Help With Tinder Profile (Rate Pics)


Aug 5, 2020
Hey guys,

Been around for a while, was on GLL starting from 10 years ago during the OG days when I was 15 (25 now).

(Humble brag) I've gotten the whole getting laid from cold approach down. And by getting laid from cold approach, I mean can CONSISTENTLY pull from bars every 2-4 outings and have reliably pulled from day time a good amount of times (although I rarely have time for day approaches nowadays except for the occasional as I go about my day, so mainly rely on bars now)

But I have yet to crack online dating.

Recently decided to put some effort and take pro pics. for online.

For Tinder: I'm shadowbanned from a history of resetting/deleting account>have confirmed and will be doing a hard reset with a new device soon.

In the meantime been using hinge / bumble and not impressed by the matches (unless shadowbanned on there too) Either I don't have a relaistic expecttaion of matches on bumble/hinge or profile isn't working out and I'm still missing something.

What do you guys think of the pics?

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How many matches are you week, and how many profiles are you liking per day/week? What rating of girl is your minimum swipe?

That would help determine whether it all makes sense or not.

Photos 2/3/4 are great. 1 is not ideal because you have sunglasses on (you also look a bit stiff). 5 is low quality and you're wearing the same outfit as 1.

What is your sixth photo on Hinge?
I think your pics look good, although your last one is definitely the lowest quality. Can you find a group picture that isn't a selfie?

>I've gotten the whole getting laid from cold approach down. And by getting laid from cold approach, I mean can CONSISTENTLY pull from bars every 2-4 outings and have reliably pulled from day time a good amount of times (although I rarely have time for day approaches nowadays except for the occasional as I go about my day, so mainly rely on bars now)

Can I ask how long it took you to get to this point? I'm just curious.

photo 1 was a walking pic but cropped...but got it, wont use it as a main profile anymore.

Sixth photo, I had a dog photo. Literally just of my friends dog as a placeholder, since I wanted to narrow down by having what I thought was my top 4 or 5 photos.....since I didn't know what pics might be getting me disqualified. Adding a 6th would have been too much variable in my opinion (that was my thought process)

For Hinge: I was swiping 50-100 a day as of the last week...I seem to be averaging 1 match a day. Girls I'm swiping on are 6 and above in my books (5 being average looking on my rating scale and 6 being cute)

For Bumble: I swipe similar to hinge. one day I got like 5 matches...then dead for 3 days....then 1-2 matches,etc. (According to a friend he thinks I might be shadowbanned since I reset my accounts so much like tinder. He said he went from getting 50+ matches in a day to only 2 matches when he deleted his account and remade it)

Are those realistic matches for hinge based on your experience? bumble?

Jamgoth Thanks! appreciate it!

For the cold approach I been doing it since 15>first found the old pickup stuff at late age 14, then at 15 found RSD. Then mid late 15 found GLL.
Immediately started doing AA drills at end of age 15. Cold approached and logged thousands of approaches I tracked at 16. Started being able to get makeouts from day time approaches end of age 16.
Had terrible logistcs>being with parents,etc so my pulling was very bad. And my looks was not up to par so had to approach so many women to get anythig out of it.

Continued looks maxxing.

Better results at age 18 but still not as good. 3 lays in a year was all I could do from so many cold approches...and at this time for that year I got a job as a club promoter under the table /since it's illegal for that age. so did a ton of club game +day time approaches all day pretty much. Tons of makeouts...only a few pulls a year

At 21, my looks max journey really kicked in..lowered body fat from years of bulking, upgraded style and noticed immediate increase in attention from women. Like evry very noticeable as in women complimenting me on the street,etc.

At 21 is when I really was getting consistent dates almost every weekend from cold approach. Day time was a killer for me because I'd take my laptop to work out of the cafe and since I'm by the veach, so many girls to approach during the day as I go from cafe to cafe or to grab lunch.
Night time was still meh for me...I could only pull a few times from the bars but not consistent. Day time thou was a different story...could get a lot of dates and could pull of insta lays.

Covid lockdown fucked me up 22 and 23.

At 23, I solved the bar thing. I took it more seriously and started experimenting with lots of different things and improved my looks even more.
Was finally able to pull consistently from it where I actually now think night time is way better than day time. The average becomes pulling in 2-4 or so outings at a bar.

I found out for bars the trick is just like day time. During day time when I pulled...I'd always "screen girls for a few mins including their logistics + ask them to hang out with me fir a few mins aka what ppl call insta dates. Then treat it like a date and escalate

The bar is literally the same thing. Screen girls quickly and ask the girl to "hang out with you". The "hang out" at night depends on the situation. This can mean pulling her away separately to a couch or a better place away from friends to talk more alone.
Sometimes if t I know for 100% that the girl is really feeling me but for some reason cant leave her friends just yet and I've screened logistics early>>Then the "hang out" becomes hanging out with her near her friends and treat it again like a date. Aka dance with her,etc make out,etc

or sometimes it might mean having my friends join her friends and merge it into one big group so we all "hang out" together. This gives me and my girl more one on one time while the whole group is busy.

Depending on the situation, a "hangout" can mean walking on the street or going to the beach at night such as if I met the girl on the street outside of a bar. Pulled so many girls like this. Approach..screen for a few seconds, if shes feeling me>>Ask her to hangout with me for a few mins or to cancel her uber and tlel her it'll be fun. Then I usually suggest the beach,etc and see what sticks for a hangout or I just say "adventure" we'll figure it out.

And we go to the beach,etc...hang out there, make out. Then from there the pull is sealed just like a date.

So for night time the goal and what you should track should be "how many instant hangouts you get". Not how many approaches. Not how many makeouts. If you can get multiple hangouts in a night your chance of getting laid is pretty high..usually most night all you need is 1-2 of these hangouts to happen. And to make those happen you need to spam approach. I'm thinking in terms of approaching 50+ women in the night so I pick the places I go to carefully where I can spam and bar hop so I'm not low on volume that night.

One last thing, the only time I go for number/instagram is if after I quickly screen a girl I notice I can't get her to "hangout" with me (bbeing pulled by friends,etc) then I take her insta and text her immediately that it was nice meeting her.

I have had girls text me "where are you?" and try to come find me after if they were into me but couldnt at the time. And usually also text them especially closing time, and sometimes some of these girls convert to go to their after party or to "sneak off with you",etc

Hope that helps for now
rebel said:
For Hinge: I was swiping 50-100 a day as of the last week...I seem to be averaging 1 match a day. Girls I'm swiping on are 6 and above in my books (5 being average looking on my rating scale and 6 being cute)

For Bumble: I swipe similar to hinge. one day I got like 5 matches...then dead for 3 days....then 1-2 matches,etc. (According to a friend he thinks I might be shadowbanned since I reset my accounts so much like tinder. He said he went from getting 50+ matches in a day to only 2 matches when he deleted his account and remade it)

Are those realistic matches for hinge based on your experience? bumble?

That match rate seems realistic, yeah. 1 match a day should be enough to do something with, especially since Hinge girls tend to be pretty responsive.

Bumble doesn't shadowban, and in any case you're not shadowbanned if you're getting matches. Bumble can be finicky, especially if you're not in the preferred capital W-hite Anglo Saxon Protestant archetype. I was getting like two messages a month, meanwhile I was getting 20-30 matches a month on Tinder (free plans for both).
Yeah I virtually only got Bumble matches when I ran their free (with subscription) weekly "spotlight". Seems pay-to-win.

Oddly, my swiping first on Bumble seemed to never get me matches. I only got matches via viewing the girls who have already liked me during the spotlight.

And FWIW, Bumble girls for me have been extremely cuck compared to Hinge girls.
arcade_fireee Yup will experiment more with bumble.

jakeD Good to see you on here bro. It has been a while! Thanks bro! Hope you're doing well my guy!