Help with tinder pics


Sep 12, 2022
Hello everybody,

I need your help to pic my best pictures so that I can get as beautiful women as possible.
I get matches on tinder and can meet women but my problem is that I want more beautiful women.

Can you please rate the six of my best pictures? And rate them in order?

This is the link to my google drive :
If you want more beautiful women, you need to be doing social circle/warm approach, not online.

Your photos are not the issue.
Google drive is kinda dogshit so I’m just going by thumbnails. Since I can’t seem to open full pictures I won’t give you a specific set or order, only general advice.

Your physique is obviously elite, you have a good haircut and facial aesthetics. The main issue is that these pictures make you look like a loner. You will likely greatly benefit from social and hobby pictures, though your physique pics are good enough that you can definitely have success without these.

You could also add more edge to your outfits. Your clothes fit well and look good but you lack accessories and more “street” styles.
Just wondering, what kinds of girls are you matching with? You look pretty damn good and pancake makes an excellent point. If you think about it, the hottest of women will not be using online dating; they simply don't need it.
Thank you very very much for your comments.
The thing is I want to know which ones are the best?

For instance the selfie that is tilted has gotten very beautiful girls but not many matches.
However the one where I have a white t shirt and the head is tilted a little bit backwards has gotten alooot of matches but a lot of of girls don't reply.

I get like women that are like a 6 och 7. But want 8 or 9.

All well,
ytlord said:
Google drive is kinda dogshit so I’m just going by thumbnails. Since I can’t seem to open full pictures I won’t give you a specific set or order, only general advice.

Your physique is obviously elite, you have a good haircut and facial aesthetics. The main issue is that these pictures make you look like a loner. You will likely greatly benefit from social and hobby pictures, though your physique pics are good enough that you can definitely have success without these.

You could also add more edge to your outfits. Your clothes fit well and look good but you lack accessories and more “street” styles.

Thank you very much for your answer.
But the pictures have a name and you can also describe the colors of clothes then I will know which one is the best?

Yes I indeed need more accessories. Thank you!
Squilliam said:
Just wondering, what kinds of girls are you matching with? You look pretty damn good and pancake makes an excellent point. If you think about it, the hottest of women will not be using online dating; they simply don't need it.

Thank you very much for your comment.
I get a lot of women that are 6 or 7. Some are 9 but they are not my type.
I just want to get ore matches with beautiful women so I can get casual dates or something more serious.

So where are the hottest women then? Instagram?
If on instagram I cannot follow people there because it becomes like a spam behavior and I don't want people to recognize me everywhere.
TheWarrior said:
The thing is I want to know which ones are the best?
I didn't comment on that because I'm a newbie (if my signature didn't already tell you that, lmao). I'll let more experienced users speak on that.

My assumption would be that the hottest women are out in the real world, not on dating apps. Yeah, there's instagram, but every hot girl will have hundreds if not thousands of message requests, it'll be difficult to stand out unless you're verified or something. Pancake said warm approach/social circle, so there's your answer. Surprised he didn't mention cold approach though.

Think about it this way. Even average to slightly above average girls get flooded with attention on dating apps and instagram. Can you imagine what it would be like for a 9/10 girl?

Simply put, girls who are really hot meet enough (desirable) guys through other avenues in their lives that they do not need dating apps. I have heard that some women use dating apps because they're unsatisfied with their options in real life, but I doubt this is true for top tier women.
Squilliam said:
TheWarrior said:
The thing is I want to know which ones are the best?
I didn't comment on that because I'm a newbie (if my signature didn't already tell you that, lmao). I'll let more experienced users speak on that.

My assumption would be that the hottest women are out in the real world, not on dating apps. Yeah, there's instagram, but every hot girl will have hundreds if not thousands of message requests, it'll be difficult to stand out unless you're verified or something. Pancake said warm approach/social circle, so there's your answer. Surprised he didn't mention cold approach though.

Think about it this way. Even average to slightly above average girls get flooded with attention on dating apps and instagram. Can you imagine what it would be like for a 9/10 girl?

Simply put, girls who are really hot meet enough (desirable) guys through other avenues in their lives that they do not need dating apps. I have heard that some women use dating apps because they're unsatisfied with their options in real life, but I doubt this is true for top tier women.

Instagram works. I have gotten more beautiful women from instagram.
Problem is that you have to follow a lot of women there.
That's the problem and they see you and I don't like that because then I get known as that guy that follows alot of women...