel for it.

I describe a 'feel for it' as I said earlier. You see a guy and you can make an accurate prediction that you'll see other girls stare at him later.

I don't have the highest lay count on the forum when it comes to online. But I think the speed of my success speaks to that I knew what to aim for.

...And I knew what to aim for because I spent a lot of time trying to understand and be able to predict which guys girls thought were hot.
Think you can have a look at this page as well:

The "after" profile of the people shows a reference of good pictures