Hinge - So and so has invited you to start the chat


Jun 11, 2020
Ok gents, this is a simple question but I’m curious how you all handle this.

You send a girl the “hey, you’re sexy” message and they match with you. However, they don’t reply to the message. What do you do?

1. Repeat the message
2. Send something else
3. Move on
SIGMA_1234 said:
If I were you, I'd just move on. Can't control a girl's response anyway.

The thing is it’s not an isolated incident. I’ve had 5 girls in a row do that. It seems to be an odd quirk with Hinge because you can send a message during your like and girls are just clicking like back to match.
Have you tried checking if this happens with 30 girls so far? 5 seems to be a small sample size, no?

Disclaimer, I use Bumble. In here, girls have to message me first. I've had girls message me, chat for a bit, and fall off, too. More than 5 in fact. So I'll still keep moving.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
benstrong26 said:
wever, they don’t reply to the message. What do you do?

So over the last 2 years I've tried a million different ways to get her to respond after not responding to my first message. Want to know how many respond? Almost zero.

You're welcome to experiment and try different messages and see if you can get any to respond. I suspect you'll end up like me, realising it's just a waste of time. I wrote about it here:
Unmatch/Delete Numbers of Girls Who Haven’t Replied

Totally agree that this applies in most cases, but this Hinge situation is different. She technically did reply by matching with you, she just didn’t respond to the prompt. I’ve found that if I literally just type the same message again I get a response.

My theory is that girls on Hinge have a ton of likes and since you can only see one at a time, they don’t take the time to answer each prompt.

Maybe I should just go the chado approach and not bothering sending a message on the initial like haha